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The Sentimentalist: Emotional Attachment to Clutter

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🤍 Dear Sentimentalists,


I have long admired your big, all-encompassing hearts! 🤍


I feel you know a level of care and nurture that goes deeper than most. You have been through so much in this lifetime which has only added tremendous empathic traits to your already very endearing personalities.


You deeply cherish those close to you and like to show off just how much you appreciate them. You probably love giving away baked goodies or spontaneous, “You like it? Take it!” gifts!

đź“š Why am I prone to Clutter?


Sentimentalists love to be of service to the ones around them, no matter their relation. You have a big heart and are likely to be found lending a helping hand to those most in need.


Since you value the ones you love so much, of course you’d want to display your kids’ artwork, family vacation photos, souvenirs, and memorabilia. Who wouldn’t be proud of all these special memories! And us houseguests love getting to see more about you and your lifestyle.


There’s nothing wrong with having a little extra love to give!

One thing I know from my experience as a professional organizer, is that you might try holding on to too many things at once. And I know how much you love all your things, but all of these “what if” or “deal with it later” items are blocking you from serving at your fullest potential.


You need to be extra careful about forming emotional attachments to sentimental clutter.


🥊 Confronting the Clutter


“Pick 3 of the best, get rid of the rest.”

– Sherry Borsheim, Founder of Simply Productive


By holding on to so many sentimental items and Eventually-These-Will-Be-Useful things, you are getting in your own way of cherishing the new. When we hold onto too many things, we aren’t leaving room – both physical and emotional – for new experiences.


If every space in your home for displaying photos is full of frames already, where will you put up your next set of family photos?  


You must question yourself about why you’ve been hanging onto broken items that need repair when you don’t seem to be able to “get around” to doing anything with it. Also question yourself about furniture, clothes, and household items that you’re sentimentally attached to that you’ve paid to have stored for many years.


How much money has this cost you? How much time do you spend thinking about doing something but never take action? What is your sentimental clutter costing you in time, money, and emotional well-being?


All of this emotional and mental clutter takes a toll and weighs on you immensely.


Imagine now when you walk through your home. Do you feel a sense of breezy calm? Or is the vibe more stagnant, dusty, and anxious?


Cluttering up your home and office wall-to-wall with stuff takes a lot of time, effort, and money to maintain, dust, and clean on a regular basis. And constantly making room for new things in a cluttered space requires a lot of extra energy to move things around a room

Photos & Styling @TraceyAyton
Organizer Simply Productive

We spend a lot of time at home… so much so that our home environment has a huge affect on our physical and mental wellbeing! Have you been feeling off, anxious, or depressed for seemingly no reason? If so, you might want to take a look around your spaces!


Can you recall the feeling of staying at a nice hotel? The duvet is white and fluffy, the tables are cleared aside from a recent magazine and alarm clock, the closets have ample room for your belongings, the kitchenette has just enough kitchen utensils for your number of guests… no more, no less…


But as a sentimentalist, I know you like to surround yourself with things that make you happy and bring you joy! I also know that living life as a minimalist is likely not something you want to do.

So I’d like to challenge you in finding a happy medium between displaying less, and filling every available shelf, wall, and floor space. Find three images online of a space that inspires you and let that be your goal for decluttering and organizing your space.


Even if you pack some items temporarily away in boxes, in just a couple weeks you’ll see how easy it becomes to clean and dust the space!


And use this motto to create the space of your dreams!

Does this space give you serenity, calm, and peace?


Don’t worry my friend, by no means am I suggesting to rid of all of your memorable and useful pieces. But instead, I am suggesting you spend some time focusing on organizing them in an efficient manner. This way you will gain much more mental and emotional freedom. And never again feel that heavy weight of clutter on your shoulders!


✨ Living clutter-free: Is it for me?


This is 100% possible for you – and before you start to think I’m drifting off into fairytale land, check out these Sentimentalist transformations for yourself:

And coming soon… you!


You may feel overwhelmed initially, but I promise once you get a little momentum going, a drawer cleared out here, a shelf decluttered there… that the motivation will just keep rolling.


So stick with me to create better emotional habits around your sentimental things!


🪄 How to start Clearing the Clutter


If you can’t tidy a whole house, tidy a corner. If you can’t tidy a corner, put away 3 things. It’s not possible to do all things every single day – it is possible to take just one step today.”

