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The Stacker: Improving Your Stress

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips, Simple Living, Time Management No Comments

🤍Dear Stackers,


Are you looking to start really working on improving your stress this year?


Have you found out what your organizing superpower is yet?!




Oftentimes when you’re leaving out those neat little piles of projects, work supplies, hobbies, to-do’s, and such… what you’re really doing is grouping like things together to finish all at once (albeit, on another occasion, but still a win).


For other organizing styles, this is half their battle. So how can this superpower start to benefit you and improve your stress?


📑 Why am I prone to Clutter?


Stackers can be found living in clean and somewhat-organized homes. We say “somewhat” because no matter how many organized piles you have… a pile’s still a pile!


The Stacker mentality falls somewhere between procrastination and hyper-organization.


And because of this, simply putting things away as you go through your day is not always the easiest task.


When everything is put away in non-transparent boxes and bins, you may feel like you’re actually packing things away. Storing them! Rendering them no longer easily-accessible.


But this is really not the case, and you must glue that fact into your brain in order to start improving your stress!


Just because something is no longer in your direct line of sight doesn’t mean it’s gone or never to be found again. When you want to pick up where you left off on something, it should all be stored neatly in a container, so you can just pick it out of the closet and get right back into it!


Definitely nothing to be anxious or stressed about here.

💥 Confronting the Clutter


Fortunately, Stackers are totally able to maintain a detailed organizing system. The struggle is just finding the time to set it up in the first place.


You like to pile up and organize your project’s tools, papers, and materials. Which can amount to a lot of stuff.


Stackers sure love their stuff!


But in the long run, this will only impede your efforts at improving your stress levels.

Do you notice that when you pick up a hobby, you never forget to grab all of the reading materials, cooking utensils, art supplies, workout equipment, thingys, and doo-dads that you could possibly need?


So the key to improving your stress with this organizing style is to adopt a “good enough” mindset when setting up systems.


You don’t need to micro-manage every tiny aspect of everything you try out. Just try it out, and optimize as you go! You will never really know if something works for you unless you actually try it anyways.


See, the biggest contributor to your piles are projects, so try to limit yourself to just three ongoing projects at a time.


If you’ve had an on-the-go project out for a while, it may be time to put it away. You can always come back to it later when inspiration strikes, but for now, it is only taking up valuable space in your physical world (and in your mind!).


It can’t feel good to walk around your home and see piles and stacks of stuff everywhere.


So if you haven’t used your exercise equipment in a while, consider donating or selling it to someone who would appreciate it every day. This also opens up space for something you’re more currently passionate about like creating a reading room or scrapbooking space.

😍 Living clutter-free: Is it for me?


“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”

– Barbara Hemphill


Your aspirations always come from a good place, Stacker.


You feel like you can get so many things done in a day because you can preserve your energy throughout the day by delegating tasks for “later.”

Just be careful that later doesn’t turn into never!


At some point, we all have to accept defeat and admit we can’t do all the things every day. That’s totally normal and there is no reason to beat yourself up about it! You’ve done the best anyone could expect of you.


I know your weakness is not holding onto useless clutter, but you do sure love to keep useful clutter around!


However, there comes a time when we must assess if the usefulness of an item outweighs the space it takes up.


Sure, your treadmill or bread maker might be useful… but if you’re only using them once or twice a year, that’s valuable space being taken up by something that someone else may love and use every day!


When playing keep or toss, think about the peace of mind an item costs you, too. This will make the biggest impact on improving your stress.


And if you can store it conveniently – great! Look out for clear bins and project totes, this way you can still view what’s inside.


To organize further, write an inventory list for each of your project boxes and keep those somewhere close by for reference. If you’re storing these boxes on a tall, open bookshelf just tuck them beside one of the totes.


😌 How to start Clearing the Clutter


The best way to get started with organizing any space is to set a timer and get to work!


Before you dive right into your piles though, set some goals beforehand and prioritize the most important things you’d like to accomplish in this session.


