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Tips for Working From Home Effectively

By Blog, Business Organizing, Time Management No Comments

Whether you’re new to or have experience with working from home, there are similar challenges we have all faced at one time or another. Working from home has become more prominent than the typical “office lifestyle” now more than ever.


But that’s great! This opportunity can give many of us more freedom and a less stressful workday.


However, it takes a lot of adjusting to work from home. Especially for those who are just beginning their first transition! This is also where self control and accountability come into play.


I’ve got your productivity covered 😉


Below are my top practices for how I plan and execute my productivity goals when working from home.

These tips also double as mental health tips for working from home!

1. Balance Family Obligations

There may be times when younger kids are home from school during your work week. For parents who work from home, caring for kids can make staying productive even more of a difficult task.


If this sounds like your life, it’s important to create a schedule that works to balance your family and work commitments effectively. This might look like one partner waking up to work earlier while the house is quiet and the other working later in the day afterward, or sharing the responsibility of taking the kids to/from child care. Having a plan ahead of time can eliminate a lot of stress from having to make in-the-moment decisions.


2. Prepare Meals

It can seem convenient to have the ability to make nice meals for yourself during the day, but you don’t need to waste productive time on this every day. Preparing food ahead of time ensures you are using your meal times to eat.

Have your meals ready the night before. To avoid wasting time, cook and prepare all of your meals ahead of time just like you would for a day at the office.

3. Be the Early Bird

It’s tempting to sleep in when you’re setting your own hours and not having to rush away to the office. But if you’re struggling with consistent productivity, challenge yourself to get up anyway.


Set an alarm for yourself an hour before your partner and kids wake up. Make a cup of your favorite morning beverage and start tackling one of your more unfavorable tasks. You’ll be surprised at how much you get done when you give yourself a little extra quiet time to be productive.

4. Batch Time for Emails

Do you find yourself going back and forth between a task and each ping of your email? If your work doesn’t require you to be on top of every email all day, set times to check and follow up with your emails.


Use these email breaks to sort through your inbox and reply to any that need your attention. Multi-tasking might sound like a good strategy, but dividing your attention between multiple tasks will spread you too thin. You gain productivity by accomplishing one whole thing at a time.

5. Set a “Finishing Time”

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your work that you lose track of time. Working from home seems like a positive work-life balance attribute, but be careful not to get caught up in the relaxing environment and workflow too often.


Make a clear boundary for your work and personal life. Use an alarm to remind you when your work day is over. This doesn’t mean you have to quit at that moment – but use it as a guide to know when you should start to save and tie up any loose ends from work.

6. Trick Your Brain

Who doesn’t love a pajama day? Working from home offers the convenience of comfy clothes and alleviates the pressure of “getting ready” for work at the office.


Pretend you are getting ready for a day working in the office. Just changing clothes to something more formal will give your brain a signal to get work done throughout the day. It gives you a boost in the back of your mind throughout the day to be more productive and often energizes you as well.

7. Use a To-Do List

Working entirely from home can feel like you’re taking on a lot all by yourself. Keep your work organized in a paper or digital list.


Visually seeing everything you need to do can calm your mind and you are less likely to forget the small things. Use this method to cross off completed tasks for a sense of accomplishment, and jot down any notes or new tasks that come up throughout the day. You should also include any meetings or calls you’re participating in.

How do you keep yourself focused throughout the day?

Comment below!



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Where to Donate Books When You’re Decluttering

By Blog, Home Organizing, Resources No Comments


If you have a collection of reading materials you’re ready to let go of but aren’t sure of where to donate books – this one’s for you!


Every reader knows that books can change lives. Children’s books help to shape and broaden our minds and imaginations as little ones. Self-help books give us direction in confusing or difficult times. Even recipe books bring life to our kitchens when we’re experimenting with new foods!


It isn’t always easy to let go of our favourites, which is why book libraries are one of the fastest-growing types of collections! When our shelves are filled to the brims, the stacks start toppling, and our little ones let go of picture books in favour of novels, these are signs it’s time to declutter. Continue reading for our full list of where to donate books.


