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April 2012

5 Steps to Organizing Your Desk

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Home Office Organization No Comments

Organizing your desk can be the first step towards higher productivity, lower stress, and more success.

You’ll get started in these 5 easy steps that will help you achieve and maintain a clear desktop.


Here is a quick starting point, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do I have piles of paper or stuff building up? Where?

2. Are there things in my office that don’t have a permanent home?

3. Is ‘organizing your desk’ a to-do list item that never seems to make it to the top of the list?

Yes to any of these questions means you should read on!


Organizing Your Desk in 5 Steps

1. Get the ‘biggest bang for your buck’

Organize the visible stuff first. Spend 2 hours clearing the top of your desk and you’ll feel great the next time you walk in! But organize your drawers for 2 hours, and you’ll walk in only to feel discouraged and overwhelmed still.

2. Focus on one area at a time.

When you split your efforts a little here and a little there, you get much less done. Pick one area or project and focus on completing it before you move on.

3. Designate zones in your office.

This looks something like this:

  • Tray for incoming mail
  • Tray for outgoing mail
  • Tray for to-be-filed papers
  • Project files
  • ect.

In order to get your zones worked out, spend some time really watching how you handle and deal with paperwork in your office and around your desk.

4. Deal with the Inbox.

Organizing your desk includes that computer on top.

Tons of email sitting in your inbox is just a giant block of stress on your desk. Learn how to bring your Inbox to empty and make it easy to keep it that way, here!

5. Don’t Stop Here.

Organizing your desk isn’t a one time thing. You’ll need systems in place to stay organized. You don’t want to be back here in a month.


Being organized is a way of life!


Ready to start organizing your desk? Great! These five steps will take you there. Commit to tackling one and a day and this task will feel very manageable 🙂

What is the best tip you found while organizing your desk?


Live Clutter Free

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

clutter freeWant to live clutter free?  We live in a world where we all tend to accumulate more and more STUFF. It happens in both our home and office.  We bring more and more things in and get frustrated because we feel unorganized. How do you fix this? One powerful tip will do it.

This Tip will Help You Live Clutter Free.

Live by the one-in one-out rule.  That is it. Simple right? When you bring something into your home or office one thing goes out. It may seem hard at first, but living clutter free will make it worth it. If you love books and frequently bring them home then find one you aren’t going to use as a reference or read again to donate. (Better yet see how I saved myself from this type of clutter completely here)

This rule can be applied to clothing, children’s toys, office equipment, ect.  Try it out for the next month and see if you don’t feel lighter.

What is your top tip for living clutter free?

A Time Management Tip You Need

By Uncategorized No Comments

time managementThink about your day today.  Do you feel like you used your time well?  Maybe your time management was lacking? Did you start working on a project and suddenly find that is was 2 hours later and you hadn’t got anything done? Multitasking and distractions can be a big part of the problem.  How do you eliminate this?

Here is a Time Management Tip You Need to Start Using!

When you batch like tasks together and schedule a block of time to do them, you will need less time to complete those tasks.  You can, for example, spend a LOT of time during your day checking email.  Want a time management tip? Schedule specific times in which you will check your email. Or schedule a regular time to do follow-up calls each day instead of making phone calls throughout your day.

What difference has this time management tip made to you? Tell us about the time you’ve saved!