This way, you can keep yourself on track and if you don’t get to everything on your list, at least you’ll have finished the most pressing tasks!


Setting limits on yourself helps to keep distractions at bay so you can focus on the real tasks at hand. 


When it comes to the organizing process, it’s important for a Stacker to improve their stress levels by learning to let go. Instead of keeping things because they are simply in good condition and not broken, ask yourself “Is this useful to ME? Is it useful NOW?”


Filling our homes with good quality, useful things does seem not so bad! But stuffing our homes with piles of these things (however good quality or important it may feel), is never going to feel good.


Labeling each project box as you go will help you to remember where items belong when you do your daily/weekly resets.


Plus, the rest of your household can easier maintain your systems when they understand how they work and where things should go!


Keeping everything in its place will help your space look neater for longer. Using these methods, you should be able to create a quick, visible result.


Though at times it may feel frustrating and long to finish a task… remember to choose joy in the process of decluttering and organizing!


Let’s begin with rating your level of commitment to getting your spaces organized:


On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to edit, declutter, and organize the space? (level 1 is not committed at all, and level 10 is 100%, fully committed)


Download these free organizing assessments to track your progress in all areas!


Ask yourself these questions when deciding what you will keep, donate, or no longer need:



  • Do I honestly love it?
  • Do I use it weekly, monthly, or yearly?
  • When was the last time I thought about this item or used it?
  • Do I realistically need this item in my life going forward?
  • Did I even remember I owned this?
  • How many duplicates of the same item do I have?
  • What would be the worst possible scenario if I donated or passed it on?
  • In what situation would I realistically need or want this?
  • What would I like to have more space for?
  • Have my job or hobbies changed and it’s time to let some things go?
  • What keeps me awake at night or gives me stress and anxiety?
  • Am I committed to scheduling time, effort, and/or money to fix or repair this item?


💘 Invest time into YOU


Stacker, I know it’s not easy to balance putting current projects away while making everything exactly how you’d like it to look.


But I believe in you!


I know you can do this. It’s not easy to start, but once you clear off one shelf or one drawer, you gain momentum.


Keep a post-it note nearby if you must, but focusing on only keeping the necessities will take you to completion faster.


So let me know, does this feel attainable for you?


You will feel so much better after clearing just a couple piles and improving your stress levels! Remember to start with the high priority piles or the ones that bother you the most in order to create a dramatic, visible result right off the bat.


Comment below and tell me about your next organizing goal as a commitment to yourself!


Set a reminder in your phone to follow up in a week and let me know which strategies worked for you! Or maybe you’ll have a new tip for me?


Excitedly waiting to hear all about your progress!










Need more help with decluttering?


I created the How to Organize Your Household Papers course to help walk you through the decluttering process. It includes sections on foundational organizing skills, setting up filing systems, creating household systems, and more bonus videos to make sure you’ve reached your goals.


For further details on the course and to purchase, go here:

4 Tips to Maintain Energy and Health in the New Year

By Blog, Inspiration, Time Management 3 Comments

Looking to take your life skills to a whole new level?


Here’s how you can take advantage of the new year by starting new, healthy habits!


Did you know that January is internationally known as Get Organized Month?


Really! There’s a whole month for that!


Getting organized lands pretty high among the top 7 most popular new year’s resolutions, year after year.

And for good reason – life gets pretty complicated when one slacks on organizing habits!


Organizing doesn’t just cover the physical space in your home or office either. It’s a skill that helps you manage your work schedule, your household schedule, grocery shopping, and so many other aspects in life!


There really is no better time to adopt new, healthy habits than New Year’s.


Because everyone is doing the same thing with their own resolutions and the support networks are strongest at this time!


Wanting a “fresh start” or “clean slate” are descriptions I hear frequently when talking with someone about their health goals for the new year.


