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Quick Organizing Tips

10 Trends to Refresh Your Laundry Room

By Blog, Inspiration, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Looking for ideas to refresh your laundry room? Tired of it being cluttered and looking like a storage drop zone?


It’s certainly time for a refresh, and we’ve got some ideas to revitalize your laundry space so your wash days will be a delight!


Refreshing your laundry room is an excellent way to introduce a renewed sense of style and vibrancy into your home. No matter how big or small your laundry area is, there are simple tweaks you can make to brighten up the chore of doing laundry. 


This week, we’ve compiled ten of our favourite trends that combine function and organized bliss.


From smart storage solutions to fresh accents of soothing colors, these tips will help you create the laundry room of your dreams. They will not only streamline your daily chores but also elevate the overall aesthetic of your home.



Laundry Planner

This free planner will help keep you
on top of laundry without the overwhelm!

Download here!


Get ready to turn your laundry room into a space you’ll actually enjoy spending time in! Let’s declutter your laundry area and transform it into an oasis of peace today.



10 Ways to Refresh Your Laundry Room



Refresh your laundry room by giving yourself some inspiration to glance at every day. Hang some of your favourite artwork or an inspiring quote! Think of what you like to see or read on a tough day that always seems to be able to lift you up.



Make the every day feel more extraordinary with scenic wallpaper. In my small laundry room behind two bi-folding doors, I have a stacking washer and dryer that goes from floor to ceiling with open shelving for storage. I can implement this by simply adding wallpaper to the back wall for a pop of fun color!


Consider changing cabinet handles and light fixtures. These are easy, DIY changes to refresh your laundry room that require little money and effort, but you can reap big happiness rewards from them! Every time you enter the laundry area you can enjoy the little upgrades you have made and smile 😊


For a gallery-style laundry room, go with closed storage options to prevent a cluttered look. Keeping laundry supplies organized presents a cleaner-looking space. This trick actually gives our brains a little boost of joy!



Refresh your laundry room by adding dramatic, under-cabinet lighting. There are some great renter-friendly options for adding additional lights. A lot of my clients like to use the stick-on motion-sensor lights from Amazon, and I can tell you, it instantly elevates the look!



Don’t forget to accessorize with greenery and pretty storage pieces. Along with some fixed additions, make sure to balance out the decor with pops of fun home accessories. Be careful not to overdo this one, as having too many things out can easily lead us right back to a cluttered space.




Create a casual look with simple wire baskets for storage. Adding negative space with organizing products as you refresh your laundry room can create the illusion of a larger room or closet.



Upgrade your laundry bins to something that’s modern and functional. If you’re tired of the plastic baskets you’ve had since 2010, now is the perfect time to upgrade to something you like! Check out Pinterest for some inspiration, and make sure to measure your space before purchasing.


Use a clothes drying rack or install a wall-mounted version of one. Instead of filling all vertical space in your home with wet, hanging clothes for a few days, contain the laundry in the dedicated laundry space with a fixed drying rack. You will thank me later!



Decant and label your laundry soaps, softeners, and supplies for a clean and minimalist look. This isn’t just about aesthetics, either. Keeping your flat surfaces and counters clear contributes heavily to your productivity and happiness!



With these inspiring ideas to refresh your laundry room fresh in mind, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and bring the vision to life!


Whether you choose to incorporate one or all of these concepts, remember the ultimate goal. Creating a space that suits your own unique style while enhancing your laundry routine! So go ahead and declutter what you don’t need first, then map out how you can add a touch of personality.


You’ll see very quickly how you can fully transform and refresh your laundry room into a place that sparks joy and makes each wash day a bright (and even fun!) experience.


Embrace the powers of organization and decoration today, and enjoy the new beauty and efficiency of your refreshed laundry space tomorrow.


Did you have a favourite tip? Comment below!






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Making and Keeping a Family Laundry Schedule

Essentials for Your Summer First Aid Kit

By Blog, Expert Articles, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

The last time I opened my summer first aid kit, I was seeking relief from mosquito bites.


Fumbling through the zippered sections as my bites ached for an itch, I found nothing but expired tubes of AfterBite and Polysporin, a pack of bandages, a cold pack, and teeny tiny scissors that might be better suited for a mouse with a sewing hobby.


Luckily I found some aloe vera gel in the bathroom that would do for the time being as I went to the store to replenish this rather empty summer first aid kit.


On my drive, I couldn’t help but think – in a real emergency, this outdated kit would be useless!


To help make sure you can avoid this same situation, I’ve compiled all the basics that Red Cross recommends we have on hand, plus some extra summer essentials.



Summer First Aid Kit Checklist

Get familiar with basic first aid care
and be confident in any home emergency!

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Continue below to learn about all the necessary things, including specific summer essentials, you’ll need for your own kit!


Checklist of Summer First Aid Kit Essentials


Medicines + Topicals


Two 81-milligram tablets of chewable acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) can be life-saving if taken within the first hour of a heart attack. However, make sure to call 9-1-1 first and follow their instruction – it’s not safe for everyone.


