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When to Hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer: 7 Signs to Get Outside Help

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If you feel like you’re overwhelmed and drowning in “stuff” or you never have time to get anything done, it’s time to hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer.


A Professional Organizer and Productivity Coach can help you make a plan for getting organized, avoid time-wasting mistakes, and save you a lot of money in the long run! If attempts to get organized on your own have not led to the desired results, it may be time to get professional advice.


I strongly suggest you keep reading if you relate to any of the following areas:

  • Moving or renovating your home
  • Going through a major life change
  • Feeling stuck and unmotivated in life
  • Feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of “stuff
  • Never have the time to get organized in your home or workspace
  • You’re ready to take your organization to the next level


Then now is the time to call in an expert!


When to Hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer



Hi, I’m Sherry Borsheim, Founder of Simply Productive! I’ve been a Professional Organizer for over two decades and a Productivity Coach for 18+ years. My expertise is in helping working professionals, business owners, and busy moms calm their chaos at home and get organized at work so they can have more time, freedom, and calm in their lives.



I have truly seen it all over the years; from mountains of loose papers, 1000s of archive boxes, digital file chaos, to-do lists on notepads for years, homes literally filled to the front door, books piled against walls, overflowing closets, toys and legos scattered all over the house, and so on.


It doesn’t matter how much chaos and disorganization is in your space, I’m here to help you in person or virtually. As your Coach and Consultant, I’m on your team working to get you from point A → point B faster than you could do it alone!



Do’s and Don’ts of Seeking Professional Help


If I can tell you one thing it’s this – Do not wait until you NEED TO get it done.


The most frequent calls I get from clients are when a crisis hits or an important deadline is fast approaching. That’s when I get the panic text, frantic call, or email desperately searching for help.


My goal is to help you get organized before the pressure hits. If you know a life change is going to be approaching soon, be proactive and hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer to get prepared beforehand. Dealing with a big emergency, sudden loss, or strict deadline is already a lot on its own. Throw in the pressure of decluttering or getting organized in a tight timeline and you’ve got a recipe for a stressful burnout!


Doing your future-self a favour early on makes these inevitable transitions smoother and a lot less stressful. Plus you’ll save yourself time and money along the way!


Procrastinating on the First Step


The ultimate goal we’re aiming for at home and in our workspace is to create more joy, peace, and freedom in your life. And you already practice this!


When your computer crashes and you need tech support, you call an expert to help solve your problems. If your fridge suddenly stops working, you bring in a technician to diagnose and solve the problem. So why does it take so long to ask for help and hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer when it comes to clutter, disorganization, and digital disorder?


Often, people are embarassed, they simply don’t know how to find the right type of expert for the problem they want solved or who to call about it. But they will know the feeling of being stuck, not sure where to start, and growing tired of wasting time looking for things. This is the time to ask for help!



What is a “Professional Organizer?”


Professional Organizers specialize in specific areas of physical and digital organization, as well as productivity.


An expert Organizer may specialize in moving + downsizing, ADHD, closet organizing, closet design, performance + productivity, paper management, digital file management, and many other areas.


There are also common traits of Professional Organizers. The most important of which is that they are problem solvers, non-judgemental, goal-oriented, and can see through the clutter. They will help the client through the sorting and decision-making process by advising on what to keep and what to let go of.


Organizers are experts with a special set of skills and knowledge in both organizing and setting up systems. They are trustworthy, respectful, and there to help create order either in person with you or collaborating virtually. They also have a special skill set to see past the clutter and help to create the desired organized space. Continue reading to learn about the different services you may require when you go to hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer!



A Productivity Coach + Professional Organizer in One


A Professional Organizer and Productivity Coach creates personalized organizing solutions for the client, making sure that they are able to maintain the systems for years to come. When you hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer you will likely only receive help in areas of their individual expertise. By hiring someone with experience in both areas, you get the best of both worlds!


It is not sufficient to introduce organization to a space without having a system to keep up with it. This is where the expertise of a Productivity Coach compliments the abilities of an Organizer perfectly!


These types of Coaches are accountability partners while you’re going through each phase and truly want the very best for you, your team, and your family. They usually work with clients over many years to help level up, optimize, and maintain the organizing systems as life is not stagnant and things will always keep coming in. We all know how busy life can get!


A Productivity Coach works with you either in person or virtually and is an expert in several of these key areas: 

    • Time management
    • Project planning and prioritizing
    • Paper and digital file organizing
    • Calendar and to-do list balancing
    • Email systems and management
    • Systems and processes for businesses
    • Organizing Projects
    • And so much more!


Hiring a Professional: 7 Signs to Get Outside Help


Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons that may drive someone to hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer, or a combination of both:


  1. Overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

  • This is the #1 reason people call me!
  • Want a fresh perspective, someone who’s non-judgmental, help to overcome the mountain of clutter and chaos
  • Don’t know where to begin decluttering or organizing
  • Analysis Paralysis
  • Stuck in a cycle of → feel depressed or anxious due to the clutter → want to do something about it → beginning → lost motivation before project completion


  1. Don’t know what to keep and what to get rid of.

  • Decision Fatigue (on average, we make over 5000 decisions each day)
  • Lots of sentimental items that are difficult to let go of
  • Quitting within the first 30 minutes from frustration and confusion
  • Don’t know which things you may need later in life
  • Not sure where to donate, recycle, or discard of certain items


  1. Life changes, transitions, or deadlines.

  • First baby on the way or adding an additional member to the family/household
  • Taking care of a loved one
  • Health changes or illness
  • A new job, temporarily not working, or retiring
  • Beginning a new school year
  • Teenagers leaving for college, university, or moving out for the first time
  • A loved one passes away
  • Moving and home renovations (believe it or not THERE IS a deadline, and most leave their panic to the last minute)



→ Ask for help today and minimize the stress in your life! Hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer here.

