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7 Important Questions to Ask When Decluttering Your Digital Photos

By Blog, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

In today’s age of technology, decluttering your digital photos is more pressing than ever!


We could just rely on cloud storage, external hard drives, and all our old phones and laptops to store these photos. But when you’ve got 5 dinosaur phones and no chargers to fit them, maxed-out hard drives, and really old laptops, and are paying a ton in cloud storage fees, are you in control of your photos? Or does it seem the other way around?


Our lives are now beautifully documented through digital photos. From capturing family vacation highlights to preserving holiday moments with loved ones, our digital photo albums have become more like time capsules.


However, as these libraries grow, so does the challenge of managing and organizing our photo collections.


So as you’re beginning this project, make it a habit to start by working a little bit on them each day. Ask yourself these 7 important questions to decide which digital photos should stay or go!



7 Important Questions to Ask When Decluttering Your Digital Photos



  1. Is This Photo Meaningful?

The first question you should ask when you start decluttering your digital photos is, “Is this photo meaningful?


This basic question alone can make a significant difference in the bulk of your photo library. Just like in a physical closet, digital clutter accumulates over time and often without us noticing until it’s really full.


As you are decluttering your digital photos, be honest with yourself and let the “just in case” stories go. If the photo doesn’t hold any special significance to you, then it’s just taking up space on your phone or in cloud storage and it’s time to delete it.



  1. Will I Ever Use or Share This Digital Photo?

Decluttering your digital photos is not easy to do, especially when you think you might use or share them someday. However, “someday” rarely ever comes, so it’s important to assess if these intentions are realistic.

Think about how likely it is that you’ll actually use or share a particular photo. If you’ve had it stored away for years without thinking about it, it’s not likely you will need it any time soon.


Focus on only keeping the photos that you genuinely plan to use or share in the future!  I often say, “Keep the best of the best!

  1. Does This Photo Contribute to My Story?

Your digital photo collection tells a story of your life, loved ones, and memories. Since each photo contributes to this timeline in some way, you’ll need to evaluate whether a photo adds value to your overall story.


Think about whether the photo makes sense to be in your collection and if it enhances your memory of that particular experience. If it doesn’t add value to your memory or experience, it’s probably better to remove it.


  1. Is This a Good Quality Photo?

Quality matters when it comes to digital photos! As you go through your collection, pay attention to the overall photo.


Are there blurry parts? Is the photo flattering to the subject? Is anyone cut out of the frame? Is the lighting bad? Are there duplicates with minor-to-no variation?

Snaps with significant quality issues should be deleted. After all, what could you do with them? Keeping only high-quality photos will help you maintain a more organized and polished-looking digital photo library.


  1. Does This Digital Photo Have Duplicates?

The main culprit of digital clutter is often multiple photos of the same subject. These photos often occupy valuable storage space without adding much unique value.


Search for duplicate or near-identical images within your collection. Pick your favorite version and delete the extras.

  1. Does This Photo Hold Strong Sentiments?

We often use our digital photos as a way to capture emotional moments. While some may hold sentimental value, others might bring back negative emotions and memories.


As you are decluttering your digital photos, evaluate whether they provoke positive or negative emotions. It’s okay to let go of photos that bring negativity or discomfort. Your future self may even thank you for not having to see them again.


Focus on preserving photos that make you feel happy, inspired, or nostalgic for a great time!



  1. Does This Photo Bring Me Joy?

Ultimately, the most important question to ask is whether or not a photo brings you joy. Just like with physical items in your home, your digital photos should make you feel positive, uplifting emotions!


Go through your collection one last time and assess each photo’s impact on your mood. Keep the ones that bring a smile to your face and help you reminisce precious moments. If you’re indifferent to any, think about whether they’re important enough to keep or if you could be okay with letting them go. Then let go of the rest that don’t make you feel your best and enjoy a clutter-free, happy digital photo library!


When you’re decluttering your digital photos frequently, you’ll be able to easily find and enjoy your favourite memories.

When you curate your digital photo collection, you’re not just creating a tidier virtual space; you’re crafting a visual representation of your life that’s easy to revisit and share! The moments you love most are now at your fingertips, ready to enjoy whenever you please.


Your memories are meant to be celebrated, and an organized digital photo collection ensures you can do just that. Let go of the burden of unnecessary photo clutter today and make your digital albums a place you actually enjoy scrolling through!


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When will you schedule your next digital decluttering session? Comment below!





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Organizing Products I Don’t Buy

By Blog, Home Office Organization, Simple Living No Comments

It’s not always easy to learn how to pick functional products that last!


In the quest for a well-organized living space, we’ll often invest in and try out many different organizing products to keep things tidy. However, not all products are made with the same level of functionality. Some may even end up causing more harm than good!


