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The Sentimentalist: Emotional Attachment to Clutter

By Blog, Free Articles, Raving Fans No Comments

🤍 Dear Sentimentalists,


I have long admired your big, all-encompassing hearts! 🤍


I feel you know a level of care and nurture that goes deeper than most. You have been through so much in this lifetime which has only added tremendous empathic traits to your already very endearing personalities.


You deeply cherish those close to you and like to show off just how much you appreciate them. You probably love giving away baked goodies or spontaneous, “You like it? Take it!” gifts!

đź“š Why am I prone to Clutter?


Sentimentalists love to be of service to the ones around them, no matter their relation. You have a big heart and are likely to be found lending a helping hand to those most in need.


Since you value the ones you love so much, of course you’d want to display your kids’ artwork, family vacation photos, souvenirs, and memorabilia. Who wouldn’t be proud of all these special memories! And us houseguests love getting to see more about you and your lifestyle.


There’s nothing wrong with having a little extra love to give!

One thing I know from my experience as a professional organizer, is that you might try holding on to too many things at once. And I know how much you love all your things, but all of these “what if” or “deal with it later” items are blocking you from serving at your fullest potential.


You need to be extra careful about forming emotional attachments to sentimental clutter.


🥊 Confronting the Clutter


“Pick 3 of the best, get rid of the rest.”

– Sherry Borsheim, Founder of Simply Productive


By holding on to so many sentimental items and Eventually-These-Will-Be-Useful things, you are getting in your own way of cherishing the new. When we hold onto too many things, we aren’t leaving room – both physical and emotional – for new experiences.


If every space in your home for displaying photos is full of frames already, where will you put up your next set of family photos?  


You must question yourself about why you’ve been hanging onto broken items that need repair when you don’t seem to be able to “get around” to doing anything with it. Also question yourself about furniture, clothes, and household items that you’re sentimentally attached to that you’ve paid to have stored for many years.


How much money has this cost you? How much time do you spend thinking about doing something but never take action? What is your sentimental clutter costing you in time, money, and emotional well-being?


All of this emotional and mental clutter takes a toll and weighs on you immensely.


Imagine now when you walk through your home. Do you feel a sense of breezy calm? Or is the vibe more stagnant, dusty, and anxious?


Cluttering up your home and office wall-to-wall with stuff takes a lot of time, effort, and money to maintain, dust, and clean on a regular basis. And constantly making room for new things in a cluttered space requires a lot of extra energy to move things around a room

Photos & Styling @TraceyAyton
Organizer Simply Productive

We spend a lot of time at home… so much so that our home environment has a huge affect on our physical and mental wellbeing! Have you been feeling off, anxious, or depressed for seemingly no reason? If so, you might want to take a look around your spaces!


Can you recall the feeling of staying at a nice hotel? The duvet is white and fluffy, the tables are cleared aside from a recent magazine and alarm clock, the closets have ample room for your belongings, the kitchenette has just enough kitchen utensils for your number of guests… no more, no less…


But as a sentimentalist, I know you like to surround yourself with things that make you happy and bring you joy! I also know that living life as a minimalist is likely not something you want to do.

So I’d like to challenge you in finding a happy medium between displaying less, and filling every available shelf, wall, and floor space. Find three images online of a space that inspires you and let that be your goal for decluttering and organizing your space.


Even if you pack some items temporarily away in boxes, in just a couple weeks you’ll see how easy it becomes to clean and dust the space!


And use this motto to create the space of your dreams!

Does this space give you serenity, calm, and peace?


Don’t worry my friend, by no means am I suggesting to rid of all of your memorable and useful pieces. But instead, I am suggesting you spend some time focusing on organizing them in an efficient manner. This way you will gain much more mental and emotional freedom. And never again feel that heavy weight of clutter on your shoulders!


✨ Living clutter-free: Is it for me?


This is 100% possible for you – and before you start to think I’m drifting off into fairytale land, check out these Sentimentalist transformations for yourself:

And coming soon… you!


You may feel overwhelmed initially, but I promise once you get a little momentum going, a drawer cleared out here, a shelf decluttered there… that the motivation will just keep rolling.


So stick with me to create better emotional habits around your sentimental things!


🪄 How to start Clearing the Clutter


If you can’t tidy a whole house, tidy a corner. If you can’t tidy a corner, put away 3 things. It’s not possible to do all things every single day – it is possible to take just one step today.”

– Sherry Borsheim, Founder of Simply Productive


I’d like to pass on a few tips for you, Sentimentalists!


I want you to be able to live a beautiful life free of clutter and emotional baggage, and to choose joy in the process of decluttering and organizing.


It does not to be a dreadful, boring task!


There is an easier way out of this painful cycle, and I am here to remind you: YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.