This is an absolute must if someone in the household has allergies or you have any kids over for playdates.


Include a liquid kind for small children and babies.



Bandages + Dressings


In a variety of sizes.



Sterile Supplies


To be used for cleaning out wounds or treating dehydration.




Store some extra batteries in a sealed bag.


Store some extra batteries in a sealed bag.



Emergency Contacts + Instructions


  • Emergency phone numbers for 9-1-1, local poison control centre, and personal doctors
  • First aid manual
  • Emergency home and office phone numbers for family members, friends, and neighbours who can be contacted for help


Download your copy here!


The easiest way to create your own summer first aid kit is to start with a basic, pre-made kit and build off of it.


Make sure to get all of the supplies first, before buying a container. You will need to measure the bulk of things and make sure they can all fit into the container.


If you’d like it to be more organized, opt for a bag with zippered compartments or a bin with sections. When in an emergency, this will enable you to find what you need as quickly as possible. You can also use a container that has a top lift-out section. This makes for great storage of smaller items in the top part and is equally as useful for storing larger items in the bigger section underneath.


It’s a smart idea to quickly check through your first aid kit each month for any expired or damaged products to keep everything in good working order.


Would you feel uneasy about using the items in your summer first aid kit during a real emergency? Sign up for some training classes with a local service that offers first-aid training! There’s no better way to prepare for emergencies than by taking a course from a professional trained in the field.


There are many organizations around the world that offer this training that can be completed over a weekend. Some of these are Red Cross, National Safety Council, and St. John Ambulance.


Once you are familiar with basic first aid care, you will be confident in almost any home emergency!


Did you have an AH-HA! moment while reading the summer first aid kit checklist? Comment your epiphanies below!






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8 Ways to Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

Simplify Your Schedule: 4 Tips for a Smooth Week

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management 2 Comments

Life can be crazy busy. It’s no secret that things can get overwhelming in the chaos of daily life! That’s why I’m here to share some valuable insights on simplifying your schedule with 4 practical tips (plus a bonus😉) to help you achieve a smooth, productive week.


With countless personal responsibilities, family demands, social obligations, and a never-ending to-do list, it’s no wonder we find ourselves questioning if 24 hours in a day are truly enough.


In the following tips, I’ll reveal the secrets to mastering a productive week, embracing effective planning techniques, and implementing essential strategies that will help you bid farewell to stress… and say hello to a more organized and fulfilling life! Get ready to simplify your life and regain control of your time.



Brain Dump Exercise

Release your mind clutter today!

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How to Plan a Productive Week:


1️⃣ Task Batch Your To-Do’s

At the beginning of your week, put your to-do tasks into categories. It’s easier to use blocks of time to get a bunch of similar things done than it is to bounce back and forth between unrelated tasks. This method of planning will keep you productive and on-topic through everything you do!

2️⃣ Create a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual

Integrate regular relaxation practices like yoga or mindfulness meditation into your nightly routine for a productive week. A soothing relaxation exercise or two can work wonders in calming your mind before bed and promoting quality sleep. You’ll also be practicing how to calmly manage any stress and anxiety that may come up during your week.

3️⃣ Escape the Indoors – Get Outside!

It’s too easy to keep ourselves confined indoors for the majority of our day, which only holds us back from an otherwise productive week. So whenever you have the opportunity, resist the temptation of your couch and instead make an effort to step outside and immerse yourself in nature. There are countless benefits of spending time in the great outdoors for your overall health and well-being, so take your parents’ advice and “Go play outside!

4️⃣ Allow Yourself to Delegate

Most of us naturally want to do everything ourselves and it’s not always easy to ask for help. But don’t be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks when possible. A productive week requires planning with and support from others, too. Recognize that you don’t have to do everything on your own and that having support from others can lighten your load.


…bonus tip! 👇🏼


5️⃣ Simplify and Declutter

Simplifying your environment and minimizing clutter will improve not only your physical spaces but your mental ones too. Make sure to go through both physical and digital clutter. Remember – a clean and organized space contributes to maintaining an aura of calm. Choose joy in the process of decluttering, organizing, and planning. Know that you’re doing great work toward a more productive week and a simplified life!


Now you can begin planning your week and seizing the full potential of each day!


It’s time for you to take action and finally embrace the opportunities that await you! Remember, these small changes and preparations will lead to BIG improvements in your daily routine. By implementing these small planning changes and dedicating some time to maintenance, you will see remarkable improvements in your daily routine and stress levels. I believe in you and I know you can do this!


It’s not easy to start, but once you do get into the swing of things, trust me, it will be even more difficult to quit! Remain focused on and dedicated to your goals so you can enjoy your free time with loved ones without worry in the back of your mind. Allow yourself “me-time” as often as you need and remember to stay committed to your new form of a productive week for continual results.


You have all the tools and capabilities to conquer your week now, so there are no excuses! Start planning the upcoming week and make each day count – you’ve got this! 👍🏼


Let us know in the comments below which tip is your favorite!






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