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How to Declutter After Life Transitions

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing No Comments

how to declutterIs your environment peaceful, organized and easy to find things?  Do you dream of your home and office being more organized and less chaotic?  Have you recently been through a transition in your life?  Rest assured that where ever you are in the organizing process or if organizing doesn’t come easy for you, you are not alone and there is help available to you to learn how to declutter.


There are two common themes that are externally related to physical clutter in offices and homes and impact your quality of life.


I’ll Deal with It Later Clutter


Often times, people ignore their clutter because they are so busy running from one appointment to another, taking care of the kids and everyone else, and at the end of the day they drop everything at the front door, are exhausted and say “I’ll deal with it later.”  They just want to put their feet up and watch an hour or so of TV to shut everything else off.   Then they wake up the next morning and do it all over again.  Before you know, the pile at the front door is a mountain of stuff, spilling over into the office, kitchen and bedrooms. You start getting panickyknowing how to declutter these huge piles becomes overwhelming.


Clutter is stuck energy and unhealthy!  It collects dust, weighs heavy on your mind and affects other family members.


Transition Clutter


The second common theme related to clutter is when someone is going through a transition.  A transition could be:

  • having a new baby
  • moving into a new home or to a new city
  • office or home renovations
  • divorce or illness
  • new job or transitioning from college or university into the workplace
  • Volunteering
  • Retirement and down-sizing
  • expanding a business or new projects and responsibilities
  • learning a new skill or technology, software and apps, to name a few


During the transition, whatever it is, it can be stressful, exhausting and time-consuming.


How to Declutter: Goals Guide You


If you know you are going to go through a transition, you can prepare for it, but sometimes transitions sneak up on us and things seem to spin out of control.  Also, a lot of times when you are in a transition, there is often times unfamiliar territory that you are going through and all kinds of new decisions that you’ve never had to make before.  It’s not always easy going through the unknown and decision making can be slower because of the emotional attachment.  You may feel frozen by the daunting task of heavy-weighted decisions and caught up in the emotional side of things.  When you have a goal and vision to work towards during the transition, decisions will be easier to make because you know what you want.


You’re Not Alone


Typically, people call me after the transition has happened and they don’t know how to declutter.  They typically have piles and chaos in their physical environment.  It’s too overwhelming for them to deal with and they need help or guidance with decision making on what to keep and what to let go of.  That’s where a professional organizer can help you jumpstart the organizing process and point you in the right direction to creating your dream environment that is going to nurture your soul and give you peace of mind that you can find what you need.  This process is life-changing for people when their space is organized.


In Sheri Keys McConnell latest book “Smart Women Embrace Transitions” she says “we need to change the environment when there is clutter, when we are not taking care of responsibilities or when there is chaos in our lives that prevents us from doing the internal work.”   She continues “we often subconsciously create the chaos so we don’t have to do the internal work.”   I agree with this.  Often times we can blame others instead of taking ownership for the changes we need to make internally and externally.


Learn more about how to declutter  in How to Declutter After Life Transitions- Part 2 coming soon.


Have you ever found yourself with transitional clutter? How did you handle it? Tell us about it in the comments below.

A Peak Inside My Home Office

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Videos No Comments

Our offices are important spaces.  They often set the tone of our work day.  If you have struggled getting your home office, or office in general, organized and laid out in a way that is effective for you then I invite you to check out my home office.

In this quick walk through I’ll show you the space that I run my business out of.  Having a home for everything is a large component in home office organization.  Looking for some inspiration to get started organizing your office? This video is for you.

Home Office Organization



What is your biggest home office struggle? Tell us about it in the comments below!


Want to know more about home office organization? Check out this program.

My Project Planning Tools to Stop Organizing Paralysis

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, Inspiration No Comments

Project Planning ToolsAt some point, you may have started organizing your office or a room in your home then you freeze up and walk away because it was just too overwhelming, you feel exhausted by the process, don’t feel like the project planning tools you need, or you weren’t sure where you were going to put all the stuff.  This is what I call organizing paralysis.

Take a step back from your organizing project and realize that, just like gaining weight, it didn’t happen overnight.  It was a slow progression over time of accumulating papers, books, magazines, business cards, receipts, supplies, gadgets, clothes, kitchen appliances and so on.  Therefore, getting organized will take time to sort through all your piles and you’ll be making a lot of decisions on what to keep, what to donate and what to let go of.


Here are three project planning tools and strategies you can use right away to break free from organizing paralysis and get the ball rolling:


Know what you want and why-


People who want to be organized realize that the current situation is not working for them and they want to make a change for the better.  They desire a different experience.  Getting clear on your purpose and ultimate outcome for being organized is the first step.  Ask yourself, “What do I want this room to look like?”,  “How do I want to feel when I walk into this room?”  What activities or functions do I want in the room?”  and the really big question to get clear on is, “What’s not working?”  Questions are a great project planning tools Answer these questions and you will be clear on why you want to get organized in the first place and secondly, this will be your motivation as you sort through your things.

Here’s a few of examples of what to get your creative juices flowing:


“I want to walk into my office in the morning to see a clean desk and have a plan of action for the day.  Everything has a home and I have space to be creative.”


“I want to have client meetings in my studio, they will see that I’m am organized and able to take on bigger client projects.”


“I want easy to maintain systems in my home and office.  Family members know where to put things away and I’m not embarrassed to have people over.”


Schedule it!


If you say you’ll get to it later or someday, the piles will continue to grow because later never comes.  Decide to take action now and make a commitment to get your organizing projects complete.  I’ll often say to my clients, “An item on a to do list is not a commitment at a specific time.  When you scheduled an appointment in your calendar, it’s a commitment to get that task done.”  That’s one of the reason clients like working with a Professional Organizer because they have a scheduled time on their calendar for the session.  I know it sounds simple, but most people don’t schedule time to get organized.

To move your organizing projects along at a steady pace, schedule 1 to 3 hour sessions at a time.  Set a timer, play motivating music and have a glass of water or tea on hand.  There’s something about knowing the timer is ticking and the countdown has begun.  It’s a great motivator and will help you to stay focused. Don’t underestimate your scheduling calendar, it is a powerful project planning tool.


Set Yourself Up For Success-


Having the right project planning tools and setting up a staging area is key to your success.  If you were inviting friends over for dinner you would plan what you were going to serve, buy the groceries and then prepare the meal.  The same applies to your organizing project.  Designate a staging area for items to donate, recycle, shred, garbage and for other rooms.  Gather some boxes or bins for sorting and grouping like things together, use garbage bags for items you are donating and for items you may want to sell.

During the organizing process, you may find that it gets worse before it gets better.  But don’t be discouraged, stay focused and pretend you have a scheduled appointment with me, your Organizer.  During each of your organizing sessions state what you want to accomplish by the end of the session upfront.  Then work towards that goal.  That’s what I’d be doing if I was with you.


What are your most powerful project planning tools?