Decluttering books is already quite a task in itself. But once the collection has been sorted, what should you do with the to-go books? Recycling them seems like a waste when so many others can still benefit from the books, and passing them on to friends and family can only go so far (especially if you’ve got a lot to give away!).



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How to Declutter Your Books

First, gather your supplies:

  • Boxes from Home Depot, a local storage facility, or banker boxes from Amazon
  • Packing tape
  • A thick, black marker (to label boxes for where they will be donated)
  • Research where to donate books (we’ve done most of the research for you here, and you can search for similar resources specific to your area)


Books are heavy, and glossy cookbooks are even heavier, so remember that you’ll still need to be able to lift the boxes of books for donation! Big Brothers does offer a pickup service, but you’ll still need to move them outside your front door. If lifting a box of books is too much for you, use sturdy reusable bags that you can lift by handles and carry to your car.


Pick one room to start in first. Use our Simply Productive Method for decluttering books – Left to Right, Top to Bottom.


Start on the top shelf from the left side and work your way to the right side of the shelf. Then continue decluttering on the shelf below. If you can’t get to the top shelf, then start with the floor and work left to right.


The goal is to make decisions on what to keep or donate, one shelf or area at a time.


Have several small boxes pre-assembled and ready to put your books for donation in. When decluttering with a client on-site, we prefer to use the small boxes or file boxes from Home Depot. Just don’t fill them to the top as they will be too heavy to lift! We only fill them three-quarters of the way for this reason.


“Now what should I do with them?”


To address this exact question, we’ve compiled a list of resources for where to donate books, textbooks, magazines, and comic books. Our guide spans across borders, for those in Canada, the US, and beyond. Ensure your books find a welcoming home and continue to inspire minds near and far by donating to these great causes today!



Where to Donate Books When You’re Decluttering

When deciding where to donate books, textbooks, magazines, and comic books, remember it is not just a single generous act but one that continues giving. You are capable of sparking curiosity, education, and joy in the hearts of many more readers!


Whether you reside in Canada, the US, or anywhere worldwide, you now have the resources to make a significant impact in your community and beyond. Don’t let your books sit idle and collect dust – share the knowledge and stories tucked in those pages! Give them a new life with someone who would appreciate them as you have by donating them to a good cause.


Bookmark this article to use as a reference for your next decluttering session. It will save you time from researching where to donate books on your own!


Make sure your beloved books continue to inspire and educate others for years to come. Share your favourite books with those in need by donating to these great causes today!




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Organize + Level Up Your iPhone for Better Productivity

By Blog, Digital Minimalism, Digital Organizing No Comments


It’s true a lot of people find their devices distracting, but what they don’t know is, that when you organize your iPhone for better productivity, the distractions seem to fade away!


Have you ever stopped to think about how the clutter on your phone might be adding more stress to your life? The clutter and constant notifications on your phone are like hidden stressors, and they weigh on you in more ways than you realize.  But we don’t want stress here! We want to  eliminate the stress, especially from our phones.



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Let’s first acknowledge that our phones play a crucial role in our lives. From managing business tasks to staying connected with employees, they’ve become indispensable.


One thing I do to prevent a problem from even budding is I tell myself, “I want to use my phone as support in making life easier.” By setting this intention, I can more easily avoid it becoming a vortex of distraction.  I use my phone to literally run 80% of my business (because I’m out and about so often), so I’ve set it up to still be able to support me when I’m not at home.


Below, I delve into how you can effectively organize your iPhone for better productivity. This aids in making it a stress-free tool that can both enhance your productivity and simplify your life!


 I highly recommend that you grab your phone while reading this so we can organize your iPhone for better productivity together!


Organize + Level Up Your iPhone for Better Productivity


Subscription Cleanup

The first thing you can do to organize your iPhone for better productivity is to start reviewing the apps on your phone and checking for any running subscriptions you have. Open your phone’s settings, click on your name, and consider whether you truly need them all. Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions.


You can also check in here when your subscriptions are renewing. If you’d like to keep them until the end of the term, set a reminder in your calendar to come back and cancel them before that date. By doing this, you not only save money but also free up space on your device. Let’s start deleting!



Free Up Storage

Next, navigate to your phone’s settings. Go to “General” and select “iPhone Storage.” You’ll see a breakdown of how your space is being used and it will even recommend what you should delete!