As a Professional Organizer with over 20 years of experience, I have seen my fair share of products that don’t function well and can’t stand the test of time. A lot of the time clients will see a pretty bin or a uniquely-shaped turntable and just based on the look of it, they’ll buy it. Only to get home and realize it doesn’t fit in the desired space, may scratch the finishings, or not even work as intended!


Below, I’ll share some of the most commonly bought organization products I see and explain why I avoid them.


We’ll also go over some alternative options that are both highly functional and have a nice appearance, so you can get organized without wasting your time and money!



Organizing Products I Don’t Buy

Over-the-Door Blowdryer Organizer


These organizers may look and sound convenient at first. But in reality, they can cause damage to both the door and the items they hold. If the top piece is too thick the door will also not close.


Hot tools tend to slide around and poke through any gaps, too. And let’s be real – blow dryers, brushes, and curling irons often don’t get neatly wrapped up and put away after each use, a lot of people prefer to quickly put them away and adjust later, if desired.


Functional Alternative: For these reasons, I recommend just storing them in a larger space. Use a large container, bin, or basket that can be neatly tucked away in your cabinet. Or simply store them in a drawer if you have the space. There are many ways to keep these items organized without damaging your door or frame!


Acrylic Makeup Organizer with Small Sections


While these organizers look great initially, they are easy to scratch and not easy to clean. This leads them to get very grimy with makeup and dusty over time. To clean the acrylic, you will need a special acrylic cleaner or soap and water, but the latter runs the risk of it drying with streaks.


Functional Alternative: To avoid wasting money on replacements, opt for drawer organizers with fewer and larger sections made from materials that are easier to clean. Even better, look for models with the flexibility to move the dividers around yourself.


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Drawer Dividers for Clothes


Drawer dividers with fixed, unadjustable sections are just not functional and can cause daily friction in the long term. They won’t accommodate changing storage needs or different sizes of item groupings inside the drawer.


Functional Alternative: Use expanding drawer dividers instead. These will fit in most drawers around your home and can be moved around really easily. Or if you prefer a more contained look, try organizers that offer adjustable sections. The goal here is to ensure your clothes stay both organized and easily accessible.


Stacking T-Shirt Organizer


Stacking shirt organizers may look easy and appealing, but they are often just the opposite. They will slide all over the place and require a lot of effort to fold and fit back inside the organizer. This makes it challenging to keep the shirts inside neatly.


Functional Alternative: Instead, consider folding and stacking your t-shirts vertically on a shelf. If you want to keep them in containers, file fold them in a drawer or large bins inside a drawer or on a shelf. Another great idea to keep them from falling over if you’ve got a large collection is to use sweater dividers. This method allows for clear visibility of your collection and makes it more approachable to put away freshly done laundry. For kids’ t-shirts, I recommend file folding them in a drawer or large container. This is easier for them to see what they have and put them back on their own, even if not perfectly folded. 


T-Shirt Folder


If you really want to have every shirt perfectly folded and have the time to do this, then by all means, go for it! But let me tell you about most households that I’ve organized over the past two decades… Laundry is often piled up to be done and more is waiting to get folded and put away. Good intentions just don’t cut it in reality! I’m all about simplifying life, making things functional, and having a “good enough” attitude vs. trying to attain a perfect standard.


Functional Alternative: If you really want to use a folding device, get a larger one with more flaps for folding. This way you can use it for all clothing items and not just tops. It could also be a fun way to get the kids to help out with laundry! Test it and let me know 6 months later how it’s going 😉


Office Drawer Organizer


White or light-colored drawer organizers may look sleek, but they tend to get dirty quickly and are challenging to clean. Additionally, organizers with large and non-customizable sections may not suit your specific storage needs. To make a functional purchase, declutter the drawer first, plan where items will go, take measurements, and then invest in drawer organizers of various sizes that can fit well together.


I’m all for drawer organizers, but they need to be highly functional and easy to clean! White or light-colored drawer organizers may look sleek, but they tend to get marked up quickly. The sections in a lot of these organizers are often too large to sort items into groups and are not customizable.


Functional Alternative: Before you go shopping, save yourself the hassle of returns by decluttering the drawer first. Then lay out where you want the remaining items to go, measure the drawer, and take a photo. Once you’ve done that, you can go shopping! Look for drawer organizers of different sizes so you can make a square or rectangle with them in the drawer. They won’t slide around when they fit comfortably in a grid. Choose organizers with small sections.




Investing in functional organizing products can be a game-changer in maintaining an organized home or office!


However, it’s crucial to avoid products that don’t function well or stand up to the test of time. By steering clear of products that won’t perfectly serve their desired purpose, you can save both time and money.


