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Closet Organizing

Simple Tips for Closet Organization

By Closet Organizing, Home Organizing, Uncategorized One Comment

Don’t Get Hung Up On Closet Clutter!


Most closets contain a variety of very important items. Despite this, these spaces often get overlooked when it comes to organization. This can lead to serious frustrations when trying to find specific items in cluttered closets. By following a few simple steps you can quickly turn a disorganized closet into space where items can be easily found when needed.



Most people have a number of items in their closet that have not been worn for a long time. For the most part, these items are just taking up valuable space. Anything that no longer fits should be placed on consignment or donated to charity. Additionally, any items that have not been worn for a year or longer should simply be given away.



Now that all unnecessary items have been removed it is usually a good idea to clean the inside of the closet, as this is a task that often gets neglected. Vacuum or sweep the floor, wipe the walls and sweep away any cobwebs. This will help ensure that your clean clothes do not become dirty or dusty while they are being stored.



Once your closet has been cleaned properly it may be a good idea to assess and possibly re-plan the layout of your closet. Measure the space to help you decide which items should go where. It is often a good idea to keep similar items close together. For example, casual shoes may go on one side of the closet, while formal shoes get placed on the other side.


Space Savers

By using space savers like boxes, hooks, racks and shelves it will help you to utilize every square inch of your closet space. Make sure that you have your closet measurements in hand when you go shopping for space saving items. This will help to ensure that everything you buy fits properly.



Using hangers is a great way to organize your clothes because you can hang almost anything. Try to avoid the use of wire hangers though, as these were not designed for long-term use and can be hard on your clothing.


Eye Level

Try to keep your most important items at eye level, as things that are put on tall shelves tend to get forgotten. It is best to save the high shelves for storing out of season clothing or other items that rarely get used.


Seasonal Change

Some people may find that they still lack sufficient closet space even after they have gone through the downsizing and organizing steps. If this happens to be the case it may be a good idea to rotate your items depending on the season. Items that are in season can be kept in the closet, with the out of season wardrobe being stored elsewhere.

womens closet, closet organization, image, closet organizing, hangers

Organizing Closets 101

By Blog, Closet Organizing, Free Articles, Home Organizing No Comments


Organizing closets can seem like a never ending battle.  You rearrange, jam things in, debate hanging space vs folded, or maybe you simply close the closet door (if you can) and call it a day. I’m going to help you walk through the basic steps of organizing closets so you can win this battle for good!

Too Much Stuff

Here is the real start of the problem-you have too much stuff. If this is not the case for you, you are the minority.  Our environment is very consumer driven-buy buy buy! The difficulty with this is the problem of owning too much tends to snowball as your closets become more and more unorganized.  The more you are storing and the more unorganized it is the more unlikely you will be able to find what you are looking for.  This means even though you think you don’t own a pair of black pants, the truth is you may have two pairs lurking in your closet-you just can’t find them. So what do you do? You buy another pair.

Still convinced you don’t own too much? Did you know that we wear 20 percent of our clothing 80 percent of them time? Take a quick survey of your closet, does this ring true?

Organizing Closets-Clear it Out

Start organizing closets by emptying them out.  Like many organizing projects the mess WILL get bigger before it gets smaller.  Don’t panic- if you find organizing paralysis setting in check out my advice here.

Ask yourself these questions as you go through each article of clothing. “Do you love it?” “Do you wear it?” “Does it fit?”

Do yourself a favor get rid of clothing that doesn’t fit! Many of us hold onto clothing hoping to “one day” wear it again. It is an ugly reminder every time you open the closet, a real downer! Let’s face it when you do become that size again- you deserve new things. Don’t hold onto a wardrobe that doesn’t fit. On the flipside- don’t hold onto things that are too big! You have left that behind you no need for these just in case reminders.

You will create “keep it”, “donate it”, and “try it on” piles. This is also a good time to pull out clothes that need repair. Buttons sewn back on, zippers replaced, pants hemmed.  Hanging clothes in your closet you can’t wear is a waste of space!


Clothes hangers are an underestimated tool for organizing closets!  Once you have decided what you will be keeping go through and count how many hangers you will need for pants, shirts, jackets, ect.  Invest in great hangers and keep them all uniform.

The benefit? Great hangers will stop you from having to constantly pick up clothes from the bottom of your closet.  Also if you keep your hangers uniform they will nest together nicely and you will have more space!