Now, you probably have a lot of apps and videos eating at most of it. I know for me, I’m always having to delete those! To free up some space, identify which non-essential files consume the most storage and delete or offload them. Make sure to uninstall any apps that you’re not using, too.


If you want to go a step further while you organize your iPhone for better productivity, you could also move some apps to your library so they’re not cluttered on your home screen. Here’s how you would do that: while on your home screen, when it says edit/remove app, you click that. It will ask if you’d like to delete the app or remove it from the home screen. Since we still want to keep it, we’ll choose the latter. And poof! All gone.

Additionally, don’t forget to back up your photos to a cloud service like Google Photos or iCloud. I’ve set up my phone so my photos automatically back up to Google Photos. When I go into Google Photos, I can see at the top that it’s backing up. 


Once it takes them from my phone and puts them up in Google’s cloud, I go into my laptop to make sure that they’re all there. Then I go to my storage in settings and hit empty, delete from this phone. It’ll permanently delete all of them and you won’t be able to recover them. This is why I use my laptop to always double-check that my photos have synced up to Google Photos before removing them!



Tame Notifications

Overwhelming notifications cause disruptions to your focus and increase stress levels! To combat this while you organize your iPhone for better productivity, go to the “Notifications” section in your phone’s settings and fine-tune your preferences.


I like to use a Scheduled Summary to stay on top of my notifications. This means that I just get a summary of everything at a pre-scheduled time, instead of everything all at once. For minimizing distractions during the day, I love this method!


You can also scroll through all of your apps and edit their notifications individually. Then you won’t get any of those stress-inducing red bubbles reminding you that you have 20 text messages and 432 emails that you haven’t read! And for some less-necessary apps, it may be better to actually disable badges entirely to avoid the constant reminder of pending notifications.


Customize Your Home Screen

 Now up to organize your iPhone for better productivity is the home screen. Your home screen should support your specific daily needs and goals. Organize your apps in a way that makes sense to you, based on how your brain works. For example, if you’re someone who likes to color code your apps, then go ahead with that!


Utilize folders to group similar apps together, create shortcuts for quick access to what you use most often, and make custom widgets to display important information at a glance. I use a combination of all of these, and I love the widgets on my home screen. To make them you swipe way over to the right and hit the plus sign. There are preset ones in there or you can customize them yourself.


I recently set up a widget for my decluttering and chores of the week! I brainstormed my weekly tasks thinking, “Okay, I need to take our recycling to the depot… I also need to declutter my kitchen counters and do my Sunday reset… And sometime this week I’d like to go through my books to free up some space… I’m also in the midst of decluttering my phone…” When I’m done, I schedule it to send me notifications on a particular day and select the time.

The other thing I really like is shortcuts. One of mine is Focus Time. When I’m doing some work and really want to get focused,  I set that timer for 50 minutes and it’ll play my focus music. Then it’ll remind me to get up and have a drink of water to stretch. We all know that if you just keep on going and going all day long, your attention actually decreases! So you want to make sure that you’re taking regular breaks while working. And when you organize your iPhone for better productivity, you’re helping just that 🙂


I also have a shortcut that goes to my weekly filming tasks. In one click it takes me to Asana where the tasks reside and I can just scroll to my “Youtube to Record” section and everything is here for me. It’s all at my fingertips! Whereas before, it would take some navigating around with five clicks or even more to find it. The message here is – make your home screen a reflection of how your brain works and use it to streamline your daily tasks!



My Favorite Apps!


First Page

The first page is for productivity, things that I want to have front and center every time I open my phone. I used to have social media here in a group, but I found it was too tempting to open them. Keeping these time-sucking apps harder to reach really helps support me in staying focused on what I want to accomplish during the week! When you organize your iPhone for better productivity, keep this strategy in mind for apps you’re susceptible to over-using.



