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The Death by Money Report

The Death by Money Report

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The Death by Money ReportAre you Dead or Alive with Money?

There is no doubt that with, or without money, it’s a topic that causes uncertainty today. In many cases, money anxiety can lead to divorce, illness, investment loss, business failure, family turmoil, and a life unlived! The solution to financial issues, however, is a paradigm shift away from conventional wisdom that promotes ‘spend less than you earn, get out of debt and, save more for retirement’. This is outdated information that is actually fuelling the problems!

I recently was introduced to a new resource called The Death by Money Report and wanted you to have access to it right away. This timely information will challenge your thinking about money, yet provide immediately simple and helpful insights that anyone can implement into their life today – regardless of their current financial situation.

The Death by Money Report

The Death by Money Report presents a powerful argument that introduces a whole new way of thinking about your finances in a way that creates opportunities you didn’t know existed. The report also provides an action plan for the practical application in the real-world for the concepts it introduces. This isn’t just theory, this is about making positive steps that have the ability to change your situation (whatever that might be) right away!

To learn more about the report and the causes of money stress and how a $10 solution can solve debt and retirement issues by spending, not saving visit It’s well worth your $10 investment for the purchase.

To your success,

Sherry Borsheim

PS – For a limited time only during this initial launch, when you purchase The Death by Money Report, you will also receive a special report on finding and working with Financial Professionals. This is an additional $10 value, included free with your report to help you work efficiently and effectively with financial professionals who share your values for earning, and managing your money. It’s available when you order from