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The Perfect Staycation – 6 Local Ideas This Summer

By Blog, Inspiration, Simple Living No Comments

Happy Summer!!


With all this lovely sunshine ☀️, I’m right in the mood to plan some adventures – and where better to begin than in my own backyard?

Let’s get right into it!

What IS a Staycation?

A staycation is an alternative to the traditional vacation. Staycation quite literally means a stay-in, vacation!

This allows you to be fully present without the many additional stresses of travel, and to spend quality time alone, or the people that really matter in your life 🤍

It can be easy to take your most important relationships in life for granted, including the one with yourself. When you’re caught up in work and life tensions, you can often overlook the small joys in life with those you love.

These kinds of vacations are great because they are totally customizable. You can make it an expensive, pampering, luxury stay, or as different and unique as you like!

A vacation often requires an extensive plan and a long journey. If you’re headed to a more remote place, sometimes you’ll need to plan even multiple methods of travel. And maybe learn a little of another language! 😵‍💫 This can easily turn overwhelming. With that being said…

Welcome to the staycation!


Benefits of a Staycation

Planning this type of vacation usually involves staying at home and visiting local attractions. Some people may also choose to stay at a local hotel.

With a staycation, you won’t have to worry about catching a tour bus or flight on time. And you will save several thousands of dollars. Even more ideal if you have a large family! 💸

You will be able to enjoy more time with yourself. There isn’t any packing to do, just relaxing, and you can forget about the extra suitcases needed for babies, toddlers, or multiple kids to manage.

What to Consider, and How to Plan

Are you going to go for more of a family setting, romantic couples-oriented stay, or do you relish some solace alone? Tropical or home-style oasis? Do you want to decorate, or just declutter and relax in your newly calmed space? Decide on the purpose, and you can create any theme imaginable!

You also have the option to stay in your own city or visit a nearby one. Your stay-in vacation can really be that – staying in – or you can plan to visit some local attractions and events.

Be a tourist in your own city!

6 Ideas for the Perfect Staycation


1. Get Outside

A great way to soak up the sunshine and connect with those you love is to plan a local hiking trip with your sibling or best friend. If you’re not a rigorous hiker, you could also go walking around a new neighborhood to see some different sights!

Planning a picnic with family or friends is always fun too! 🧺 Each person can bring a different dish potluck-style or you can create your own charcuterie boards.

It’s also super trendy right now to decorate your picnic blanket with pillows, a small communal table, flowers, and the like 🌼

Being influenced by new recipes will also help you improve your own cooking skills. And who doesn’t love to be surrounded by delicious food, favourite people, and beautiful scenery?

2. Restyle your Home

Curtains are an easy decor change, but one that makes a lot of impact! Consider swapping to something more light and fresh, or if you’re going for a tropical theme, colorful and citrusy!

You can also rearrange your furniture (I love this!) to create small conversation nooks. Make sure to allot plenty of walking space in between pieces. Move furniture away from the windows to let in more natural light and create a sense of “breezability.”


3. Declutter to Reduce Stress

Staying inside when your house is cluttered and cramped with “stuff” – not relaxing.

Putting on some jazzy music, pouring a glass of wine (this is vacation right?😉), and sorting that procrastinated mountain of mail verrrry relaxing.

Sort through the pieces of decor you feel need a refresher and set them aside to be replaced or moved to another location in your home. Also sift through your miscellaneous everyday items and your closets for linens, board games, and storage.

Think of a lovely resort – it’s not filled with clutter and unused items. It highlights complimentary decor pieces that have a relaxing, inspiring feel. And gives you plenty of open space.

While you’re relaxing at home, work on creating that sense of lightness and openness you’re craving – so you can keep it all year long.

4. Host a Wine Tasting

A really fun, social idea!

Invite some friends over and have each couple bring one bottle of wine that is cheaper, and one more expensive. Place them in paper bags (to hide the labels), then everyone can try them and choose favourites, before revealing which was the finer wine 😄

This event needs a couple pre-event materials like a corkscrew, two decanters, wine glasses, simple palate-cleansing snacks, and if you’re feeling crafty, wine glass charms! These charms would even be an extra little fun activity to make.

Want to host an even more memorable night? Make a charcuterie board or appetizer plate.

Alternatively, if you live near some wineries, most tour companies offer a package for a guided (optionally romantic🌹) “Staycation-Themed” wine tour.


5. Indoor Oasis at Home

Do you have a spare room at home?

This could be a blank canvas for you to create a fun, tropical indoor oasis all year round. This is also a great activity to get the kids and whole family involved!

Some great additions could be hammocks, tropical plants, a misting machine, painting patterns or using wall stickers. And for reading materials, travel magazines and books!

A great spot to decompress from work and it will help you feel like you’re a million miles away.



6. Try Out a New Restaurant

What about checking out that new place on the corner you see every day on your drive home from work? The one that is always busy, full of people laughing, and pumping out great music!

This is a fantastic (and delicious!) way to support a local small business and try something new at the same time.

Or head out appy-hopping on a downtown street with yummy tapas-style restaurants.

Try a few dishes at each place!


So What Will Your Staycation Plans Be?

Start planning your staycation now while the ideas are flowing! You deserve it 😌

Make a list of all the local attractions that you have always wanted to enjoy. Search up the new restaurants and entertainment venues in your area. Check your city’s local events calendar!

And savour going easy on your mind and body.


