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Closet Organizing

The One-in, One-Out Rule

By Blog, Business Organizing, Closet Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, IABO Weekly News, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

organizingIs your closet so jammed packed that you can’t see what you have or you can’t squeeze another item into it?

Are your filing cabinets bulging to capacity and you struggle to get files in and out?  How many appliances do you really use in your kitchen?

We live in a consumer-based economy with ads demanding our attention all around us.  It’s so tempting to get the latest gadget or cool technology that’s suppose to make our life better.  But really, does having the latest new gadget or buying the latest trend bring fulfillment in your life?  I say no.  Too often, we tend to look in the wrong places to fulfill our lives and buying more stuff is not the answer.

As an Organizing and Productivity Consultant, I am passionate about helping people unclutter their offices, homes and lives, so they have more freedom and pursue their dreams and goals.  Helping them simplify and clear out the clutter is easy for me because I’m not attached to the items, but for the person purging, it can sometimes be difficult.

We tend to put a lot of meaning into our things and there’s a story for everything.  I heard someone once say that we are meaning making machines.  The meaning we associate with our things triggers emotions either positive or negative.  Depending on the meaning we give the item, will determine whether you keep it or let it go.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not about getting rid of everything and living with nothing.  But I can honestly say, that over the years I’ve realized that the more stuff I have, the more time, energy and money it costs me to maintain my stuff.  The more files I have, the more filing cabinets I need and the bigger office I need.  The more clothes I have, the more space I need and the more time I waste wondering what to wear.  The more toys and books kids have the more they want and they less they play with.

Take a look around your office and home and notice what clothes, toys or office items you use 80% of the time.  This is a real eye-opener when you are honest with yourself because 80% of what you use, you use 20% of the time.  The one-in, one-out rule goes hand-in-hand with the 80/20 Rule.

Applying the one-in, one-out rule and the 80/20 Rule are easy and will keep all your rooms clutter free and easy to maintain.  When I buy a new pair of shoes or a item of clothes, I give something away to a friend or a charity.  When I buy a new book, I pass on a book.

If I didn’t apply these two rules, my office and home would be jammed packed full of stuff and complicate my life on so many levels.  Clutter affects your relationships, your health, your energy and your productivity.  It can also drain your bank account.

So as we approach the Christmas season and think of those who need warm clothes or mothers and children who could use household items and toys, schedule time in your calendar this week to purge your closets and rooms.  And pass on items that are in good working condition, are in fashion and good condition.

Applying the one-in, one-out rule and the 80/20 rule will dramatically simplify your life and open up new and exciting opportunities for you.

I would love to hear how you did with the One-In, One Out rule! Please share how you did or offer your comments below.

Simple Organizing Tip of the Week

By Blog, Closet Organizing, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources No Comments

Travel Supplies

If you are a frequent traveller, then it pays to buy a second set of travel cords and accessories.  Keep them in a small compact carry case so it’s easy to grab and carry on the plane with you, your purse or in the car.

Check out these cool noice reduction headphones and these space-saving packing cubes for your suitecase at Magellans travel store.


Do You Have a Question for Sherry?

Send her your question about business, home or life organizing now via email at

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How to Maximize Your Closet Space

By Blog, Closet Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Have a Messy Closet?

Despite your best efforts to keep an organized closet, does it still feel like a chaotic mess?


Do you often find yourself thinking “I have nothing to wear!” every morning?


In today’s consumer-driven world, we’re constantly being urged to buy more, and it’s easier than ever to accumulate more than we need. But with these few simple strategies, you’ll easily be able to purge and organize your closet.


Get ready to start each morning feeling fresh and confident in your new calming, functional space!



Declutter + Purge Your Closet

Think about this for a moment; how much time is wasted while you get ready each morning?


Between eating breakfast, picking an outfit for the day, styling ourselves, packing lunch, and don’t even get me started on adding kids in this routine… that’s a lot to manage!


Each day, we’re already making an average of 35,000 conscious and subconscious decisions. So wouldn’t it be more productive of us to save that extra brainpower and take a few of them off our plate?


There’s one particular moment about creating a organized closet that has always stood out to me, and it happened at the time I was just starting my business.



I was working in the home of a busy mom when she confided in me that the most stressful part of her morning routine was getting dressed.


Once asked when the last time her closet was cleaned out was, she had an epiphany!


She had never realized just how much stress was caused by her closet being disorganized and too full.


The next day I was with her, I said, “Today’s the day we get you an organized closet!



She excitedly agreed, and one by one I pulled each item out of the closet and asked her:


 “Do you love this?

Do you wear this?

Does it fit and make you feel great when you wear it?


If she answered No to any of these key questions, the item went straight into the donate pile! (we also had “Try-on” and “Give to friends” piles, too)


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Organize Clothes In Your Closet

Next, we started to hang related items together in the closet – pants, blazers, cardigans, dresses, skirts, and tops.


Then, we arranged each section by color. I like to go from lights to darks, followed by the classic ordering of the rainbow. Something like this; whites, greys, browns, blacks, then red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.


Ahhhh, what bliss it was to just awe at such an organized closet!



Design Your Closet Organization

With everything neatly hung up, we tallied how many hangers we had used and planned a shopping trip.


I made sure to follow an important organizing rule: Never go shopping for containers or other organizing supplies until you’ve sorted through everything.


Many people make this mistake and end up returning most of what they bought. It’s important to know what you need to contain before you try buying the how (supplies).


It is also important to buy the right hangers for the right items in your newly organized closet.


Because in case you don’t know, there are different hangers for pants, skirts, shirts, and jackets!


If you want to know where to find my favorite hangers, check out this Instagram post and DM me for the links!


In my home, we have very limited storage. So I like to keep things contained in an allotted space.


When the stuff starts to spill out of that space, it’s time to let some go. I am constantly (monthly) giving things away and I’m finding that I buy way less than I used to!



Our household is a strong believer in “What’s old for me is new for someone else!



How To Actually KEEP Your Closet Organized


Have a “What NOT to Wear” Party

Invite your friends over and let them tell you what to get rid of!


Try everything on, relive some past memories, have a few laughs, then let those old clothes move out of your old cluttered closet. Now you’re on your way to an organized closet!


Note that your closet says a lot about you. Are you living in the present or living in the past?


BONUS: Let your friends shop your to-go piles! This doubles as a nice gesture for their help, and makes less donation trips for you 😉


Two Golden Rules to Live By


The One-In, One-Out Rule

This one is self-explanatory – when you buy something new, something old goes out. For example, when I buy a new pair of shoes or any piece of clothing, I remove at least one item from my closet.


Be ruthless!



It’s best to be realistic about what you actually wear, and what looks and feels fabulous on you.


I love passing items onto friends or taking them to my favourite charities. I’m a big supporter of the organization Dress For Success as well as various women’s shelters in my area. Also, keep an eye out for clothing drop bins in your area!



80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule states that typically, we wear 20% of our clothes, 80% of the time.


So to follow this and maintain an organized closet, only keep the clothes that you love, use, feel good in, look great in, and THAT FIT! Do not even try to keep clothes that no longer fit or that you won’t wear. Yes, styles do come back eventually, but designers always update the look. (some vintage, designer pieces would be an exception to this rule)


Be realistic!

Whenever I buy something new I use the golden rules above and bring at least 1-3 items to charity or give them away to a friend. Be it clothes, books, jewelery, etc. Just ask my friends Holli and Alison who have been the lucky recipients of many clothes from my organized closet over the years! What’s old for me can be new for someone else 😊



How does an organized closet make YOU feel? What is the biggest change you are looking to see? Comment below!






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