Here are a few ways you can start today:


  • Create a vision (draw it if you need to!) for what you want your space to look and feel like (this helps you determine how much stuff you’ll have in each room; leave some empty space reserved for the future)
  • Set aside 30 minutes each week to work on reorganizing one area
  • Review your stashes and junk drawers to gain clarity on why you are keeping certain things
  • Have a realistic plan for what to do with too many sentimental items (keep them in labeled storage containers, take a photo to keep the memory and donate/discard the actual thing, use organizational products to categorize and put things away from view, etc.)
  • Use computerized planning and scheduling tools (to hold you accountable to these changes)


And while you’re sorting, try to maintain as much focus and self-discipline as you can. It can be very mentally draining to part with things that you feel emotional attachment to. Just know this will only benefit you in the long run.

Let’s begin by rating your level of commitment to getting your spaces organized:


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to edit, declutter, and organize the space? (level 1 is not committed at all, and level 10 is 100%, fully committed)



Download these free organizing assessments to track your progress in all areas!



Sometimes while getting organized, you don’t see the visible result right away and this can get discouraging. With this assessment, you will rate where you are today and re-access your level of satisfaction in a month. Oftentimes you’ll be pleasantly surprised about how several areas on the assessment wheel have automatically gone up without you having to even think about it!


It’s very motivating and inspiring to see this kind of progress!

Ask yourself these questions to decide what you will keep, donate, or no longer need:


  • Do I honestly love it?
  • Do I use it weekly, monthly, or yearly?
  • When was the last time I thought about this item or used it?
  • Do I realistically need this item in my life going forward?
  • Did I even remember I owned this?
  • How many duplicates of the same item do I have?
  • What would be the worst possible scenario if I donated or passed it on?
  • In what situation would I realistically need or want this?
  • What would I like to have more space for?
  • Have my job or hobbies changed and it’s time to let some things go?
  • What keeps me awake at night or gives me stress and anxiety?
  • Am I committed to scheduling time, effort, and/or money to fix or repair this item?


 🤍 Invest time into YOU


Does this feel attainable for you?


You will feel so much better after clearing just a couple piles! Remember to start with the biggest piles or the ones that bother you the most in order to create a dramatic, visible result right off the bat.


Comment below and tell me about your next organizing goal as a commitment to yourself!


Set a reminder in your phone to follow up in a week and let me know which strategies worked for you! Or maybe you’ll have a new tip for me?


Excitedly waiting to hear all about your progress!





Need more help with decluttering?

I created the How to Organize Your Household Papers course to help walk you through the decluttering process. It includes sections on foundational organizing skills, setting up filing systems, creating household systems, and more bonus videos to make sure you’ve reached your goals.

For further details on the course and to purchase, go here:

10 Smart Home Organization Ideas

By Blog, Expert Articles, Home Organizing, Simple Living No Comments

With the recent years’ influx of “smart homes,” one thing I am seeing a lot more of is smart storage!


Since there is less storage space in these small homes, we have had to get really creative with inexpensive, space-saving solutions. Often right down to the nitty-gritty of each drawer.


Not only are these little product changes making big storage impacts, but they’re also huge time savers. Bonus points for productivity!


These tips are especially useful for smaller spaces but also applicable to larger homes just the same.


Since there is no better time to get organized than the present, so let’s get right into these ideas!

Spice Jars

These aren’t only pretty kitchen accessories – they’re super functional and space-saving too!


Instead of a drawer stuffed full of spices in plastic bags, or a cupboard of miscellaneous bottles, find exactly what you need with uniform labeled jars. These can be purchased as fancy or inexpensive as you like, with a wide array available both online and in-store.


An extra tip: use a small funnel to decant the spices and powders. You’ll save a whole lot of mess!


One of my all-time favorite products are turntables! I love them because they are so versatile.


I frequently use turntables in kitchens for oils and sauces, liquor, and breakfast spreads. They are also very handy in bathrooms for skin and hair care products, and laundry rooms for bottles of detergent. These products come in many durable materials; acacia wood, bamboo, and acrylic.

Drawer Dividers

Have you ever run into the drawer-jamming problem of that pesky potato masher getting stuck? I know I sure have!


My best solution for organizing kitchen, bathroom, and office drawers is to use dividers or small containers to keep things separate. One option I like are these bamboo drawer tension dividers. If you’re looking for a more sectional type of organization, smaller containers come in just about any material you could wish for.

Shop This Look:

Canisters in a Drawer

Say goodbye to reaching your whole arm into a flour bag! A drawer of canisters for bulk ingredients makes cooking and baking simple and accessible.


Make sure to first measure out your desired drawer for the dimensions of your canisters before purchasing! Once you’ve got them set, decant your bulk ingredients into them and make sure to label the top of the lids.

Color-Code Playroom

How many times a day do you ask your kids to clean up? Don’t worry, I won’t make you count – but I can guess it’s too many!


Turn cleanup into a fun activity for little ones by color-coding toys and books. Tidying time will turn into matching colors and become less of a chore. Plus, they will know where each of their toys are when they want to play!

Velvet Grid Jewelry Tray

Not only are these smooth jewelry trays gorgeous, but they’re also overtly functional too!


I like to use them for jewelry, specifically earrings to organize matching pairs. They also come in different sizes, so they are not always squares but can be rectangles, and there are even designs for rings to be propped up in.

