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10 Products to Achieve a Neat and Organized Home

By Blog, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips 4 Comments

Sure, we all want a neat and organized home with a gorgeous walk-in pantry! With the space to hide all linens and stow away archive file boxes.


But the reality is, many of us are stuck in homes that feel too small. With barely enough room to tuck away our collection of souvenir coffee mugs.


Unfortunately we can’t adjust your current square footage. But we do have the organizing products to make your space feel infinitely more comfortable, neat and organized!


We worked on this project with the homeowner and interior designer Stephanie Brown of Stephanie Brown Inc. to achieve an overall cohesive look and feel for the organizing products with her design. This was truly one of the most creative and fun renovation projects we’ve worked on for an entire home!


For our photoshoot, we brought my team in along with stylist Lorena Angus of LA Concepts and photographer Tracey Ayton to capture my vision for a beautifully organized and highly functional home. And no amount of snowfall that came down the night before was going to stop us from making it all happen!


Scroll through this beautifully styled Simply Productive home for 10 smart ways you can get organized. Whether that’s in a small pantry, mudroom cabinet, DIY coffee and tea station, tiny bathroom drawers, or clothes closet!


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10 Products to Achieve a Neat and Organized Home


The Mudroom

Neat Method carries a variety of beautifully crafted, luxury organizing products. I regularly use their products in clients’ homes to achieve the desired neat and organized style or look. These Oxford Bins in color Slate are great multi-use containers that elevate the look of any room. They are made of an upholstery-grade fabric for long-lasting durability. They’re also polished inside to avoid snagging delicate fabrics if used in your closet.

Using Brass Label Holders compliments the distinguished slate simply. On top of these magnetic label holders, we have used black labels to retain a classic style. Neat Method’s label holders come in two pieces with multiple ways to attach to just about any bin or basket in your home. Here, we have used them magnetically. Lining up the front and back plates on either side of the Oxford Bin’s fabric allows them to hold one another in place.


The Bathroom

The versatile, shatter-resistant containers by The Home Edit have quickly become a staple for many professional organizers! I often use these Clear Stackable Organizing Bins in bathrooms for cosmetics and toiletries, kitchens for junk drawers, and offices for drawer supplies, among many other spaces. A great thing about these is that you have many choices when it comes to sizes. With many combinations of heights, depths, and widths, you’re sure to be able to find the perfect size to create a neat and organized space! Just make sure to measure the area before purchasing 😉


The Pantry

In this uniquely painted pantry, we’ve used The Home Edit’s Narrow Pantry Bins to store small-sized snacks. When purchasing snacks in bulk, these bins are our go-to option for keeping them contained and easily accessible. They are also available at Canadian Tire! For larger snack items we love to use these clear, stackable Divided All-Purpose Bins because the divider is also removable if needed. Its clear sides let you check the contents at any time. Each bin is also extremely durable, with a crisp look that’s perfect for clutter-free pantry storage. These can also be found at Canadian Tire!

A classic look is provided by Anchor Hocking’s Montana Jars which come with beautiful, dark acacia wood lids. Generous top openings allow for easy access, and their snug-fitting lids give you almost airtight storage. Making them the perfect choice for storing your favourite cereals, pastas, flours, or any other bulk items in a way that stays neat and organized! If clear is more your style, you’ll want to check out Anchor Hocking’s Heritage Hill Glass Jar. Made with oversized knobs for easy lid removal, these glass jars are also wide-mouthed and thick-walled to ease scooping and prevent spillage. Glass is not only more environmentally-friendly than plastic or metal, but also tends to be more durable in different ways. It will not warp, stain, retain smells, or seep dangerous chemicals into stored food.


The Coffee + Tea Station

The two products in this drawer I tend to use in almost every coffee and tea station I set up. They just work so complimentarily with each other!

The first of these is the Bamboo Adjustable Drawer Dividers pictured across the entire drawer space. I love these spring-loaded dividers because they can easily be adjusted to almost any drawer. They give a nice, natural look to a space. Plus they can break up the blocky dark or stark white drawer bottoms. This makes them the perfect solution for almost any room to make your home look neat and organized!

I am always asked about what I use for storing teas, and this second product here is my #1 recommendation! It’s almost as if they were made for it 😄 Introducing, The Home Edit’s Small Bin Clear Organizer! These organizers let you easily customize any drawer’s storage. Their straight sides sit neatly beside each other to help you make the most of your shelf space. They’re also completely clear so the contents inside are always visible.


The Closet

A new-er product in my organizing toolbelt lately has been these handy Clear Acrylic Closet Dividers. I love how they can help you pull out a sweater or bulky clothing item without the worry of the neighboring stack spilling over or sliding out! I have also used these for storing purses, clutches, and large wallets upright in rows. Maximize your closet storage space and keep any shelf neat and organized. Use them to easily divide the same shelf into different functional areas. Then stack items like clothing, sweaters, towels, and linens into high (but functional!) piles.



Keep these smart organizing products to make your home neat and organized fresh in mind… It’s time to roll up your sleeves and bring the vision to life!


Whether you choose to use a few or all of these products, remember the ultimate goal. Creating a space that suits your family’s own unique needs! So go ahead and declutter what you don’t need first. Then map out how you want the remaining items to be organized.



You’ll see very quickly how you can fully transform your humble abode into your dream organized home!


Embrace the powers of organization today, and enjoy the new beauty and efficiency of your spaces tomorrow.


