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Vacation Planning Made Easy! (Part 2)

By Blog, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources No Comments

“Organizing is what you do before you do something,
so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.”
A.A. Milne

“Life is what happens to you while
you’re busy making other plans”
John Lennon

Did you forget something? You know the story…you all pile into the car, you’re trying to beat the rush hour traffic, you’re frantically making a list in your head and hoping you didn’t forget anything, you head out of town and suddenly you remember you forgot something. It’s too late to turn back, so you tell yourself you’ll just pick it up on the way or when you get to your destination. Who wants to be running around buying necessities and spending extra money when you could be having fun on your vacation?

Make your next vacation more enjoyable and relaxing so those obstacles don’t get in the way of you having fun! Here are a few simple vacation planning tips:

Create a Trip File

Keep all your trip related papers together in a file and when you return from the trip recycle or toss papers you don’t need and file receipts and travel expenses in your financial files. Move towards being paperless and create a document on your computer for each place you visit. List your favorite restaurants, accommodations, and points of interest. Years ago I created a “New York” document and it’s been updated and passed onto many friends over the years and I’ve completely eliminated all my travel reference files!

Create a Pre-Travel Action List

Make a list of all the tasks you want to accomplish prior to the trip either on paper or electronic. Every time you think of something capture it and get it out of your head otherwise it will keep coming up for you as a reminder to do something and increase your stress levels. Look at your list each day and schedule time to accomplish these tasks.

Packing Checklists Reduce Stress

For the past 10 years we vacation at this wonderful place with my family, and every year we pack the same things. Some years forgetting crucial items, while other years packing way too much. So, one day I sat down and wrote out everything we needed to take with us, clothing, food, sporting equipment, games and other necessities. I even made a simple meal plan with healthy meals with minimum effort to prepare. What a huge time-saver and stress reliever this has been over the past 15 years. A little pre-planning can go a long way towards a fun-filled vacation instead of disappointment and disaster.

Create different packing checklists for different types of trips or regular activities. You could have a packing checklist for summer and one for winter vacations. We have a family vacation that we take every summer and all I do is open up that file on my computer, print a copy and begin packing. I even have a small checklist in my gym bag so I don’t forget to pack a key piece of clothing! I’m sure you can relate!

Here are a couple of great resources I recommend for packing checklists if you don’t already have one. Frommer’s travel planner and Frommer’s Activity Planner are available for you to print and fill in your own packing items. Independent Traveler has a fun interactive packing checklist that you can customize for different types of trips.

Avoid Last Minute Packing

Whenever possible, pack 3-7 days prior to the trip to reduce last minute stress and a late night with little sleep. This is not a relaxing way to start a vacation. Get out your suite case and review your packing checklist and begin packing what you can. This is especially helpful if you have several family members to pack for plus yourself. You may also want to pack a separate overnight bag to carry on the plane for long flights just in case the airline misplaces your luggage you’ll have a change of clothes. Or if you spend a night at a hotel on the way to your destination you don’t have to haul in your entire luggage for one or two nights.

Savvy Travelers Packing Tips

Check the weather forecast at your destination before you begin to pack. Also, store all your travel items in a container, drawer or one location in your home. Passports, other currencies, shoe bags, luggage tags and any other travel items you use from time-to-time. This makes it easy to pack when all the items are together. Keep travel size items stocked and on-hand to avoid last minute trips to the store. Here are some other savvy packing tips:

  • Bring clothes in neutral colors and that you can mix and match for several outfits
  • Keep your travel gadgets to a minimum
  • Buy extra travel cords for electronics and keep them in a small travel case so you can grab and go at any time
  • Buy travel size containers and refill them after each trip
  • Use travel size containers and fill with your basic cosmetics. Make sure to label the containers!
  • Have two toiletry bags – one for short trips and one for longer trips. You use half the amount of product on a weekend trip and don’t need as many items
  • Use zip-topped plastic bags to store your toiletries. Bring a few extra’s in case products leak or bags tear
  • To minimize wrinkles you can roll items when you pack or use the plastic dry cleaning bags for shirts, skirts and dresses. Tissue papers works as well for delicate items.
  • Fold two more garments together. I often put outfits together this way so I know what to wear together
  • Use small cloth shoe bags to pack your shoes and under garments.
  • Keep jewelry to a minimum and if you travel overseas, carry it with you
  • Bring a small laundry bag for dirty clothes or use the plastic bag in the hotel
  • Refill containers of shampoo and other products when you return. Make a list of any items you need to replenish so you have it on hand for the next trip!

Have fun and enjoy the peace of mind a little pre-planning and preparation gives you when you are organized!

Happy Father’s Day

By Announcements, Blog, Home Organizing, IABO Weekly News, Resources No Comments

Dear Simply Productive Community,

Welcome to all the new Members this week!  Great to have you as part of our Simply Productive community.

Happy Father’s Day to all you amazing Dad’s out there who work so hard to provide for your family and then juggling work and family priorties.  Take the day off and enjoy!  You deserve it.  I remember when I was a kid, my Dad would work longer hours so we could take these amazing vacations as I was growing up. Family vacations are some of my most cherished memories as a kid.  Thank you Dad for being such an outstanding role model and for believing in me and my dreams!

The official first day of summer is June 21. Are you ready for a summer break?  I’m sure you are.  Take some time this summer to enjoy the outdoors and recharge yourself.  It’s also the perfect time to get your home organizing projects crossed off your list. I want to help make it easy for you to get those home projects out of the way.  All details are here for the new Home Organizing Bootcamp.