Here are 4 habits to help you achieve just that:


💖 One way to minimize clutter is to simply put things back where they belong


Do you dump your day-clothes on the floor every night to put on your comfy sweatpants? Did you put your dirty dishes in the sink or in the dishwasher? Oh, the dishwasher had clean dishes? If you take 5 minutes to empty the dishwasher, then the dishes won’t pile up. Or if they do, make it a healthy habit to handwash the dishes and clean up the kitchen counters every night before you go to bed. This will not only change the feeling of your environment, but your mental wellbeing, too.


Don’t know where to start in the kitchen?

Download our FREE Kitchen Deep Cleaning List, and I’ll send you some more free tips and strategies.

(and freebies, too!)

Sign up here!

💖 A new healthy habit I’m working my way up towards is drinking 16 glasses of water a day


I’ll admit I’m not consistently at 16 a day, but each day I am making slow improvements. I am always thinking, “how could I improve my health by just 1% today?” I have since learned that water intake is one of the biggest sources of consistent energy. It’s for this reason I like to set up triggers to assist my success like using large water bottles and an alarm that periodically goes off from my phone.

Below are a my must-haves for any kitchen geared towards meal prep! If I am helping a client convert to a healthier lifestyle, these staple products are the first I’m recommending. As superfluous as some may see them, we all know that if we don’t begin with the right equipment for something new, we don’t often start off with good footing.



Let’s get you set up for 2023 with the tools needed to succeed:



💖Another healthy habit I’m adopting is meal prepping every week

And because I want to cut my weekly prep time in half, I’m watching videos and learning new ways to batch healthy recipes and keep them in the freezer for the week. Simone Lovell, owner of Fuel for Fat Loss, has been teaching me so much this past year! Since being coached by her, my meal prep and eating habits have improved exponentially faster than I could have done on my own.



💖Since meal prepping is a big learning curve, the first thing I did was get my recipes organized in a physical binder


I then bought various sizes of canning jars and leak-proof lids. This was a health goal I made for this past year and there are many new skills I’ve been developing alongside it. You can see how this habit branches out to more being more involved than just drinking 16 glasses of water a day!


Each of these habits are in line with a bigger goal for this year and that is to increase my energy while simplifying my life.


One of the most important aspects of my day-to-day life is maintaining my energy. Without eating the right, healthy food at the right times throughout the day, I wouldn’t be able to work as I do.


What some may not realize is that on-site organizing is a lot of physical work.


My team and I are constantly lifting boxes during a new move-in, crawling on our hands and knees in a basement for hours, squatting in narrowly crowded pantries, climbing ladders, and so on.

It’s really not as glamorous as you may think!


Every profession, however, does have its hardships. I believe the pros faaaarr outweigh the cons! Just take a look at my “Why” video and you’ll see my passion comes from a deep place of service.

Truly everyone needs to maintain their energy and health through their daily habits in some way. So these tips are really universal!


I hope I’ll see you around more this year. Let’s stick together and create healthy habits for 2023 😊


With these ideas now fresh in mind, what are some new organizing habits that you want to start this year? Comment below!




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Clutter + What You Eat









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4 Ways To Make Next Christmas Easier

By Blog, Checklists, Quick Organizing Tips, Simple Living No Comments

You might be tired of thinking about stress and Christmas right now.


Especially if there were any mishaps along the way.


Whether you couldn’t find the turkey lacers and thermometer, burnt the turkey, or couldn’t find the indoor and outdoor light timers, we all encounter some stressful mishaps during the holiday season.


But why does this stress seem to happen year after year?


One would think we might learn from our mistakes, but yet here we are rummaging through un-labeled boxes for the tenth time.


And it doesn’t come down to laziness as much as it does disorganization.


Maybe you’ve never learned how many decorations you need for a certain space.

Or how to plan a color theme.


Or how much greenery to buy each year (I document this and take photos so I don’t overspend and can save time decorating).


Or even to keep a running list of gift ideas and clothing sizes throughout the year!


We all have our stress points when it comes to holidays.


Next year, I want you to have the most successful, stress-free Christmas yet!

In order to achieve this, we must start early… like as soon as this Christmas wraps up!


