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The Perfect Garage Organizing Solution

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Can you park your car in your garage?  Do you have a shed that is in total chaos?  Well, I have the perfect garage organizing solution for you.

First, hire one of our handy-dandy IABO Organizers, then install the Handiwall System. My
clients love this system and they like it when they can reclaim valuable space in their home!

When I find a great resource, I love to share it with everyone.  In the past month, I’ve organized two garages and the best way I found to organize a garage is to use the Handiwall system.  When I have this system installed for my clients, the garage is their favorite room in their home!  So much so, they love showing neighbors and friends how organized their garage is.  One client loved her garage so much she wanted to have a party.

Keeping your garage organized is fun and easy with this type of system.  No more piles of sports equipment in the middle of your garage or a tangled mess of cords or garden tools falling all over the place!

Another benefit of this amazing garage organizing system is you can move hooks around, add new ones and you don’t have to worry about drilling holes and hanging hooks in your drywall, only to have them fall out and take a chunk of gyperock in the process.  It’s happened to me and I’m sure you know what I’m talking about here.

Check out the Handiwall System here!

Get free garage organizing tips when you post your “Before Photos” on our Facebook Fan Page, click here. Then when your garage is organized, come back and post your “After Photos” on our FaceBook Page.

Here’s to getting your car in the garage!

women, relaxed, office desk, arms up,

Organizing Microsoft Outlook: How to Never Miss an Important Deadline or Appointment Again

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Organizing Microsoft Outlook, Uncategorized No Comments

Microsoft Outlook is a great organizing tool.  Are you using this powerful tool to the best of its potential? This article is part of a series of articles that will help you as begin organizing your Microsoft Outlook.

The Problem

You need to record to-dos on to your calendar, but you end up collecting scraps of paper everywhere as you jot things down to later transfer to your calendar.  You want to accomplish three big things:

  • Get rid of all those scraps of paper on your desk, in drawers, and lining your pockets
  • You want to have a clear list of what it is you need to accomplish today, and have an easier time planning your day.
  • You want to be able to see what the next action step you need to accomplish is.  Making it easier to cross things off the to-do list.

 Organizing Microsoft Outlook: Your Email Calendar

Your calendar can help you reduce stress and get through your day without missing any important to-dos.  When you get to organizing Microsoft Outlook you will find that your email calendar is a safe and reliable place to keep a number of important tasks. This means you won’t have to worry about forgetting daily tasks (or losing important slips of paper).

What Can I Track?

 Your email calendar is a great place to organize and record these everyday activities:

  • All of your important meetings and appointments
  • Follow-ups with clients or on important projects
  • Calls you need to make
  • You can set an all-day event reminder for time carved out for meetings, conferences, or other events
  • Block out time to work on specific projects
  • Life events: Birthdays, anniversaries, ect.

What Will it Look Like?

What does my email calendar look like?  Outlook gives you choices!  You can view the day, week, or month.  When you are organizing Microsoft Outlook you set your default view to what works best for you.

A Quick Tip: You can set your default view to Work Week. Then customize your view to show Monday through Friday.  This will give you a great view of what you have to accomplish during the week.

Organizing your Microsoft Outlook calendar can be even better accomplished through the use of the color coding system.  Don’t use so many colors that it becomes overwhelming and hard to read, but a sensible use of color can be very helpful.  You’ll be able to see what your day, week, and month hold at a glance and where your priorities are.

 Organizing Microsoft Outlook: Your Email Task List

Your email also contains a task list.  You may be confused about what the difference between your email task list and your email calendar.  Your calendar is for active tasks, items you are committed to doing, they have specific timelines and due dates.  Your task list is for an inactive list, things you intend to do, they don’t yet have a specific timeline or due date.

Using your task list for everyday tasks can create a HUGE list of tasks.  This frequently means that you only do the first couple things on your list and to-dos further down the list just keep going further and further down the list.

What are some good examples of items that work for your task list?  Ideas for future projects, family and friend gift ideas, music or bands you would like to find and listen to, books you want to read, your mission and vision for your business.  Think of your task list as a place for long term brain storming.

A Word of Warning

Another great reason to keep your daily tasks in your email calendar instead of task list, your phone may not sync with the task list.  Some phones, like the iPhone, do not currently sync with task list.  This means when you are away from your computer you would be disconnected from your daily to-dos, a sure way to miss something!

Organizing your Microsoft Outlook so your calendar and task list are handling the jobs best suited to them will help reduce stress and get your day running smoother.  Don’t delay start today!

I want to hear from you!  What is your favorite Microsoft Outlook feature?

women working at desk, office, laptop, on phone, getting organized, image

Seven Things To-Do Today to Become a More Effective Employee or Business Owner

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Time Management No Comments


On the cusp of a new year we all want to be the most effective employee we can be.  Having effective business organizing skills is a great place to start.  So what are the tricks and tips of business organizing?  What do all highly effective people have in common?  If you can incorporate these seven elements into your work life you will be an effective employee or business owner in 2012.

Have a Plan

When you have a plan you can focus on the priorities in your day.  Have you heard the 80/20 rule?  Simply put 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts.  Put your effort into things that are ACTUALLY important, and watch the results.

Plan Your Day, Week, and Month

Let your calendar be a huge stress reducer for you.  Your calendar will keep you on time with your plans.  Set appointments with yourself during the day to work on projects.  Setting aside time and honoring that time will help you get your time sensitive work done on time.

Invest time in High-Payoff Tasks

This brings you back to the 80/20 rule.  That 20 percent is where you want to focus your real energy.  Ask yourself what can I do that will have the biggest impact today?  These high-payoff tasks should get a priority spot on your calendar.  That means if you are the most productive in the morning you should schedule your work time for the morning hours on these activities.

Use their time wisely

When it comes to business organizing highly effective employees have procrastination beat!  It is a habit that you need to break. Find the source of your procrastination and diligently work on it whether it is perfectionism or too many distractions.

Batch your work to make the best use of your time.  Set aside time to make phone calls, return emails, ect. throughout your day. Making 5 phone calls in a row will go faster than if you stop what you are working on to make 5 phone calls throughout your day.

Limit Interruptions

Unnecessary interruptions can become a HUGE timewaster in your day.  Create a work environment where it is not easy to become distracted at the drop of a hat.  If other people are the problem consider making a “off limits” time in your office while you work on your high-payoff projects.  This is time scheduled in your calendar so it should be easier to make it “quiet time” in your office.

Lead a Balanced Life

Go on vacation.  It is important to keep yourself fresh and excited.  In order to do that, you need down time.

Schedule 24-48 hours of “unplugged time”.  No work, tv, computer, phone app.s you may find your brain and family and friends thank you!

Do not live in the “urgent” Reactive Mode

Being an effective employee means you have a plan every day.  Keeping to that plan means your time sensitive work gets done.  This puts a break on the panicked urgent mode that rules many people’s days.

You will still be interrupted by “urgent crises”.  It is up to you to determine how urgent they are.  Sometimes things are important, but not urgent. This is where planning comes in to play.  Planning out this important work makes sure that by its due date the work is complete.

Assess whether this urgent work can be delegated, or wait.  Remember there are consequences to saying “Yes”. By working on the new project you will be putting off work you had previously scheduled, so make certain you rework your calendar.

Being an Effective Employee or Business Owner

Being an effective employee for 2012 is a great goal.  Business organizing can get you there.  Make a plan for your day, week, month, and year.  Working with a calendar and a plan will help make this your year!

What is your biggest challenge in becoming an effective employee or business owner?  Comment below!