Consider swapping for these functional alternatives and you’ll achieve a clutter-free, beautiful, and calm environment. Enhance your overall organization and productivity today. Enjoy!






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5 Decluttering Projects to Tidy Your Spaces

By Blog, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Quick decluttering projects are perfect solutions to create a fresh, organized vibe in your living and entertainment spaces for the summer!


In preparation for the busy season, start taking advantage of the longer daylight hours now. Tackle those forgotten-about corners to create some space for sunlight in your home today!


The good news is, you don’t need to set aside an entire weekend or trade hours of family fun for a more organized home. Today we’re giving you 5 simple 30-minute organizing projects that will transform key areas of your living space and teach you how to declutter your home.


Let’s get to it so you can enjoy your newfound sense of calm today!



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Decluttering Projects to Tidy Your Spaces

1 – Tidy the Desk Space

Your desk is the hub of productivity, a very important space! But it can also quickly accumulate a chaos of papers, office supplies, sticky notes, cluttered decor, and other miscellaneous items. Here’s how to declutter your home quickly in this area: spend just 30 minutes decluttering those unnecessary things and rearranging the surface of your desk. It’s that easy!

Work to create a space that offers you focus and creativity. Clearing your physical space helps in clearing your mental space, so try to store away as much as you can in drawers, cabinets, binders, and file folders. Be ruthless when decluttering papersdigitize what you can, file away what you need, and recycle what you don’t. You’ll be amazed at how much more efficient and inspired you feel once everything has a designated place!

2 – Clear the Kitchen Counters

Kitchen counters tend to attract clutter like magnets. They often become the dumping ground for keys, sunglasses, junk mail, dusty appliances, to-do lists, kids’ toys, and other odds and ends. Spend half an hour today to declutter everything on your kitchen counters. Reevaluate the items you regularly keep on your counters too. Ask yourself questions like, when was the last time I used this French coffee press? Do I use my bulky KitchenAid mixer often enough to permanently store it on the counter? Reclaim your meal-prepping space to one of beauty and order.

If you find yourself regularly dropping mail on one end of the counter, put a small basket there instead. Now that you know how to declutter your home, you’ll have a space to catch those odds and ends so they don’t take over your entire counter!

3 – Calm the Bedside Table Nightstand

Your bedside table should be a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation, not a cluttered mess. If you don’t already have one, think about a bedtime routine you’d like to implement. What does it involve? Maybe you like to use a lavender spray on your pillow, journal or read a book, listen to relaxing music, and sleep with an eye mask, for example. Now that we know the contents you’ll be keeping close by, we can begin to organize the bedside table. Take just 30 minutes to declutter anything you don’t need, then organize what you do.

In our example that may look like a bottle of lavender spray, a pen and journal, reading glasses, your current reading material, earbuds, and a sleeping mask. Spend some time thinking about the necessities you want to have now so you can unwind before sleep and wake up to a calm and clutter-free morning, every day!

4 – Pare Down in the Linen Closet

Combat the embarrassment of not being able to find a matching sheet set for your guests (or even for your own bed)! Today, dedicate 30 minutes to decluttering and organizing your linen closet. Chuck out any linens with stains, rips, or worn-out spots. If you have pieces that don’t match, donate them. Ensure that everything you choose to keep is neatly folded and easy to access.

Once you’re comfortable with how to declutter your home here, an extra level of organization here could be sorting the linens one step further. This can be done by size (King, Queen, Double, Twin, etc.) and type (sheet sets with pillowcases, duvet covers, bath towels, etc.). Then label the shelves according to which bedroom they belong in or by bed size. Resetting your home every week when laundry is done will soon be a breeze!

5 – Lighten the Freezer Load

How many hot summer afternoons have you gone to defrost something for dinner, only to discover the items left in your freezer are unidentifiable? Save yourself last-minute grocery store trips and wasted money by decluttering your freezer in advance!

Invest just half an hour in organizing your freezer space(s) today. Sort through everything, discarding expired foods and setting aside or tossing unidentifiable ones. Then think about how a retrieval system might look for you. Make sure that it would allow you to easily locate and pull out your frozen items. Use bins to contain items and label them in categories like fruits, vegetables, chicken, beef, seafood, bread, and frozen treats.

Goodbye scrambled dinner plans, hello meal prep haven!

By learning how to declutter your home with these 5 quick decluttering projects, you can make significant changes to the way your home functions for you! Even decluttering just 3 of these spaces will lead you to a more harmonious living space.


Just in time for summer!


Grab your timer, put on some motivating tunes, and get started on bringing order and tranquility back into your home. One 30-minute project at a time!


Which space will you tackle first? Comment below!






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