– Sherry Borsheim, Founder of Simply Productive


I’d like to pass on a few tips for you, Sentimentalists!


I want you to be able to live a beautiful life free of clutter and emotional baggage, and to choose joy in the process of decluttering and organizing.


It does not to be a dreadful, boring task!


There is an easier way out of this painful cycle, and I am here to remind you: YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.

Here are a few ways you can start today:


  • Create a vision (draw it if you need to!) for what you want your space to look and feel like (this helps you determine how much stuff you’ll have in each room; leave some empty space reserved for the future)
  • Set aside 30 minutes each week to work on reorganizing one area
  • Review your stashes and junk drawers to gain clarity on why you are keeping certain things
  • Have a realistic plan for what to do with too many sentimental items (keep them in labeled storage containers, take a photo to keep the memory and donate/discard the actual thing, use organizational products to categorize and put things away from view, etc.)
  • Use computerized planning and scheduling tools (to hold you accountable to these changes)


And while you’re sorting, try to maintain as much focus and self-discipline as you can. It can be very mentally draining to part with things that you feel emotional attachment to. Just know this will only benefit you in the long run.

Let’s begin by rating your level of commitment to getting your spaces organized:


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to edit, declutter, and organize the space? (level 1 is not committed at all, and level 10 is 100%, fully committed)



Download these free organizing assessments to track your progress in all areas!



Sometimes while getting organized, you don’t see the visible result right away and this can get discouraging. With this assessment, you will rate where you are today and re-access your level of satisfaction in a month. Oftentimes you’ll be pleasantly surprised about how several areas on the assessment wheel have automatically gone up without you having to even think about it!


It’s very motivating and inspiring to see this kind of progress!

Ask yourself these questions to decide what you will keep, donate, or no longer need:


  • Do I honestly love it?
  • Do I use it weekly, monthly, or yearly?
  • When was the last time I thought about this item or used it?
  • Do I realistically need this item in my life going forward?
  • Did I even remember I owned this?
  • How many duplicates of the same item do I have?
  • What would be the worst possible scenario if I donated or passed it on?
  • In what situation would I realistically need or want this?
  • What would I like to have more space for?
  • Have my job or hobbies changed and it’s time to let some things go?
  • What keeps me awake at night or gives me stress and anxiety?
  • Am I committed to scheduling time, effort, and/or money to fix or repair this item?


 🤍 Invest time into YOU


Does this feel attainable for you?


You will feel so much better after clearing just a couple piles! Remember to start with the biggest piles or the ones that bother you the most in order to create a dramatic, visible result right off the bat.


Comment below and tell me about your next organizing goal as a commitment to yourself!


Set a reminder in your phone to follow up in a week and let me know which strategies worked for you! Or maybe you’ll have a new tip for me?


Excitedly waiting to hear all about your progress!





Need more help with decluttering?

I created the How to Organize Your Household Papers course to help walk you through the decluttering process. It includes sections on foundational organizing skills, setting up filing systems, creating household systems, and more bonus videos to make sure you’ve reached your goals.

For further details on the course and to purchase, go here:

Christmas Shopping: Do it in One Day!

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

Would you sign up for the challenge of completing all of your Christmas shopping in one day?


Lots of people do! Though not many choose on their own accord (shout out to my last-minute shoppers), getting it all done in a day is becoming increasingly popular!


Not tempted to spend all your December weekends shopping for Christmas presents?


I don’t blame you!


Before you get that bubble of anxiety in your chest, let me tell you – it can be done!


You can do it in one day, but you’re going to need to be strict with yourself.


Up to the challenge? Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes…



First – Fuel up!


It’s hard to do logical Christmas shopping when your energy is crashing.


Skip the bread, carbs, and sugary breakfast cereals, says Simone Lovell, certified nutritionist, health coach, and owner of Fuel for Fat Loss. “Protein with breakfast is so important within the first hour of waking up.”



Begin with a Shopping Plan


A successful shopping spree always needs a list!

One of the great benefits of preparing your Christmas shopping list in advance is that you’re way more likely to spend less money. When you’re more aware of what you’re buying it’s easier to stick within a budget. Try to write down who you’re buying for, what you plan on gifting them, and the store(s) you will find these items in.




Example: Auntie Lisa – Holiday diffuser oils – Vitruvi

Switch on Tunnel Vision

Traveling to five shopping centers and various outlet stores is just not going to happen in one day, let’s be realistic.


