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5 Common Photo Organizing Mistakes + What to Do Instead

By Blog, Photos, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments


Photo organizing requires an eye for detail and strategic planning approaches to avoid the five most common mistakes.


Are your digital photos causing you more headaches than happiness?


Don’t fret, I have been there! Having dealt with mass amounts of digital photos in my business over the years, I’ve got the inside scoop to help you get yours organized.


With over 20 years of photo organizing experience and practicing Digital Minimalism for two, I’ve truly seen it all. In this article, I’m sharing the top mistakes to avoid when organizing your digital photo library. Let’s get going!


5 Common Photo Organizing Mistakes + What to Do Instead



Mistake #1: Inconsistent File Naming


Isn’t it a hassle renaming every single photo? I’ve got good news – you don’t have to!


However, you’ll need a consistent file naming system that works for various categories. Imagine spending hours searching for that one key brand photo because you can’t remember how you named it. Not fun, right? Here’s a simple file-naming template to get started:


Example: Year_Keyword_Keyword

Example in use: 2024_Photoshoot_Headshots


Modify this simple template to strategically name files for easy access to your key brand photos, logos, headshots, and product images. Having a clear and consistent naming convention while photo organizing will save you frustration in the long run!


Mistake #2: Not Using Descriptive Keywords


Do you ever scroll endlessly through your photo library, searching for a specific image? It’s a common frustration, but it doesn’t have to be.


By neglecting to add descriptive keywords and tags to your photos, you’re making it harder to find what you need when you need it.


Adding “metadata” to your photos makes for efficient searching and organizing. Simply open a photo, click Details, and you will be able to add a description. Include keywords, tags, and any other relevant information related to the photo for easy retrieval at a later date.


With just a few extra minutes spent adding descriptive keywords, you’ll be able to locate specific groups or themes of photos with ease. Saving you valuable time and mental stress!


Mistake #3: Forgetting to Back Up


Picture this: you’ve spent hours capturing and editing the perfect photos for your business… only to lose them all due to a technical glitch or device failure. It’s a nightmare scenario, but one that can easily be avoided with regular photo backups.


It’s of high importance to regularly back up photos in business. Whether you choose Google Photos, iCloud, Dropbox, or another service, the key is to have a reliable cloud storage system in place for photo organizing.


Mistake #4: Camera Roll Clutter


Is your camera roll overflowing with blurry photos, duplicates, and random screenshots? You are definitely not alone! But here’s the thing – when your phone’s a disorganized mess, it makes it harder to find photos when you actually need them.


Even if you have a mass amount of digital photos, decluttering and photo organizing are possible. When you’re sitting in front of the TV, spend 20 minutes organizing your photos of the day. Delete blurry photos, duplicates, screenshots, and any other photos you no longer need.


In the next session, organize that day’s photos, then work backward. Do the previous week, month, year, and so on. Eventually your photos will be so streamlined you’ll be able to find anything in a pinch!

Mistake #5: Loose Photos


Creating photo albums is a great way to begin photo organizing and will make them easier to find. However, it’s essential to find the right balance between organization and overload.


While it’s tempting to create albums for every event, trip, or occasion, having too many albums can actually make it harder to find what you’re looking for.


Start by categorizing your photos into broad themes or topics, like vacations, family events, weddings, etc. By broadening the topics, you’ll create a neat and tidy photo library that’s easy to navigate.



Practice avoiding these common photo organizing mistakes and replacing them with organizational practices for the next two weeks. In no time your digital photo library will transform into a streamlined, easily navigable resource for your business and beyond!


What photo organizing habits do you practice daily? Comment below!





Taking the First Step


If you’re ready to simplify your business and embrace digital minimalism, I encourage you to join our course
Organize Your Business.


With our support and help with the execution process, this is your valuable opportunity to declutter and get organized in the digital world. Reclaim your time freedom and enjoy working in your business again. You can start the course today and experience the transformative power of digital minimalism by next week!



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The 6 Fundamentals of Digital Minimalism

By Blog, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing No Comments


Practicing the 6 fundamentals of digital minimalism for the past two years has drastically altered my life.


In a world where being busy is glorified and constant connectivity is expected, the thought of deliberately slowing down has been gaining popularity.


As someone who has dedicated over two decades to decluttering both physical and digital spaces, I’ve come to realize the profound impact of digital minimalism’s fundamental habits.


The concept is simple yet transformative. By shedding digital distractions, we reclaim our time, focus, and mental clarity.


In this blog post, I’ll share the 6 fundamentals of digital minimalism that have been integral in my minimalist journey. Along with practical tips for implementing them in your own life!


The 6 Fundamentals of Digital Minimalism


  1. Declutter Your Systems

Decluttering serves as the foundational pillar of digital minimalism. Start by gathering all your devices; phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. Identify what is currently working for you and optimize those systems. Then, determine which non-essential apps and tools you can eliminate. Simplifying your digital tools will significantly reduce mental clutter and increase your productivity.


  1. Set Clear Boundaries

The strongest of the 6 fundamentals of digital minimalism is boundaries for yourself. Establishing boundaries around your technology usage is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship with digital devices. We have all fallen victim to “doom-scrolling” at one time or another. To combat this habit, decide at what times you’ll check your phone in the morning and exactly when you’ll turn it off or put it away at night. Disable notifications outside of these times and leave your phone in another room. This practice will help you minimize distractions and be fully present in social settings, or even in your own company.



  1. Leave Your Phone Alone

Taking regular breaks from technology can help alleviate stress and reduce cortisol levels. Start by challenging yourself to spend an entire day without your phone. Leaving your phone behind during outings will enhance your personal enjoyment of the activity and sincere engagements with others.