Did something catch your eye today? See a few you already use? Comment below!





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Google Keep: Learn the Basics + Use Key Features

By Blog, Checklists, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing No Comments



Are you someone who makes it all the way to the grocery store before you realize you forgot your shopping list?


Or do you just like to wing it? No list at all, taking the risk of wasting money on duplicate ingredients that you already have at home?


If you fall into either of these categories or you’re just looking for ways to uplevel your grocery process… then you definitely need this time-saving, note-taking, checklist Google Keep app to simplify your life today.


Plus, I’ll be showing you how to share your shopping lists with others so that you can delegate tasks and free up your own time!


What is Google Keep used for?


If you’re anything like me, I’ll often remember while I’m out and about that I had to pick something up, but then realize I left that sticky note at home so I’m not too sure what it was. This happens so often when I’m driving by a grocery store, hardware store, or in an area of town that I know I had some errands to do in.

So I’ll let you in on my secret… I have a favorite app for shopping lists, errand reminders, and notes, all in one place.


This magical solution is called Google Keep!


I’ve used this daily and consistently for many years and have found that it saves me so much time and stress on my weekly shopping trips.


I’ve tested many other apps but they just didn’t work for me. They weren’t easy to share with others, they costed more money than I felt they were worth, and they weren’t simple enough to use on all kinds of devices.  

What I love about Google Keep is that it works on iOS and Android devices, as well as the good ol’ fashioned desktop computer!

During the week when I notice I’m running low on my favorite coconut yogurt, dish soap, toilet paper, batteries, or other household items, I can simply add them to one of my Google Keep Lists.


If there’s a specific brand I like for something, I can also snap a photo and add it to the Grocery List in a pinch.

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How to use Google Keep Notes


I’m sure you shop at a few different grocery stores, so I recommend you have one running grocery list. This way, you can refer to it while you’re out at any location. Now if you decide to pick up a few items for dinner, you’ll have your handy list at your fingertips and can cross things off at the same time!


I recommend you create shopping lists for the types of stores you frequent on a regular basis.


The lists I love to have and recommend you make in your own Google Keep are the following,

  • Costco
  • Home Depot or a Hardware Store
  • Drug Store
  • Garden Center
  • Office Supplies
  • Errands  


You can even add your packing lists and other notes in here too, but that’s a whole other story for another time 😉



Can you share Google Keep with others?


Now, here’s the best part of Google Keep. This feature saves me time and it’s how I’ve been able to delegate household grocery shopping to my husband so I don’t have to do it every week!

Also, when he’s at a hardware or drug store he can simply check the lists to see if there’s something specific that I need and easily see which brands I like. In turn, this saves me from having to drive to those same stores again and we don’t have to text back and forth about what I’d like him to pick up.


Inside Google Keep, you can share your created lists with family members, teenagers, your nanny, or anyone else that does errands and may help out with your shopping.

For uses in my business, I’ve even shared project lists with clients, team members working on the project, or my client’s nanny who does the grocery shopping. Then when I’m organizing an area of their home and notice that they are low on cleaning products, batteries, or pantry items, I can easily add the items to their grocery list.


It’s a time-saver for everyone involved!


This app is a great assistant for someone who’s doing grocery shopping for their elderly parents or caring for a loved one. It’s really simple to use and anyone with a phone can learn how to add an item to a list if you show them how, all they need is a Gmail address.


They don’t even necessarily need to use the Gmail email. I’ve helped set up many accounts over the years just so someone could be added to a Google Keep List!


When adding a collaborator to a Google Keep list, make sure they understand how to add items to the various lists. Then whoever is doing the shopping knows what they’re supposed to buy. This will help you avoid wasting money on the wrong printer toner or kitchen pantry items that you may already have enough of on hand.


Keep in mind, that if you want to own the Google Keep List or Note (meaning keep it on your account), the best practice would be to set up the list on your mobile device first, and then add others to it. That way you can manage who is added and deleted from each list.


You can also add Google Assistant for a voice-activated, hands-off feature. Add items to your list by saying, “Hey Google, add Almond Butter to Grocery List” then it’s totally off your mind!



Could you see this saving you time and money?  


Let me know in the comments below what shopping lists you’re going to create!





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50 Things To Declutter Right Now

By Blog, Checklists, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

There is no better way to welcome a fresh, new year than to get out with the old to make room for the new!


This article will cover 50 things you can declutter right now (feel free to add to the list!)


Life changes a lot over the span of the year. You are no longer who you were last year, and that goes for your family too!


We all outgrow things, go through consumables, and items get old and need repair or replacement. These are just the natural aspects of life, and this list is for you to keep on top of them!


Here are 50 things to Declutter Right Now:

Ready to roll up your sleeves and get down to work? 😁👍🏼


Before you start on these 50 items, here are just a few words of my advice.


You may find yourself distracted while decluttering and reorganizing. This is totally normal, and while you’re still getting the hang of it this is commonly experienced!


The best ways to avoid the distractions and mistakes that will lead you to the trap of Yo-Yo Organizing are in this freebie download below!

3 Home Organizing Mistakes


While working virtually with those who have a new year’s goal of wanting to get organized and with clients on-site in their homes, I always see the same frustrations. So I want to help you avoid getting discouraged by these common mistakes!


Read through these 3 most common organizing mistakes and learn how to avoid them to ensure your success while you use these 50 ideas to declutter right now!



Did we miss anything? Comment below!





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