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3 Tips for an Efficient Work Schedule

By Blog, Business Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

While having an organized office is essential for keeping things running smoothly, making sure you spend your time well is also vital to a successful work day.


Here are 3 tips for an efficient work schedule to help you make sure that your time is spent wisely:

Tip # 1: Start Your Day with a Plan

One of the biggest time wasters for most people is figuring out what to do, and when, during the day. Minutes are often wasted trying to determine the difference between what is more important and what can be shelved for a later time. Why not take a few minutes at the beginning of your day and write out a loose schedule or “to-do” list? By setting a schedule, you’ll be able to quickly see what is important, what can be delegated, and if you have the ability to deal with “surprises” that will undoubtedly come up during the day.

Tip # 2: Designate Time for Email and Phone

One of the biggest setbacks for time efficiency when running a home office is multi-tasking. Taking a break every few moments to check emails or phone messages often eats up valuable time that could be spent perfecting your next service or project. Instead of jumping at every notification bell or dashing off to make that phone call to a client, designate specific times during your work day to communicate with the outside world. Not only will you get more accomplished by focusing on communication for those 15 minutes or so, but your clients will note that you took the time to respond to them, and that you made sure that there was enough time to address their needs.

Tip # 3: Take Breaks

Despite what you may have thought, working a straight eight hours without a break doesn’t make you more dedicated, more productive, or a better business owner. The only thing that working without a break accomplishes is making you tired, irritable, and actually less productive. So in your daily schedule make sure you schedule a few moments to get up, walk around, stretch, and take a break. It only has to be a few minutes at a time, and you’ll be surprised at the effect it has on your day!

Tip #4: Break the Project Down

If you’re working on a big project for a client, it is often better to break it down into a number of mini-projects that lead to the overall goal. Not only does this make it easier to handle, but it helps to keep you on track when distractions come your way. Think of it this way – you wouldn’t try to make a four-course meal all at the same time, would you? No, you’d concentrate on each individual part, and then bring them together at the time of serving. Use the same idea when you’re tackling that project.


What do you struggle with most when it comes to keeping productive on a workday? Comment below!




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Seven Things To-Do Today to Become a More Effective Employee or Business Owner

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Time Management No Comments


On the cusp of a new year we all want to be the most effective employee we can be.  Having effective business organizing skills is a great place to start.  So what are the tricks and tips of business organizing?  What do all highly effective people have in common?  If you can incorporate these seven elements into your work life you will be an effective employee or business owner in 2012.

Have a Plan

When you have a plan you can focus on the priorities in your day.  Have you heard the 80/20 rule?  Simply put 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts.  Put your effort into things that are ACTUALLY important, and watch the results.

Plan Your Day, Week, and Month

Let your calendar be a huge stress reducer for you.  Your calendar will keep you on time with your plans.  Set appointments with yourself during the day to work on projects.  Setting aside time and honoring that time will help you get your time sensitive work done on time.

Invest time in High-Payoff Tasks

This brings you back to the 80/20 rule.  That 20 percent is where you want to focus your real energy.  Ask yourself what can I do that will have the biggest impact today?  These high-payoff tasks should get a priority spot on your calendar.  That means if you are the most productive in the morning you should schedule your work time for the morning hours on these activities.

Use their time wisely

When it comes to business organizing highly effective employees have procrastination beat!  It is a habit that you need to break. Find the source of your procrastination and diligently work on it whether it is perfectionism or too many distractions.

Batch your work to make the best use of your time.  Set aside time to make phone calls, return emails, ect. throughout your day. Making 5 phone calls in a row will go faster than if you stop what you are working on to make 5 phone calls throughout your day.

Limit Interruptions

Unnecessary interruptions can become a HUGE timewaster in your day.  Create a work environment where it is not easy to become distracted at the drop of a hat.  If other people are the problem consider making a “off limits” time in your office while you work on your high-payoff projects.  This is time scheduled in your calendar so it should be easier to make it “quiet time” in your office.

Lead a Balanced Life

Go on vacation.  It is important to keep yourself fresh and excited.  In order to do that, you need down time.

Schedule 24-48 hours of “unplugged time”.  No work, tv, computer, phone app.s you may find your brain and family and friends thank you!

Do not live in the “urgent” Reactive Mode

Being an effective employee means you have a plan every day.  Keeping to that plan means your time sensitive work gets done.  This puts a break on the panicked urgent mode that rules many people’s days.

You will still be interrupted by “urgent crises”.  It is up to you to determine how urgent they are.  Sometimes things are important, but not urgent. This is where planning comes in to play.  Planning out this important work makes sure that by its due date the work is complete.

Assess whether this urgent work can be delegated, or wait.  Remember there are consequences to saying “Yes”. By working on the new project you will be putting off work you had previously scheduled, so make certain you rework your calendar.