Hanging Files

Useful in homes and work offices alike, this way of filing makes it easy to file papers and even easier to retrieve them.


This system is great for businesses. Keep any paper copies of legal documents safely stored in your chosen style of organization. I also use this method for organizing kids’ artwork, greeting cards, and printed photos.

Shop This Look:

Cleaning Caddy

Cleaning isn’t at the top of my fun-list, but I can make it a little less of a hassle by keeping products and accessories easy to grab and go!


Trade reaching into the back of a cupboard of loose cleaning product bottles for grabbing one easy caddy. My favorite caddy is functional and stylish, with a comfortable handle and durable bin. These dimensions easily fit into most under-the-sink storage spaces and storage closets.

Jewelry Board

One of everyone’s least favorite steps of getting ready is to approach a jumbled knot of necklaces. Often many of us will give up and suffice without one!


Keep them separated and hanging with a board attached to the back of a cabinet door, or a standalone hanging organizer. This also helps you to organize them however you please; by color, length, style, material, etc.

Shop This Look:

Garage Hooks

Most of us have a space in our garage or equipment shed where we cram gardening tools into one spot and then fight to retrieve one when needed.


Let’s cut that unnecessary frustration out and hang these tools up! With these easy-to-install hooks, you will be able to see where each item is and take them down without a problem. With materials ranging from plastic to durable metal out there, you can even hang heavier equipment too!

With all these smart storage tips, what will you do with your extra space? Do you already use some of these ideas in your home? Comment below!








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Going Paperless is a Process: How to Eliminate Office Clutter

By Blog, Business Organizing, Home Office Organization, Organizing Paper Files No Comments

Is going paperless a realistic goal for you? What’s the reason you want to go paperless?

Is it to be more mobile, work from anywhere, get rid of the stacks of papers, or have information on demand from your computer?

Whatever it is, take a few minutes to decide what going paperless will look like for you. Paper organization is a process; getting clear on your vision from the start will save you a lot of time!

Making the decision to go paperless is a great step in the right direction. But it isn’t a single step… going paperless is a process.

Even after I thought I had cleared everything, I still find it is important to keep going back in and clearing more out! Staying organized is about staying on top of your systems.

What’s Your Goal for Going Paperless?

Initially, my goal in going paperless was to be completely mobile. To be able to do business and work from anywhere in the world.  My goal expanded to giving team access to documents, videos, and photos.

In this transition I had to learn new technology, set up new systems, and schedule time in my calendar for this goal. I also had to be ruthless with myself on what books, papers, magazines, articles, office supplies, and binders I really needed to keep in my office.

At the end of the day I would ask myself, what do I really need to have on hand and just a moment away? Can I access my information online or on my computer quickly? What needs to stay in paper format?

These are questions you must ask yourself, too.

Why Keep Paper in a Digital World?

This is a question that everyone is going to have a different answer for.

How comfortable are you with learning and using technology?

Some prefer the touch and feel of paper and others just want it completely out of their life so they don’t have to manage it at all. In all my years of organizing offices, homes, and small businesses, I have yet to see a completely paperless office. So get clear on what “paperless” means to you.

Where Do I Put Papers I Keep?

Depending on how much paper you have left after deciding what stays and goes, you may want to use binders kept on a shelf or in a smaller filing cabinet.

Create a space for your “Project Files” and your “Reference Files.”

Project files are active and need to be close at hand. Reference files contain information that you may need to refer to from time-to-time. You can keep those in a filing cabinet, binders, or your office.

I went from four lateral filing drawers down to two small file drawers – and it feels great! In those two filing drawers are only what I need in paper format for a few current projects, a few business reference files, and personal documents. Whenever I can, I purge a file or eliminate a project folder.

The paper files in my cabinet are not papers that I want to scan, but those that I want to have in their original formats. I may change my mind one-day, but for now I’m happy with this.

Project management apps to help you go paperless with all the projects you’re working on are:

  • Asana
  • Trello
  • ClickUp
  • OneNote
  • Evernote
  • Monday

My personal favorite is Asana and it has given me the freedom to share projects with my team which gives me peace of mind that tasks aren’t slipping through the cracks.

For simple to lists, planning a celebration, and errands, my personal preference is GoogleKeep.

Get Clear On Your Vision for Paperless

Going paperless is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. Just like building a home!

You first have a vision and draw up a plan, then hire a contractor to build your home. After many, many months of making a lot of decisions and following through on completing task after task, you finally have reached your move-in day. And you get to walk through your front door into your new dream home!

So, what is your vision for going paperless?

Paint that picture in your mind, write out your desired outcome, and schedule time to follow through with it. Then complete all the tasks it will to take in organizing your space so you have less paper!


If you want to take it a step further or need some more guidance, my Organize Your Household Papers will give you a jump start on organizing your paper in your office, home, and life! You’ll get all of my trade secrets and the steps to set up your organizing systems. Really everything you’d need to be organized and manage the paper files taking up too much space in your life!







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