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The 5 Daily Digital Habits of Successful People

By Blog, Business Organizing, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing No Comments

Ever wonder what the 5 daily digital habits of successful people are, and how you can start adopting them today?


If you’ve experienced the overwhelm of desperate searches in the depths of your digital files… keep reading, this one’s for you!


The frustration of navigating through an unruly inbox or a cluttered desktop is a commonly shared struggle. It’s not easy to avoid in our hyper-connected world today. The constant incoming emails, habits of saving everything to the desktop for “later,” and the perpetual fear of losing important information – it is a digital jungle out there.


Inevitably, your digital files will soon enough become a mess. It gets so overwhelming that you don’t even know where to start picking through.


Below, we’ll delve into the very real challenges of digital disarray. As well as combat each of the 5 struggles with an even stronger habit to overcome them. Also known as the 5 daily digital habits of successful people!

Being digitally organized is not just a matter of convenience. It’s a key to reclaiming your peace of mind and boosting your overall productivity. Allow these 5 habits to be your compass in navigating the sea of digital clutter. Together, we’ll work toward guiding you towards a more streamlined workspace and stress-free digital experience.



Here are The 5 Daily Digital Habits of Successful People:


Tip 1: Schedule Dedicated Email Time


Getting up first thing in the morning and going straight to check your phone is going to derail your day. Not to mention heavily impact your productivity.


Seeing all the emails that you have waiting is never going to do your mental health any favours. Avoid diving digitally head first upon waking up. Instead, schedule two or three times a day to check your email regularly. This first habit of the 5 daily digital habits of successful people creates space in your schedule. Now you can work on improving the other four habits. Make sure you implement this as soon as possible to be able to move on to the others!


During those blocks of time, you can quickly process your emails. Review them, reply to anything that takes less than two minutes, schedule appointments into your calendar, and so on. Whatever it may be, just get it off your plate, then archive it out of sight.


Tip 2: Avoid Computer Desktop Clutter


Don’t save files to your desktop and leave them there to deal with later. This is not one of the 5 daily digital habits of successful people, as staying successful means staying organized.


What happens when you save files to your desktop, you may ask? Your desktop becomes a big, cluttered mess. It may appear convenient at first. But there is only so much room for convenience until it becomes in-convenient to find what you’re looking for. We have the ability to create folders for a reason, right!


Once it piles up, then you’ll say, “I’ll deal with it later.” But as we all know… later doesn’t come. Then it’s just a huge, annoying, time-consuming, daunting task. Let’s face it – it’s overwhelming to deal with a cluttered computer desktop!


So do yourself a favour and deal with it in the moment. Save your files in a folder that makes sense to you. The next time you go to retrieve that file, you will be able to find it.


Tip 3: Implement a File-Naming System


If you are already practicing a system of where to save your files, it makes it a lot easier to name your files. And to find them again!


You may want to file them by date format or alphabetically (A – Z). I highly recommend that when you’re naming the files you use a space, underscore, or dash between keywords. You can also use a capital letter for each word. This makes it easy for you to scan quickly. It’s a whole lot simpler to search for your files when you separate the keywords in the file name.


You won’t waste any time searching through your computer again. It will be much easier to find your files the next time you need to access them!


Tip 4: Save Files Where They Belong


Saving your files immediately where they belong in your folder structure is quite possibly the most important habit.


To use the default computer Downloads folder, make an agreement with yourself to only save files there temporarily. Know that you can do a quick delete after you’ve used what you need.


I delete the contents of my Downloads folder about once every 2 – 3 weeks. It’s not information I need to save. This releases any stress about having important files randomly saved in there or needing to spend time-saving them beforehand. My files have already been saved into my folder structure the moment I downloaded them.


Tip 5: Filter Email Subscriptions


Create a filter in your email system for subscriptions. You can thank me later!


This last habit of the 5 daily digital habits of successful people is a simple automation. Predetermined emails will skip your inbox and go directly to the folder you set up in the filter. You won’t have to process them one by one manually, which is going to save you time every single day. You can adjust your filter settings for specific email addresses to be forwarded directly into a label or folder in your email upon arrival. This is a great hands-free way to declutter your inbox.


To view the sorted emails you can simply go to your subscription folder at your leisure. And the emails are not cluttering up your main inbox!

This week, put into practice the 5 daily digital habits of successful people! You will definitely see a massive difference in your productivity in only one week.


You won’t have anything piling up, causing you stress, and wasting your time anymore. Maintaining digital organization does require consistent effort, but the benefits far outweigh the initial investment of time.


What is your top tip for keeping digital clutter from piling up? Share with us below!





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Tips for Working From Home Effectively

By Blog, Business Organizing, Time Management No Comments

Whether you’re new to or have experience with working from home, there are similar challenges we have all faced at one time or another. Working from home has become more prominent than the typical “office lifestyle” now more than ever.


But that’s great! This opportunity can give many of us more freedom and a less stressful workday.


However, it takes a lot of adjusting to work from home. Especially for those who are just beginning their first transition! This is also where self control and accountability come into play.


I’ve got your productivity covered 😉


Below are my top practices for how I plan and execute my productivity goals when working from home.

These tips also double as mental health tips for working from home!

1. Balance Family Obligations

There may be times when younger kids are home from school during your work week. For parents who work from home, caring for kids can make staying productive even more of a difficult task.


If this sounds like your life, it’s important to create a schedule that works to balance your family and work commitments effectively. This might look like one partner waking up to work earlier while the house is quiet and the other working later in the day afterward, or sharing the responsibility of taking the kids to/from child care. Having a plan ahead of time can eliminate a lot of stress from having to make in-the-moment decisions.