Start with these simple steps when organizing your closet and you will be on your way to a great relaxing space.  And next time you are out shopping ask yourself when you’re holding an item, “Do I love this?” and “Do I already own this?”.

Good luck organizing closets in your home!

Want more help clearing out your clutter? Join us for our virtual Clear Out Your Clutter Day. Woman from around the globe are all going to be clearing their clutter on May 19th. Get organizing tips here.

Reclaim Shelf Space and Organize Your Books with a Kindle!

By Blog, Business Organizing, Closet Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, IABO Weekly News, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources No Comments

Before my Kindle

Are you tripping over piles of books on the floor?   Is your bookcase bulging at the seams with no room for all your new books?   How much time and money are you wasting finding a book or on duplicate purchases? Are you like me, someone who loves to highlight and tag your books for future reference?

Are you feeling a little nervous about letting go of your precious books?  I love my books too and when we went to Hawaii a few weeks ago, we decided to buy an e-book reader and test it out on our vacation.  We also thought it was about time to get with the times.  Someone said to me, everyone in Hawaii has an e-book reader by the pool or on the beach.  So we thought we would give it a try.

Having an e-book reader also let’s you travel light.  Instead of packing three books each, I only took one book with me and Glen had his new Kindle.  The first day by the pool, I looked around and sure enough, 80% had some form of e-book reader.  Also, my husband kept saying to me, you’re going to love reading from the Kindle.  It’s easier to hold and much lighter than a pocket book, and the wind doesn’t flip your pages around.  Oh, and another cool feature is you can change the font size, which for some of us, and I won’t mention any names, is a bonus when the fine print is too small to read.

So, after two days, I finished reading my paperback and I was going back and forth, do I buy a second e-book reader or do we share?  We still had another 12 days in Hawaii and I planned on reading several more books.  So we decided to go to Best Buy and buy another Kindle.  A few days later, we found a vending machine at the Sheraton Waikiki that sells high-end electronics – iPods, iPhones, iPads, Kindles and other items you wish you had while on vacation.  How cool is that?

Anyways, all I can say is, why did I wait so long?  I absolutely LOVE my e-book reader!  I can highlight, makes notes and refer back to my notes easier than I could highlight in a book.  No more yellow highlighter to fiddle with, its super light to hold and read, no glare from the sun, long battery life (5-7 days), love the larger print size, and I read faster because I’m not straining my eyes to read the small print.  We opted to buy the basic e-book reader because we don’t need a ton of fancy features and a data package.  We just wanted an easy way to read and organize our books.  We can even share our books with each other.


After my Kindle

Four weeks later, I’m in my office and I notice a very full bookshelf.  I thought I had purged as many books as I could and for some reason I was holding onto way too many books.  Now that I have my Kindle, I don’t need all these books.  As you can see from the before photo, the bookshelf is bulging at the seams.  I want you to know that I practice what I teach.  So, I approached my bookshelf with a new frame of mind.  Knowing that I have my Kindle to store all future books, I asked myself “what’s the reason I’m holding onto all these books?”  Here’s my answers:

  • It’s out of print and its a book I refer to sometimes.
  • I wrote the book or I’m a contributing author.
  • The book is a key resource in my business or personal life.
  • I want to read this book.
  • I paid a lot of money for this hard cover and I should keep it.
  • It’s a classic and I want to keep it.
  • A friend published a book and it was a gift.

Here’s the new question I asked myself because I now have a Kindle, “what books can I let go of, write down in my OneNote file, and if I ever want to refer to it, I’ll buy it on my Kindle?”  Here’s the after photos of all the books that I am letting go of and if I want to refer to one of these books someday, I will purchase it on my Kindle.  The cost of buying it a second time, if I do, is a fraction of the cost of the space that is now available in my office.  I have room to breath and I don’t need to go out and buy a new shelving unit with doors (which I was planning on doing) because I didn’t like looking at all these heavy books.

If I can do it, so can you.  Go ahead and purge your bookshelf.  If you’re like me and thinking that a Kindle costs too much, think again.  I spent less than $90 and the freedom and flexibility I now have is a wonderful feeling.  It’s much easier to take my Kindle with me wherever I go instead of a thick book.  No more “making room” for books on my bookshelf. The stress I released and the space I reclaimed on my bookshelves and in my office, priceless!