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how to get organized at home

Clutter + What You Eat

By Blog, Home Organizing, Simple Living No Comments

Is your kitchen cluttered? You may be self-sabotaging your own weight-loss efforts.

Which is actually failing you – Willpower or Clutter?

While diet and exercise are vital, your home environment also plays a big role in helping you slim down. AND, it’s an easy “without equipment” fix, too!


Here’s a few student examples to consider before you begin your own reorganizing:


How does this photo make you feel:


…Compared to the feelings you experience from this one?


Which one looks more like YOUR kitchen? If you identify with the first one, there’s a reason why your diet may be failing you.


Clutter and Motivation

Clutter is really damaging to diets. It drives people to think, “Everything else is out of control, so why shouldn’t I be?” and they throw away all care to make room for comforting junk food.

Because who wants to take the time preparing a nice meal in a kitchen that requires a bulldozer to remove countertop clutter?

Probably no one.

So you choose an easy, fast meal – but convenience always comes with a price!


Assess Your Space

Take a look around your kitchen,

  • Are pots and pans often left out?
  • Do your cupboards overflow with mismatched tupperware?
  • Is your pantry full of stuff you bought and never use?
  • Do you have a home for every kitchen item? (how often do they stay in that home?)

If you find yourself going to the grocery store and picking out all these lovely ingredients for a nourishing meal, then coming home and losing all motivation… clutter is probably why.

As Marie Kondo often encourages; “Tidying up helps to calm you down.”



What can I do?

As we progress in our knowledge of what does and does not work for dieting, we’ve learned that places – such as cluttered offices or disorganized homes – can be modified for our overall benefit.

This means we can change the spaces we spend our majority of time in, to help us control our food intake. Intentional design is steadily becoming an important solution in helping us lose weight.

Here’s a few tips to get you started:

(Learn the rest of Sherry’s methods in the Organize Your Kitchen course)

Manage Your “Breakfast Zone”

What’s in a Breakfast Zone?

This is where you’ll keep your family’s morning favorites. This can include bread, peanut butter and jams, honey, cereals, etc.

A good idea to save space here is by using large containers for cereals. They often take up less space than bulky boxes and will stay fresh for a lot longer!



Set Up Your “Meal Prep Area”

This area will likely be close to the sink, or where you feel is the natural place you like to prepare meals.

Group your prepping utensils together and store them in a nearby drawer or cupboard that will be dedicated to preparation supplies. Included here are also aluminum foil, zip bags, and the like.


Tame Your “Tupperware Turmoil”

Ah, the dreaded drawer of chaos. Everyone’s least favorite, but often-used space!

The easiest way to keep it manageable is to keep it separate. Use a container for lids and sort them from largest to smallest. Use another container for kids dishes, lunch thermoses, etc.

Stack the rest of your containers by similar shapes. Ex: square containers stacked from largest to smallest, then another stack for rounds, and rectangles.

Happy Home, Happy Life? Studies say so

Without needing to say it, I’m sure we all know that a beautiful, clean home will never negatively impact our lives.

But clutter on the other hand… There are not only physical difficulties that come with it, but mental health problems too.

If you found these tips helpful, check out Sherry’s Organize Your Kitchen course! This 8-module (plus a bonus!) was designed to help you lessen stress and boost your health by learning the principles of managing clutter and restoring a sense of order to your home.


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7 Psychological Benefits of an Organized Home

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips, Simple Living 2 Comments

Untidy environments increase stress for most people. Do you declutter your mind while you declutter your home? Science says yes.

We all know the feeling after accomplishing that thing we’ve been putting off, and oftentimes that thing is tidying up. But where does that feeling come from, and how can we get more of it?  

Is this you?

People who have a hard time to declutter your home often struggle with:

  • Time management and project motivation
  • Feeling overwhelmed easily, which can lead to procrastination
  • Perfectionism and finishing tasks
  • Holding attention and being distracted frequently
  • Saying “no” to others

Orderly environments are linked to more healthy choices.

Our surroundings shape our thinking. If you’re constantly looking at all the things you’re putting off, it’s going to reflect poorly on your mental health. It's more enticing to prepare healthy meals in an orderly kitchen with an easily accessible pantry, and most people sleep better in a tidy room with a made bed.

Pro Tip:
Split your fridge, freezer, and pantry into sections that make sense to you, and put items back after use every time.

Improve focus.

Disarray makes it harder to find what you need and makes you more prone to frustration. It may also distract you while doing another task. Declutter your home by sorting through visual clutter can help your focus and attention span.