Because throwing decorations into miscellaneous boxes now is only going to hinder this goal for next year.


Let’s begin with the Most Common Holiday Struggles:


Common Struggles Around Christmas


    • Making the same mistakes each year due to disorganization

    • Not having a clear vision of how to decorate the following year

    • Winging it with no decorating timeline, which leads to feeling overwhelmed and stressed trying to figure it out last minute in a rush

    • Unlabeled bins, so you have to open every single box to even see what they contain

    • Rethinking how to store away and organize all the decor in existing containers (I have a huge time-saver for you here that you can even delegate to family members!) 

    • Overspending on gifts, no clear budget

    • Wasting precious time searching for recipes and meal plans


Simply Productive Christmas Organizer!

Plan your holidays ahead of the rush

Debrief what worked well (or what didn’t)


Did you try a new stuffing recipe? Test a Secret Santa style of gift exchanging?


This is where you’ll keep record of anything new you’ve tried, and how it went. While it’s still fresh in your memory, write down or type up anything you did this Christmas that went really well, and what missed the mark. You can also include anything you want to try for next year, too. This offloads any of the stress of trying to keep your mental notes in order.


Below is a list of some useful prompts:


  • Did you have to travel too much / too little?

  • Would a getaway holiday have been nice, or did you really enjoy spending time at home?

  • Did you enjoy hosting? Would you prefer more, or less guests next year?

  • Is there anything on your holiday bucket list that you wish you had done?

  • Has your family aged out of some traditions and they now need to be revamped (or to do something totally different)?

  • What parts of your holiday were such hits that you’d like to do them again?

  • What did you imagine going really well but didn’t work out as planned? If you’ll try it again, how can it be improved?


Create a Pinterest board


My favorite of all! Piece together some images that inspire you, bring you joy, and that are just downright beautiful!


Nothing sets us straight into motion like having a plan ready early. Create a board titled “Christmas [year]” and start pinning. Now you’ve got all year to make a vision board for how you want next Christmas to look! Think about what you imagine in each space, outdoors, table settings, everything down to the last detail. This leaves no room for hmm-ing and haw-ing next year.


Here are some of our faves from Pinterest!

Purge, Label bins, + Make a list of the contents


We’ve all got some decorations we’ll never put out again. Don’t feel pressured by family obligation to keep items that are really just clutter to you.


If you really don’t like and won’t use those special decorations from your great-great grandma, pass them on. Another family member might be ideal but if nobody wants them, reach out to some friends or secondhand stores. If you’ve taken a liking to a certain theme the last few years, then only keep those blue and silver decorations. Whatever you do end up purging, just remember to label the rest. Group like things together (tree decorations, dining room settings, outdoors, etc.) so unpacking will be a breeze.


Quick Tip: Store your “Worked/Didn’t Work” list in a labeled Christmas box. Call it “Open First” or something along those lines so you’ll know to open it before anything else.


Scour the January sales


Sales start popping up everywhere right after the holidays, and not just for Boxing Day. Right now shops are looking to offload their excess Christmas supplies, too.


There is no better time of year to stock up on Christmas-y items than right after the holiday itself! After all the fun (and stress) has come and gone, stores are usually stuck with a bunch of extra goodies. So prep a list of what you need or would like to replace (this will keep you from overbuying) and hit the mall!


Take photos of how you decorated this year so you can refer to it next year. This has saved me a lot of time each year, as well save money because I don’t overspend on new decorations that I don’t really need. Plus you can always make little changes as desired!.


If any indoor or outdoor lights have stopped working, I’ll also make note of that so I have that important info for next year’s setup. I’m then able to purchase the replacements early instead of rushing at the last minute trying to find the correct color and style.


All of this has made decorating a lot less stressful at my household – and I hope it can do the same for you!






Need a place to keep it all together?

Plan your holidays ahead of the rush with our
✨Christmas Organizer!✨

This package includes templates, checklists, and layouts to keep you streamlined for years to come.