Being an Effective Employee or Business Owner

Being an effective employee for 2012 is a great goal.  Business organizing can get you there.  Make a plan for your day, week, month, and year.  Working with a calendar and a plan will help make this your year!

What is your biggest challenge in becoming an effective employee or business owner?  Comment below!

Task Batching: Choosing Your Planner

By Blog, Business Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

Task batching is easily one of the most overlooked productivity tools.


This is because when you batch tasks together and schedule blocks of time to do them, it actually takes you less time to complete them.


For example, checking your email throughout the day will waste your time far more than checking your Inbox during preset blocks. So will making phone calls throughout the day or week as opposed to scheduling regular times for follow-up calls.


Being intentional with your most productive hours is key to showing up as your best self at work, home, and in life.


This makes task batching the perfect first step to becoming the most organized person you know!


Let’s talk about Planner Options


Lots of highly organized people still use paper planners for task batching. Some use solely digital, and a rapidly growing number are opting for a hybrid combo of paper and digital planning systems.


While all three essentially do the same thing, there are some main differences.


PAPER PLANNERS are physical and tangible, which limits their use to being physically present. But at the same time they are also very hands-on, and this act of writing can be very helpful for one’s memory.


DIGITAL PLANNERS, being virtual and often set up with a personalized account, are easily accessed through almost any device and always available at your fingertips.


One very important point to think about is what types of visual and creative aspects you would like to have while task batching. Since this is a very personal preference, you will need to decide on this one for yourself!


But some other key things to consider when deciding which style of planner fits your needs are; accessibility, automations, data input, storage and backup, and customization.


Not sure which is a fit for your task batching needs?


See below for the detailed pros and cons:





  • no batteries, power source, or internet connection
  • access anywhere at anytime, easier to refer to or add to in a pinch if not good with tech


  • must carry around the physical book
  • limited to the physical location of the book


  • only need a device with an internet connection
  • can share group projects or collaborative calendars
  • environmentally friendly


  • requires a power source and internet connection
  • limited offline use
  • contributes to screen fatigue



  • has page index
  • premade sections and title pages
  • page numbers for easy recall


  • requires manual input and checking
  • cannot set alarms or reminders


  • ability to set alarms and reminders
  • set reminders for others on a shared calendar


  • may not be able to create the reminders you need or want

Data Input


  • 42% more likely to reach a goal when you write it down
  • manual writing, for those who enjoy the pen-to-paper feel
  • writing by hand helps to process and remember information better
  • doesn’t require technical know-how


  • limited space for writing, can quickly become cluttered
  • harder to recall information
  • not as easy to edit or correct
  • no tech skills required 


  • easily input, edit, and update information
  • categorize and filter information
  • search bar for easier retrieval
  • let others set up appointments with you


  • difficult to learn how to use
  • all planning systems are different, may have to try a few to find one you like
  • must like using apps and tech
  • must be okay with looking at small screens for different devices

Storage and Backup


  • information is all in one location
  • can keep old planners for archives (only if needed, not to clutter)
  • have control of information, can restrict access and keep private


  • not as easy to share with others
  • if lost or damaged, cannot be recovered


  • calendars and data can be stored and backed up to cloud storage
  • easily shared and accessed by multiple people
  • control syncing, manual or automated


  • risk of data loss
  • might not sync to some devices
  • hacking can compromise your privacy
  • technical errors



  • can make drawings and take notes anywhere on page
  • purchase all kinds of customized planners
  • design your own planner online – cover design, layouts (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly), subject matter (academic, everyday, wellness, faith, etc.)


  • designs and layouts can be limited
  • once printed, cannot change


  • most systems offer a wide range of customization options
  • change templates, color schemes, fonts, and layouts


  • learning curve for customizing in planner program
  • may not be able to customize in the ways you want

The #1 Tool I Recommend: Asana


There is one tool I highly recommend using for task batching (for 100% digital or a hybrid of paper and digital).


I use this amazing, all-in-one digital system both in my business and personal life. It has the capability to manage all of my client projects, work tasks, and keep my team up to date with everything in-between.


While it may look overwhelming at first, once you begin to catch on and understand the flow of the program it is very user-friendly. The best part is, 90% of the time I use it just on my phone!

Intended to be used alongside time blocking, task batching is when you group similar tasks together to complete in predetermined time slots.


Similar tasks can be similar in nature or just tasks from one project.


After you have figured out which tasks to batch together, you can begin scheduling them into your day using time blocks. A time block can be any length of time.


Once you’ve created an overview of everything you need to complete for the day, section your most productive hours into appropriately-sized time blocks for your batched task.


Then get to scheduling!



Are you new to and just learning about task batching, or a seasoned batch-making pro? Comment below!









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