Pro Tip:
Start with your most frequently used spaces. Clear off your kitchen and bathroom counters. Find a place for each item.


Alleviate depression and anxiety.

The only thing a messy home can add to your life is more burden to your mind. Clutter will make you feel worse and scatterbrained, and it is more challenging to want to clear up the space when you see piles accumulating. You may not feel like doing it, but any small steps you can take will improve your overall mood.

Pro Tip:
Ask for support while organizing. Having someone around can make the task less dull and more fun.

Reduce dust and allergies.

You may think that your home is clean despite being disorganized. But you would be surprised at how much dust, pet debris, and mold can build up when hidden. It's important to regularly declutter your home, otherwise, it's harder to clean around piles of belongings.

Pro Tip:
Give yourself 20 minutes a day to tidy up any piles laying around the house.

Enhance self-esteem.

Cluttered spaces erode your confidence because it causes you to feel less in control of your life. Feeling proud and at ease in your home gives you an automatic confidence boost. A living environment that looks more respectable can be extremely empowering.

Pro Tip:
Find inspirational pictures and try to imitate them in your home.

Better relationships.

It’s a drain on your energy and for others in the home to keep clutter lying around. When a household can delegate organizational tasks to everyone, it creates a sense of teamwork and strengthens bonds. Plus, it gets everybody motivated when you can declutter your home together.

Pro Tip:
Consider a “Homeless Things” basket for any items you find scattered around the house. Set a ritual once a week where each person checks the container to remove the items that belong to them.


Free up time and energy.

When you’re chasing mess after mess it’s impossible to mentally relax. There’s a reason insomnia is linked to disorganization and the accumulation of too many things. Having fewer things means making fewer choices throughout the day.

Pro Tip:
Keeping a schedule for tidying up; maintaining a system is easier than creating a new one each time. Try to donate or sell items that you no longer need.


Decluttering can actually be quite therapeutic; play some relaxing music, visualize your desired “after” of the space, sort in a system that works for you, and simply enjoy the zen that comes with a tidied home.


Which room will YOU start in? Comment below!


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10 Day Decluttering Challenge




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Keeping Things Organized in Your Bathroom

By Blog, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Quick – think of the room that gets the most use in your home!


Everyone uses it at one time or another during the day… and just about everyone living in the house has stuff stored there!

Did you say the bathroom? If you did, you know just how important it is to keep this room organized and clean.

Since there are so many washroom organizational ideas out there, I’ve compiled my favorites that are useful for everyone! These inexpensive tips are especially handy for teenagers and university students.

Here are my ideas to help you keep things simple, organized, and easy to use in your bathroom:


Tip # 1:  Makeup and Magnets

If you use cosmetics, one of the worst things is to waste time rummaging through your bag in the morning trying to find your blush, eye shadow, or that always-disappearing eyebrow pencil.

I went over to a friend’s house recently, and she introduced me to the idea of putting small magnets on the back of your most used cosmetics! You can go to your local craft store to buy some super glue and small magnets, and secure them to the back of your individual makeup items.

That way, you can easily store your make up to the back of your medicine cabinet door, or any other metal surface in your bathroom! This makes them easy to reach, out of the way, and most importantly – easy to use.

Tip # 2:  Hooks and Baskets

Everyone has their own favorites when it comes to cleaning their body.

Some swear by all-natural organics, while others prefer on the latest-and-greatest in aromatic science.

Whatever the case, keeping things separate is a good idea. And one of the easiest ways to do just that is to place hooks on the wall near the shower stall, with hanging baskets for each household member.

This way, you are freeing up valuable counter real estate for other things!

Tip # 3:  Making Shelves Out of Nothing at All

Let’s face it – often storage space for such things as towels, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies is in short supply in many bathrooms.

It seems as if most bathroom designers don’t realize that these spaces are to be routinely used at some point!

If you find your bathroom woefully inadequate when it comes to storage space, consider using one of your empty walls instead. It’s simple enough to put up some brackets and a shelf, and you can easily make it look exactly the way you want.

Plus, what you need can be always within easy reach, instead of hidden away in some cupboard down the hall.

Tip # 4:  Use Mason Jars

Worried about keeping smaller things organized and within easy reach? Things like tooth brushes, shaving materials, cotton swabs…

Consider using simple mason jars to keep things organized on your bathroom sink counter. The glass is easy to clean, they are inexpensive, and can be decorated in any manner.

Simply put one out for toothbrushes and toothpaste, one for shaving, one for cotton swabs, etc.

And if you want a little cleaner storage, you can use the lids to keep the contents safe from airborne irritants.