  • Fuel For Fat Loss with Simone Lovell – All of her recipes, each day’s workout, weekly meal plans, track water intake
  • Reader Forwards newsletters to the app to unclog inbox, can read them at my leisure, not getting distracted on the internet/social media since I can read right inside one app
  • LastPass Store all of my passwords, access from all devices, secure storage, safely share logins with my team
  • Google Drive + Google Photos Use for my business, store + share content with team, keep client files and photos, access from all devices, automatically backs up, keep course materials in one location
  • Google Keep Great note-taking app, packing checklists, current project checklists, grocery lists, Costco list, can add fun little emojis, keep track of errands, easily share lists with others, it works perfectly for my needs
  • WhatsApp Free international messaging/calling/video-calling, can create groups + communities, use for team communication
  • Asana Project management, keeps track of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly tasks, both personal + business, connect with team, stay on top of project phases, organize launches, store my to-do’s for clients


Second Page

The second page on my phone is for business. I’ve created some groups for finance, filming, shopping, video, and all my social media. I also do a lot of shopping (sourcing products for organizing projects) so I also keep shopping and shopping-related apps quite accessible. Think about which useful apps you use most often next to your every-day ones and while you organize your iPhone for better productivity, place them on this page.


  • Amazon Client product sourcing, personal shopping, client errands, finding specific items on demand
  • Google Maps For getting to client homes, figuring out quickest routes, general navigation
  • ReadWise Compatible with Reader/Pocket/Instapaper, connects with Kindle, when I’m on my Kindle I can highlight information and store it all here to repurpose
  • Kindle Have created a shortcut for this, my current reading (Deep Work by Cal Newport), whatever book I want to read I can have right at my fingertips
  • Clockify Use with my on-site organizing + remote teams, track client hours, I’m able to download those for my invoicing, saves me a lot of time
  • StoCard Keeps points cards in one place, literally just scan your code from the app, uses a barcode system, less weight in my wallet!
  • Reminders Tasks, errands, things I need to remember, ideas
  • Sortly Use this for my business, all of my products are inventoried here, it’s a paid app, I can simply scan a barcode when I’m on-site to move it out of my inventory or put it into a client folder, can download a client’s product list for my invoicing (it has the prices, totals it all up, and puts it in a CSV file), it’ll tell me when I’m low on a product
  • Gmail Email communications, business + personal use, newsletters, client correspondence, purchase tracking
  • Google Chrome Secure internet browser, transfers my bookmarks to any device I’m logged in to, has my settings saved, has my shipping information saved for purchases
  • Messages SMS communications, business + personal use, text subscriptions, appointment confirmations + updates, client correspondence, business team communications


Third Page

 My third screen is more personal. I love to see old photos pop up as highlights from three, five, seven years ago. It’s just kind of nice 🙂 I’ll flip through those to enjoy the spotlights  and sometimes Google Photos even creates these great little videos for me! For this page, organize your iPhone for better productivity by keeping the apps you enjoy using and that are useful here. This page is mainly groups, which I’ll list below.



  • Group: Books – Different book apps, different features
  • Group: Fitness + Wellness – All of my medical apps, health apps, step counter, water tracker
  • Group: Entertainment
  • Group: Music
  • Group: Travel – Anything to do with travel, a few weather apps
  • Group: Apps for Label Makers – I have the Cube + the Brother Cube, it sends from my phone to my little cube label printers
  • Google Photo Scan Digitizes physical paperwork or art, takes four scans of kids artwork and it will compress them together into one clear scan, takes photos of kids pottery projects, scan in and get rid of miscellaneous papers that you’ve had for 10/15/20 years, create a photo book
  • Growth Day I love it and that’s IT! 🧡
  • Shortcuts Creates your shortcuts, you can change the name, choose the scripting, change the color, tell it what the next action is + what it’s automating for you, there are some preset shortcuts, you can also take a preset and customize it the way you want, all sorts of fun things!



These super-smart devices have the potential to be powerful allies. When you organize your iPhone for better productivity, you transform it into a seamless extension of yourself. This helps you to achieve your goals and stay organized!


As you can see, I keep my phone very lean and clean, I strictly use it as a tool to help my day go by a whole lot smoother. It also helps me be more productive and minimizes distractions. It has just been an absolute game-changer for me since I added these groups and created shortcuts. Explore these apps and see how they can simplify your life too!


Let me know in the comments below  which productivity app is your favorite, and what widgets or shortcuts you’ve created that really make a difference in your life!






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