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Why We Prefer New Year’s Planning in September

By August 22, 2022March 4th, 2024No Comments

Transitioning from the hazy days of summer back into the realities of fall for some reason tends to feel very fortifying.


Maybe it’s because our days that have consisted of a loose schedule and dozing in the sunshine are now moving towards a crisper breeze and we are awakening back to life. And as the sun moves toward the southern horizon, our days are gradually shortening; which gives us the clue to renovate our productivity cycles.

Everywhere we look at this time, the trending topic is back to school season. Though many of us are prepping for this change, there is another theme of importance as well:


September says, “fresh start.”

The majority of people still set their goals every January 1st, but September is a steady second in becoming the new time for “New Year’s Resolutions.” Think about it – after a holiday season of stress, family time, over-indulging, and diet-breaking, is it really realistic to try and break our bad habits or create new ones?


September already brings the air of change, so since we are subconsciously set in the mood for reconstructing, let’s use that to our advantage and set some goals!


Firstly, Understand Your Goal…


Let’s organize your goals into these three categories: Personal, Career, and Finance.


The most important part of setting a goal with the intention of actually achieving it, is to really reflect on WHY you are choosing this goal. Do you feel obligated to do it, or is it something you truly want?


You should be passionate about your goals for the right reasons as opposed to settling for them based on what you (or others) think you should be doing! With this in mind, you will feel the motivation in your heart and that will carry you through the steps needed to reach it.


…But Always Remain Flexible.


Make sure to revisit each category on a regular basis and update or change any goals that seem outdated to you, or that no longer align with the path you want to take in life.

It’s okay to cancel things out that you once thought would be good for you – people change, careers change, and our big goals can change too! This does not mean you failed, it just means you are staying true to what you really want.


For example, if you’re fighting unnecessarily hard with yourself to get up extra early and implement a specific morning routine, maybe the goal is not currently something in your bandwidth. You may be better off focusing on a calming night routine instead.


Remember – following what feels natural to you is likely the best for you, listen to your body and build on the positive routines you already have in place. Once these are optimized, then you can begin these slow steps for other, more difficult goals.


Reach Out To Your Inner Circle.


One of the more surefire ways to keep yourself on track is to enlist others to keep you on track. It might be easy to sweep your goals off today, tomorrow, or all week… but your inner circle will kick your butt and hold you accountable like no other!


These people want you to succeed and at the same time see so much potential in you. Tell your inner circle what you’re trying to achieve so they can regularly ask about your progress. Or if you want a smaller accountability method, try just with a partner.


Who can you commit to that you trust to hold you responsible and at times, deliver brutal honesty?


And don’t just put it on someone else to keep you on track – set yourself digital alerts of your goals and daily steps, so you stay inspired and focused throughout the day and week.

Check-In With Yourself.


If you set goals last January, check back in with them now. Are any of them still unaccomplished, or now irrelevant? Revamp the ones you’d like to keep and cross off the ones which you no longer want to adhere to.


Whether you are redoing or creating new goals, keep these three Q’s in mind for setting the steps:


What is one thing you would like to stop, one thing you would like to start, and one thing you would like to continue?


Keep a record (digital or written) of your accomplishments along the way. This will inspire you on gloomy days, and show you just how productive you were all year by next September when you look back and review all of the hard work you put into the past year. You should feel proud!

Be The Tortoise, Not The Hare.


You will never cross the finish line if you burn out – or at least, you won’t be able to race the same again. Don’t push yourself past your limits and remember to take breaks. The goal race is in fact, not a race at all!


Set your pace and stick with what feels comfortable. Push yourself when you can, and give yourself grace days when needed. Rome was not built in a day, and you won’t be the best version of yourself overnight. It takes time, perseverance, and self-control. We all have our days of slip ups and setbacks, but what makes us truly successful is when we get back up and try again.


And again.


And again if needed!


Now that September is just a week away, what goals are you going to set for this year?

Comment below!



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