  1. Define Digital Minimalism for Yourself

The 6 fundamentals of digital minimalism are for everyone, though the way they are practiced may look different for each individual. It’s essential to define what digital minimalism means to YOU and have an idea of your goals going into it. Focus on efficiency, rather than adhering to strict minimalist standards. Since digital minimalism has many levels, remember not to get overwhelmed. Start with the small steps and work your way up!



  1. Choose Screen-Free Activities

Schedule leisure time into your calendar for activities that don’t require screen time. Things such as reading, walking, gardening, crafting, studying, etc. Creating a structured balance between tech and non-tech activities leads to greater fulfillment and reduced dependence on digital devices.



  1. Use the 80/20 Rule

Apply the Pareto Principle to your digital life by focusing on the 20% of apps and tools that yield 80% of your best results. Streamline your app usage and prioritize those that provide the most value and efficiency. Choosing simplicity over complexity will increase your personal productivity now, and reduce digital clutter in the process.



Incorporating the 6 fundamentals of digital minimalism into your daily routine paves the way for a more intentional and fulfilling relationship with technology.


Remember, digital minimalism is not about deprivation. But rather prioritizing what truly matters in life to be able to optimize your digital environment accordingly.


What habits have you been incorporating in your journey towards digital minimalism? Share your thoughts in the comments below!




Taking the First Step


If you’re ready to simplify your digital life and embrace digital minimalism, I encourage you to download our
FREE Productivity Apps Guide.


With practical tips and application recommendations, this is your valuable resource for decluttering in the digital world, reclaiming your time, and enjoying your conscious daily presence. You can start becoming a digital minimalist today and experience the transformative power of intentional technology use by tomorrow!





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5 Easy Tips to Get Started with Digital Minimalism



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5 Easy Tips to Get Started with Digital Minimalism

By Blog, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing, Simple Living No Comments

Before practicing these 5 easy tips to get started with Digital Minimalism, finding peace and productivity felt like an uphill battle.


Did you know that the average American checks their cell phone 344 times a day? That’s a jaw-dropping statistic, which highlights just how entangled technology has become in our daily lives.


But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle of digital dependency?


Over the past two years, I’ve been on a personal journey with Digital Minimalism.


I have dedicated these years to making significant changes in my digital habits and reclaiming control over my device use. It’s been small steps over a period of time as I ease into a new workflow and get clearer on my priorities and goals for my life.


In this blog post, I’ll share the insights and strategies I’ve learned along the way. These 5 easy tips to get started with Digital Minimalism are sure to help you declutter your digital life and find greater peace and productivity!


5 Tips to Get Started with Digital Minimalism


Step 1 – Delete Non-Essential Apps


The first step in embracing Digital Minimalism is to declutter your phone. We’re starting here because this device is the main time-stealing culprit!


Take a critical look at each app on your device and ask yourself:


Does this enhance my life or is it merely a source of distraction?


Organize your home screen with only the most essential apps that you use daily, minus social media apps. Shuffle over your less frequently used apps to the following pages. If you’d like to organize a step further, set up folders for different app categories.


By streamlining your app pages, you’ll reduce digital clutter and naturally create a more focused digital environment. Plus you’ll be helping yourself quit the tempting habit of doom-scrolling once the social media apps are out of sight!

Step 2 – Organize Your Computer


Most people who come to me for digital organizing come with the main concern of a disorganized computer. Your computer desktop can quickly become a dumping ground for folders, files, shortcuts, and visual clutter since we don’t always see it piling up.


Take the time to organize your desktop by removing unnecessary icons and creating a simple system for file storage and organization.


Utilize cloud storage solutions like Google Drive to store files and documents to keep your desktop clean and running smoothly.


Get your FREE Digital File Cabinet Planner here!



Step 3 – Organize Your Email

An overflowing inbox can be a significant source of stress and distraction from the moment we wake up.


Take back control of your email by unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters, store flyers, mailing lists, and spam.


Create categorized folders to organize incoming messages. Add labels to your frequent incoming emails so they can auto-sort into their respective folders.


Set aside a few minutes each day to manage your inbox, archiving or deleting unneeded emails to keep it clutter-free.


Step 4 – Declutter Your Calendar


Your calendar is a powerful tool for managing your time and staying organized in all aspects of life. However, it can quickly become cluttered when we aren’t reviewing it often.


Take the time to declutter your calendar by reviewing upcoming events, tasks, and appointments. Remove anything that doesn’t align with your priorities or goals.


Create dedicated theme days, like content creation on Monday, filming on Tuesday, and blocks of time for specific tasks (task-batching!). With these in place, you will be able to save that 20 minutes lost to task-switching and minimize distractions.


Give yourself the time freedom for activities that truly matter to you!



Step 5 – Prioritize Personal Enjoyment


Finally, don’t forget to prioritize your own personal enjoyment and leisure time.


Embracing Digital Minimalism isn’t just about reducing visual clutter and distraction; it’s also about reclaiming your precious time and energy for activities that you love to do.


Whether it’s going for a walk without your phone, spending time with loved ones, or zoning in on a favorite hobby. Make sure you’ve always got time for the things that nourish your soul and bring meaning to your life!


Digital Minimalism is truly a journey of self-discovery and intentional living.


By decluttering your digital life and minimizing your technology use with these 5 easy tips to get started with Digital Minimalism, you will create space for greater peace, productivity, and personal fulfillment.


Take the first step on this journey today and start experiencing the transformative power of Digital Minimalism in your life!


Do you practice any habits for Digital Minimalism already? Drop them in a comment below!





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