Comment below to share your relaxing summer plans!

And which staycation tip will YOU try out?



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gym bag organization

Gym Bag Essentials Checklist

By Blog, Checklists, Closet Organizing, Home Organizing, Time Management No Comments

Have you ever gone to the gym, worked out, showered and realized you forget to bring your towel?  Ooops, that’s no fun trying to dry yourself off with your sweaty workout clothes or sweaty gym towel.  Yuk!  Or have you ever forgot to bring body wash, realize your shampoo bottle is empty, forgot your flip flops, hair brush, blow dryer or the one thing you hope never happens to you, undergarments (oh my that’s uncomfortable).  A gym bag essentials checklist saves the day!  I’m sure you can relate one way or the other.  I know I can.  “Been there, done that” as they saying goes!

Create a Checklist for Routine Tasks

Going to the gym at 5:30 am is very early for me and I’m hitting the snooze button a few times to squeeze every last minute of shut eye that I can possibly get before I need to jump out of bed, get dressed, brush my teeth, grab my gym bag and go.  Just ask my husband.  I know I’m not alone on this one. Maybe you can relate to this as well.

Use Checklists for Routine Tasks

Since going to the gym was a new routine and I didn’t like wasting time in the morning or having a really bad hair day, the logical side of me decided to create a gym bag essentials checklist. One of my top tips on how to organize your life is to create checklists for routine tasks you do on a regular basis, like packing your gym bag three times a week.

So I sat down at my computer and created my first gym bag essentials checklist and you can download it here and create your own. It’s super easy when you have something to look at and follow. So take my Gym Bag Essentials Checklist and make it your own.

Create Multiple Copies

Getting organized is easy when you know what to do and how to do it. This leads me to another one of my top organizing tips when using checklists. Create multiple copies and place them where you’ll see them. Place a copy of your checklist in your gym bag, by your toothbrush and in your toiletries bag. These are all logical places and great reminders to help jog your memory so you don’t forget to pack what you need in your gym bag.

Time-saving Workouts

Organizing your gym bag is one thing to accomplish, it’s another to actually go and work out!  Driving to the gym, working out for an hour, then driving back home or to work can take 1.5 hours out of your day and frankly who has that kind of time when there is so much to get done today.  Thankfully there are some very effective workouts that you can do at home or when you travel.  My favorite workout is JJ Virgins 4×4 video’s that I can watch on my laptop, iPad or iPhone if I really wanted to.  JJ’s Fit Clut 4×4 video’s pack a whole of of workout in 15 minutes and you can modify them when you’re travelling.

Gym Bag Essentials Checklist for Peace of Mind

The next time you forget to pack something, ask yourself “do I have a checklist for that?”  And in case you’re one of those people who are always running late and dashing out the door wondering if you forgot something, take 15 minutes now to create a simple checklist for certain routine tasks.  Checklists are one of the best ways to getting organized and will give you peace of mind that you’ll have what you need when you need it!


Vacation Planning- A Checklist Template to Make it Easy

By Blog, Free Articles, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

checklistMy Experience

For over 15 years my family has been going to the same time-share vacation where we relax by the pool reading books, golfing, bike rides, tennis, and having fun playing card games with the kids.  Our family shares a tradition of daily ice-cream buffet after dinner.  Yummy!  Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.  The kids love this and there are all kinds of toppings, gummy bears, sprinkles, Oreo cookies and other treats to pile on the three different flavours of ice-cream.  Using the whip cream maker, with real whip cream, to top off our sundaes is a favorite for the kids. In truth it is a fun treat for everyone.  I could live on  ice cream!

 The AH-HA Checklist Moment

After a few years of packing too much stuff to take with us, planning the meals and buying groceries, I had an ah-ha moment.  Hey, we take the same things every year, and I’m wasting a lot of time planning out the meals. Not to mention trying to find out what everyone likes to eat and who’s bringing what.  Often times, there would be too much food and we would end up doubling up on purchasing some things.  Finally, I decided to simplify the planning and packing process for this family vacation.  I created a meal plan, grocery list and packing checklist.  What a huge time saver these checklists were for us, and other family members.  Not to mention a great way to help save money.

We keep the meals simple, healthy and easy to prepare.  Then add in a few special treats.  Creating the meal plan is now easy every year.  All I need to do is find out how many are coming, any changes in food preferences, decide how many days we’ll be golfing and I can easily adjust the meal plan and grocery list accordingly.  We bring several items from home and buy fresh produce when we arrive.  You’ll also notice that there are columns to check off who’s going to bring what items on the checklist.  It literally takes me 20 minutes each year to adjust the meal plan and grocery checklist.   And get this, family members email me in advance asking for the packing checklist and grocery checklist so they can be organized.  See, you can even organize your entire family with a few simple checklists (ha, ha, ha)!

Don’t reinvent the wheel, I’ve attached all three checklists for so that you can customize it for your unique summer vacation.  You will see how simple these checklists are – no need to get super fancy here.  This document was created in MS Excel and inside the document are three seperate “sheets” or “documents” – Menu, Groceries, and Packing List.  I’ve done all the hard work for you by creating the document, now it’s your turn to tweak it for your summer vacation.

This summer, save time, reduce stress and relax knowing that you have a checklist and you’ve packed what you needed!

Post a comment below if this packing checklist was helpful.  I love hearing from you all!

 Get your checklist template now-