2. Prepare Meals

It can seem convenient to have the ability to make nice meals for yourself during the day, but you don’t need to waste productive time on this every day. Preparing food ahead of time ensures you are using your meal times to eat.

Have your meals ready the night before. To avoid wasting time, cook and prepare all of your meals ahead of time just like you would for a day at the office.

3. Be the Early Bird

It’s tempting to sleep in when you’re setting your own hours and not having to rush away to the office. But if you’re struggling with consistent productivity, challenge yourself to get up anyway.


Set an alarm for yourself an hour before your partner and kids wake up. Make a cup of your favorite morning beverage and start tackling one of your more unfavorable tasks. You’ll be surprised at how much you get done when you give yourself a little extra quiet time to be productive.

4. Batch Time for Emails

Do you find yourself going back and forth between a task and each ping of your email? If your work doesn’t require you to be on top of every email all day, set times to check and follow up with your emails.


Use these email breaks to sort through your inbox and reply to any that need your attention. Multi-tasking might sound like a good strategy, but dividing your attention between multiple tasks will spread you too thin. You gain productivity by accomplishing one whole thing at a time.

5. Set a “Finishing Time”

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your work that you lose track of time. Working from home seems like a positive work-life balance attribute, but be careful not to get caught up in the relaxing environment and workflow too often.


Make a clear boundary for your work and personal life. Use an alarm to remind you when your work day is over. This doesn’t mean you have to quit at that moment – but use it as a guide to know when you should start to save and tie up any loose ends from work.

6. Trick Your Brain

Who doesn’t love a pajama day? Working from home offers the convenience of comfy clothes and alleviates the pressure of “getting ready” for work at the office.


Pretend you are getting ready for a day working in the office. Just changing clothes to something more formal will give your brain a signal to get work done throughout the day. It gives you a boost in the back of your mind throughout the day to be more productive and often energizes you as well.

7. Use a To-Do List

Working entirely from home can feel like you’re taking on a lot all by yourself. Keep your work organized in a paper or digital list.


Visually seeing everything you need to do can calm your mind and you are less likely to forget the small things. Use this method to cross off completed tasks for a sense of accomplishment, and jot down any notes or new tasks that come up throughout the day. You should also include any meetings or calls you’re participating in.

How do you keep yourself focused throughout the day?

Comment below!



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Organizing Messy Cables At the Office and Home

By Blog, Business Organizing, Home Office Organization 2 Comments

Every office needs to have their cables organized. It’s a must!


Since we’re all so busy working at work, our cords are typically a tangled mess under and on top of the desk because we “have no time” to fix them. Then there are all the extra wires and cables for charging your tablets, phones, earbuds, and so on!

In some households there are even multiple computers, 2 tablets, 5 cameras, 8 music devices and 3 or more cellphones. Which just magnifies the tangled-mess problem!


That’s a lot of wires to keep organized!


Before You Start Your Journey to Organized Cables

Before we actually begin the process of getting organized cables, turn off your computer and start to untangle the wires.


It sounds simple, but you’d be amazed at what I see as makeshift setups in offices that people use simply because they don’t take the time to organize their cables!

Next, get out your label machine and label the wires and cables according to their uses. A good place to place the labels is on or near the end you’ll plug into the electronic device. For example, I have two printers so I labeled the cables on the end that plugs into each printer. That way I can easily see which cable goes to which device!


Labeling your cords is easy with 720Pc Self-Adhesive Cable Labels. I’ve used these on many projects and actually always have them on hand in my organizing toolbox! Mac cables are already easy to identify and they typically don’t need to be labeled.

Someone was thinking over there at Apple!


Once you have all of your cables detangled and organized, use Velcro(R) One-Wrap(R) tie straps. These reusable Velcro ties are another handy organizing product you can always find in my toolbox, and ideal to wrap around cables to tie them up nicely or group specific ones together.

Start Working Towards Organized Cables


If you have cords running across a room or along a baseboard that you want to hide, check out these cord covers.

Tired of cables dropping behind your desk or on the floor? Use these small Cable Drops! They come in all different colors and will magically clean up the clutter from your desk!


My favorite cable organizer for offices, TV’s, media centers and kitchen desks is the YAMAZAKI Home Web Cable Box, available on Amazon. It comes in three colors ranging from white, brown, and grey.

This small cable box has neatly organized all the cables in our own living room – including a floor lamp, two phone chargers, and all of the stereo equipment!


It will hide away extra cable lengths, power strips, Surge Protectors, and more! You can easily tuck all cords inside the box and close the lid. It’s seriously that easy.

And, there’s one last thing that we need to organize… and that is the extra lengths of cellphone, music device, and earbud cords. I really love these cool Bobino Cord Wraps. They are perfect for organizing the aforementioned cords, plus USB cables and thicker laptop cords.


You could also use the 12pc Bobino Cord Wrap (assorted sizes) to tidy up your cellphone cord while you have it charging. You’ll love all the cool colors and never having to undo tangles!



The beauty of having your cables organized is that it makes your desk look instantly more organized. And you’ll be able to vacuum up all those dust bunnies!


Another area I get asked to organize often is the home’s charging area.


To start this, make a list of which electronics you’ll be charging here and measure the space you want to put your charging station in. Then go shopping! Make sure the charging station you buy will work with all of your devices. Sometimes you may need to purchase extra connectors if it’s a large variety.


For the true geek who has every portable device on the planet, check out this funky gadget charger – the Grass Charging Station. A compartment underneath the grass hides all of the power adapters and cables.


Who said organizing can’t be fun?!


Give these a try and let me know in the comments how the newly organized cables work for you!








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