In Vancouver, we love the outdoors and when the sun shines, and we hope it will, we get out and enjoy it!  Growing up, I lived in Penticton, which has two beautiful lakes on either end of town.  It’s a summer destinatation hot spot with beautiful sandy beaches and hot summer days. I really miss the dry hot summer nights and the trips to the beach.  So when the sun shines in Vancouver, I’ll be out enjoying it!

This week’s article, Part 1, is a case study on a busy family with too much to do and barely enough time to take a family vacation.  Learn how this one simple tip transformed a family!

Enjoy the organizing journey,






Sherry Borsheim – President / Organizational Consultant
Simply Productive


This “intro” was taken from our latest newsletter. Not getting our newsletter? Sign up by clicking on “Send My Kit” at the TOP of this page and you’ll also receive our FREE 7 Ways to Organize Your Workspace kit!

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How to Maximize Your Closet Space

By Blog, Closet Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Have a Messy Closet?

Despite your best efforts to keep an organized closet, does it still feel like a chaotic mess?


Do you often find yourself thinking “I have nothing to wear!” every morning?


In today’s consumer-driven world, we’re constantly being urged to buy more, and it’s easier than ever to accumulate more than we need. But with these few simple strategies, you’ll easily be able to purge and organize your closet.


Get ready to start each morning feeling fresh and confident in your new calming, functional space!



Declutter + Purge Your Closet

Think about this for a moment; how much time is wasted while you get ready each morning?


Between eating breakfast, picking an outfit for the day, styling ourselves, packing lunch, and don’t even get me started on adding kids in this routine… that’s a lot to manage!


Each day, we’re already making an average of 35,000 conscious and subconscious decisions. So wouldn’t it be more productive of us to save that extra brainpower and take a few of them off our plate?


There’s one particular moment about creating a organized closet that has always stood out to me, and it happened at the time I was just starting my business.



I was working in the home of a busy mom when she confided in me that the most stressful part of her morning routine was getting dressed.


Once asked when the last time her closet was cleaned out was, she had an epiphany!


She had never realized just how much stress was caused by her closet being disorganized and too full.


The next day I was with her, I said, “Today’s the day we get you an organized closet!



She excitedly agreed, and one by one I pulled each item out of the closet and asked her:


 “Do you love this?

Do you wear this?

Does it fit and make you feel great when you wear it?


If she answered No to any of these key questions, the item went straight into the donate pile! (we also had “Try-on” and “Give to friends” piles, too)


Why Wait to Spring Clean?

Welcome in the fresh air and get a head start this year
with our free Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist!

Download Here!


Organize Clothes In Your Closet

Next, we started to hang related items together in the closet – pants, blazers, cardigans, dresses, skirts, and tops.


Then, we arranged each section by color. I like to go from lights to darks, followed by the classic ordering of the rainbow. Something like this; whites, greys, browns, blacks, then red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.


Ahhhh, what bliss it was to just awe at such an organized closet!



Design Your Closet Organization

With everything neatly hung up, we tallied how many hangers we had used and planned a shopping trip.


I made sure to follow an important organizing rule: Never go shopping for containers or other organizing supplies until you’ve sorted through everything.


Many people make this mistake and end up returning most of what they bought. It’s important to know what you need to contain before you try buying the how (supplies).


It is also important to buy the right hangers for the right items in your newly organized closet.


Because in case you don’t know, there are different hangers for pants, skirts, shirts, and jackets!


If you want to know where to find my favorite hangers, check out this Instagram post and DM me for the links!


In my home, we have very limited storage. So I like to keep things contained in an allotted space.


When the stuff starts to spill out of that space, it’s time to let some go. I am constantly (monthly) giving things away and I’m finding that I buy way less than I used to!



Our household is a strong believer in “What’s old for me is new for someone else!



How To Actually KEEP Your Closet Organized


Have a “What NOT to Wear” Party

Invite your friends over and let them tell you what to get rid of!


Try everything on, relive some past memories, have a few laughs, then let those old clothes move out of your old cluttered closet. Now you’re on your way to an organized closet!


Note that your closet says a lot about you. Are you living in the present or living in the past?


BONUS: Let your friends shop your to-go piles! This doubles as a nice gesture for their help, and makes less donation trips for you 😉


Two Golden Rules to Live By


The One-In, One-Out Rule

This one is self-explanatory – when you buy something new, something old goes out. For example, when I buy a new pair of shoes or any piece of clothing, I remove at least one item from my closet.


Be ruthless!



It’s best to be realistic about what you actually wear, and what looks and feels fabulous on you.


I love passing items onto friends or taking them to my favourite charities. I’m a big supporter of the organization Dress For Success as well as various women’s shelters in my area. Also, keep an eye out for clothing drop bins in your area!



80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule states that typically, we wear 20% of our clothes, 80% of the time.


So to follow this and maintain an organized closet, only keep the clothes that you love, use, feel good in, look great in, and THAT FIT! Do not even try to keep clothes that no longer fit or that you won’t wear. Yes, styles do come back eventually, but designers always update the look. (some vintage, designer pieces would be an exception to this rule)


Be realistic!

Whenever I buy something new I use the golden rules above and bring at least 1-3 items to charity or give them away to a friend. Be it clothes, books, jewelery, etc. Just ask my friends Holli and Alison who have been the lucky recipients of many clothes from my organized closet over the years! What’s old for me can be new for someone else 😊



How does an organized closet make YOU feel? What is the biggest change you are looking to see? Comment below!






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