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Organizing Paper Files

8 Tips for Staying Organized During a Renovation

By Blog, Organizing Paper Files, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

So, you’ve made the choice to renovate your home…

Redirection and changes are always so exciting!

Until you’re amidst the complete chaos, can’t find anything you need, and are desperate for a lifeboat.


There are so many different variables when going through a renovation, so remaining organized is essential.

Luckily, we have compiled the best tips to keep you afloat through this anything-could-happen process, so forage around for a pen and take some notes!


1. Keep it simple.

✨ First things first, when renovating, you will need space for storage. You may need to get a storage locker or set aside a space in your basement to keep boxes you’ve packed during a renovation. Keep everything sorted by sections for ease of access and less risk of ending up in the mess of everything once the starting date arrives.

12 Tab Set of Multicolor Binder Dividers – Click photo to view on Amazon


2. Minimize the spread.

✨Use a large binder for all important documents and binder tabs to label documents to their respective sections. If you’re like me and like to be over the top, you can also create sections for each of the service providers you will be using. A binder is a great way to keep important drawings, contracts, and samples at your fingertips. Take it from me; I’ve helped many clients who have had several renovations going on simultaneously, and keeping papers organized is vital!


3. Don’t forget digital.

✨ Paper and email correspondences also pile up fast, so create a folder in your Inbox for the renovation. An added tip is to create an email filter from your various service providers, that way all relevant emails will automatically go into the designated renovation folder.


4. Put “importants” together.

✨ If you need to pack various rooms or move out of your home during the renovation, make sure to separately pack important documents like passports and other hard-to-replace papers you may need. Keep them accessible but out of the way for the entire duration of your renovation or moving process.


5. Accept last-minute changes.

✨ Renovations typically take longer than expected due to permit delays, changes to the design, and unexpected late deliveries of products. Always account for those when planning your timeline.


6. Pack smart.

✨ When packing boxes, make sure to write on the side of the boxes what the contents are and pack similar items together. This makes it easier to find things if you need to start opening boxes.


7. Make it convenient.

✨ Additionally, when you stack the boxes, make sure the side of the box that has your label is facing out and easy to read. So many times, I’ve had to find something for a client, and because the boxes were organized during storage it makes it so much easier to locate items.


8. Believe in the process.

✨ Lastly, give yourself a break and let the idea of perfection go.


Renovations are notoriously stressful and overwhelming.

There is always some disruption due to the temporary living arrangements and things being out of their regular places. So, remind yourself that this is only momentary and focus on the brand-new home or space that is being renovated.


I’m always reminding my clients that this will soon be over and in no time, they will have their new beautiful renovated kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom complete!


Focus on the end goal, not the current situation.


Save these for later, or share with a friend who is going through renovations! 🤩

Stylish Desk Accessories

By Blog, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, Inspiration, Organizing Paper Files No Comments


Getting organized doesn’t mean you have to de-style and squash your creativity!  Organizing desktop clutter and stacks of paper with stylish desk accessories to suite your personal style.  Add a pop of color and beautiful accessories to any blah and boring office.

Stylish and functional desk accessories make it fun to keep your desk organized.  It may even increase your productivity due to less paper shuffling because you love and use your organizing systems.  Just pick your favorite color from one of Poppins’ space-saving desk organizers, label the trays with the next action step and you’ll conquer your clutter woes.

Bye-bye to Blah

No more blah looking staplers and paper clip holders taking up valuable space on your desk.  Just stack your trays and desk accessories on a small area of your desk and have everything at your fingertips. And if you find your stapler and tape dispenser keep disappearing off your desk, label them and wherever they wandered off to, you’ll be able to find the.

Create An Inspiring Office

When you have an office that inspires you and puts a smile on your face, you’re more likely to be more productive and get things done faster.  Think about what color puts a smile on your face and add a few pieces around your office.  When it’s time to sort through those boring papers in your In Tray you’ll see your favorite color and hopefully that inspires you to complete that mundane task.

Add Your Personal Style

Adding a touch of color to your desk and workspace is also a cost-effective way to add your personal style.  Years ago I was tired of my blah beige desk and wall unit and decided to add orange accessories with a splash of red.  It started with two beautiful lacquered boxes in orange and red and an orange stapler and pencil holder.  The red box is for my label maker tapes and the orange box is for my hanging file tabs.  They are stacked on the top shelf of my bookcase and I love using them.  Every time I open the box and grab what I need, I’m always inspired to put the items back and stack the boxes back on the shelf.

Get the Right Tools

Having the right tools and organizing systems that work for you is the missing link for many who struggle to get organized and maintain their organizing systems.  When a desk organizer doesn’t function well, you’re less likely to use it.  Look at the desk accessories on your desk and ask yourself  “What’s not working?” and “What’s not functioning well?”  Always plan first what you need before you go shopping for desk organizers.

What color inspires you into action?  Make sure to post your comments below.

3 day clutter free challenge, organizing challenge, get organized, image, office organizing, home organizing, get organized at work

3 Day Clutter Free Challenge – 2014

By Announcements, Blog, Business Organizing, Closet Organizing, Events, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, Organizing Paper Files, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources No Comments

Welcome to 2014!

I know how much I want to clear clutter and get organized at work and at home at the BEGINNING of the year.

There’s nothing more wonderful than feeling the serenity of having a more zen-like space … all year round.

Since I’m going to begin in about two weeks I thought I’d invite you to join me!

Announcing: The 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge!

The challenge kicks off Monday, January 13th and ends Wednesday, January 15th.

Each day, you’ll get a mini-lesson filled with easy tips ‘n tricks to get organized + clutter-free — along with an action step to take immediately.

Here’s what we’ll dive into together:

Day 1. No More Desktop Dust Bunnies: Organize the top of your desk + find your stuff.

Day 2. No More Monsters in the Closet: Organize your closet + free up space.

Day 3: No More Fridge Fiascos: Organize your refrigerator + know what’s for dinner.

Here’s how it works:

1. Sign up for the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge HERE. You’ll get email instructions and a link to our challenge Facebook group so you can request to join asap!

2. Read your daily challenge email each morning, beginning on January 13th.

3. Take action and do the daily challenge! (Each will take 15-30 minutes to do, more or less.)

4. Post in our Facebook group so we can all pow-wow and encourage each other. You will be eligible to win the daily prize ONLY if you post your results in our Facebook group.

Easy peasy!

Register Now for the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge.

There’s nothing like having a posse to keep you motivated to get clutter-free!

And, I’ll be with you every step of the way with encouragement and tips to help keep you moving through each of the three days.  Get in on the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge here.

Can’t wait to see you in our Facebook group!

Again, Happy New Year + wishing you and yours abundant blessings for peace-of-mind, joy and abundance in 2014!


Here’s to an outstanding 2014!