As you’re planning the gifts you’ll buy and the stores you’ll need to visit, try to commit to just two shopping centers. It will be easier to stick to your goal of getting all your Christmas shopping done in one day. Search the online directories of local malls and see how many gifts you could buy in the least amount of locations. And while you’re waiting in line in these stores, pry your eyes away from register sales and do your best to avoid all distractions!


Skip the Sweatpants


Wear something that fits and feels nice; bring your confidence out!


A balance between comfortable and chic is best. Did you know we are more productive when we feel more put together? It’s true – when we feel insecure, we tend to buy more. You know, that fill-the-void kind of thing. So scrap the sweats and sneakers if they make you feel frumpy and instead reach for something stylish that will boost your self-confidence all day long for your Christmas shopping!


No Plus One’s


This is a key component of a successful and efficient day.


Not only will shopping alone save you time, but also lots of money (important for your budget!). How often have you gone out with a friend and spent WAY more than you planned? It’s just too easy to get caught up in “Those jeans would look great on you!” and “Haven’t you been looking for a pair of boots like these??” Since the goal here is to complete your shopping in one day, going solo is a must.


Tips and Advice


Remember that even if you’re short on time, do your best to not leave anything else to the last minute. If you’re Christmas shopping online, this especially applies to you – you don’t want your gifts to arrive after Christmas! To avoid the risk of this happening, make sure you get your orders placed before December 15th, leaving plenty of time for your shipment to arrive.


Another tip: if you really want to add as much productivity and efficiency as humanly possible, pick a theme for your Christmas presents. Themes can be anything from books to puzzles, clothes to home linens – the choice is yours. Basing gifts off of a theme will save you a lot of time and effort as you will visit hopefully only a few shops in the process!


Will you be checking off your to-do list early? Or running around in the last hour? Comment below!





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5 Easy Steps to a Holiday-Ready Home

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

Is your home ready for the holidays? The time is now upon us – there is absolutely no denying that!


You’ve got to finish up all the loose ends before you’re stuck cramming these last-minute tasks into one week. December is already packed tight with to-do’s and errands, so do you and your family a favor by getting them out of the way early.


This way you’ll actually have time to be present for that quality time!


Here are 5 easy steps to a “Holiday-Ready Home”:



  1. ✨ Declutter your Guest Areas

    The living room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathrooms, guest bedrooms… every social room in your house needs a thorough going-over. However tempting it may be, don’t stuff things inside cupboards praying it won’t fall out. Your guests might find themselves looking for toilet paper or dish-wares at some point and the last thing you want is a waterfall of clutter falling on them! Be prepared for this instead. Keep it organized and clutter free, period.

  2. ✨ Store Clutter Away

    We often underestimate how our every day clutter (or organized chaos) can seem more like a mess when we have a house full of guests. Why put ourselves through that embarrassment? All the excess clutter that you know you won’t be using during the holidays can be stored away while your guests are present. There has to be some space free in your garage, crawl space, attic etc. to simply set it aside until after the holidays. Who knows, you might like the freed up space anyhow!

  3. ✨ Have it Ready!

    Whether it’s your ingredients for cooking, your games for playing, or your fine dinnerware for serving, it is always wise to get it out and in an easily accessible location before your guests arrive. You’ll spend less time rushing around searching for items you haven’t used in a year and makes entertaining more fun and less stressful. Set yourself up for easy entertaining and more enjoyment this holiday season!

  4. ✨ Make it Sparkle

    Deep cleaning and making your home perfect is best done after the busy holiday season. Make your home sparkle where it counts! Like the powder bath, your kitchen, dining room, family room, and guest room if you have company coming to stay with you. Pick a couple areas and make them areas shine. A sparkly home over the holidays will make everyone’s hearts shine a little more too!

  5. ✨ Give them Luxury

    Those fancy towels you purchased that you’ve been afraid to use, it’s time to get them washed and ready for display! Your guests will absolutely love them and I know it will make you smile when you see them on display. It will be like staying at a spa or fancy hotel while they’re with you, and being pampered will automatically lift everyone’s spirits up!

And voila – you now have a Holiday-Ready Home!

Sometimes, it’s the smallest things that make the biggest impact. Only do what you have time for. And remember, it’s more about the experience and being present in the moment that matters most!

Do you have family coming to stay with you this Christmas? Comment below!

Happy Holidays everyone!






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