  1. Shiny Object Syndrome.

  • Buying all the latest trending organizing products with high hopes but lacking action
  • Downloading the latest trending productivity apps but not being consistent with using them
  • Hoping something new will come along to solve their problem but it never does
  • Taking out and enjoying old photos, then realizing they’re spread all over the place and they aren’t sure how to organize them
  • Digital chaos – files and photos spread all over the place physically and digitally (on their phone’s camera roll, Dropbox, Evernote, Reminder apps, Google Drive, Google Photos, Apple Photos) with no system for organizing files and photos


  1. Information overload.

  • Way too many important papers to keep track of (but the clearer that gets, the better organized your workspace and home become!)
  • When they’re taking on too much, saying yes to everyone, and their schedule is beyond full, everything important takes 2nd place and piles up fast
  • The limitations of their existing systems have been met and they need to level them up
  • Getting information organized for their Life Change, Transition, or Deadline
  • A change of job
  • Move to a new home or city
  • Medical condition change
  • How to fit everything they own into a smaller home or micro-condo


  1. Ready to make a lasting change.

  • Have had enough of the way their life currently is and it’s no longer working for them
  • They are open-minded and ready to embrace new habits and organizing skills
  • Wanting to teach their children these life-changing skills that they will utilize in their adult life
  • Longing for personalized systems that work for them


  1. Not having systems in place or routines to follow.

  • Consistently can’t find important things like keys, glasses, wallets, health records, passports
  • Can’t find important digital files
  • Can’t find important business files
  • Email inbox is flooded with 1000s of emails
  • Forgetting and losing track of appointments, events, or important dates



Organizing is less about perfection and more about reducing stress and increasing efficiency. Hiring an organizer saves you time, money, and improves your quality of life.


Are you thinking you want to hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer, but feeling like you need to clean up before you call? Then you need to know this – the help you choose to hire actually BENEFITS from seeing the mess as it naturally is! This is because it helps to see what’s working and what’s not working.


Reach out to an Organizer or Productivity Coach with your concerns! They can answer any questions you may have and help you calm the worry in your mind about what to expect.


Remember, an organized way of living brings peace and calm to your home, office, and life… so as soon as you make that first call, you’re on the right track!




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Q: Does clutter really cost me time, money, and space?


A: Have you tried getting organized before? Maybe you’ve read a how-to book or bought a bunch of organizing products to get started, only to realize that they didn’t fit or work like you thought they would? There’s a reason so many desire to be organized and reduce the clutter in our lives. Consider the emotional cost clutter weighs on you. Financial costs like late fees, buying mistakes, purchasing unnecessary duplicates, misplacing bills, missing important deadlines, monthly storage locker fees, and so on. When you hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer expert, it’s worth the additional cost as they will get the job done faster than you can do it on your own!



Q: What is a Professional Organizer’s process?


A: Each Organizer will have their own way of doing things in their unique organizing process. Are you looking to solve a particular problem or have concerns about working on a certain space? Your best chance to find a Professional Organizer with the skills you need is to talk with a few different providers and ask about their process.


Typically there’s an assessment either done over the phone or in person. Then, an Organizer or Coach shares the next steps, available packages, and an estimated timeline with you before scheduling dates to get started.



Q: What are the fees of a Professional Organizer?


A: Organizers charge for their services either by the hour or on a project-by-project basis. For in-person organization services, they typically have a minimum on-site session of 3 to 4 hours. Professional Organizers may offer a free initial consultation by phone or charge for an initial on-site assessment. To be sure you receive exactly what you are looking for, make sure to ask what’s included in the cost of their service.


Some things to consider regarding the costs of these services are:

  • Will they be working with a team?
  • Do they charge for deskwork at their office?
  • Will they provide product sourcing and pickup services?
  • Do they deal with your consignment and donation items?
  • Will they dispose of any unwanted items or arrange a removal service for you?
  • Do they have a travel fee?
  • Do they purchase products on your behalf?



Q: What hours do Professional Organizers work?


A: Depending on the Professional Organizer in question, most typically work weekdays, some weekends, during the day, and/or evenings. If you work during the day, an Organizer can spend an hour with you making decisions and planning the project, then they will deal with the sorted piles while you are out picking up kids from school, doing errands, or have a meeting to be at. Just know that when you hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer, they should be more than willing to work around your available times!



Q: What are “On-site Organizing Services?”


A: On-site organizing services involve a Professional Organizer coming into your physical home or office to help declutter and optimize your space. These experts work closely with you to develop personalized plans that streamline spaces based on your needs, create easy-to-maintain storage solutions, and enhance the overall serenity of your home or office. Their aim is to transform your chaotic areas into tidy, functional spaces. This makes it easier for you to find what you need and manage your time better. Hiring a Professional Organizer for on-site service is ideal for those facing clutter or time management challenges as it helps you bring your organizing vision to life effectively and reduces your stress.



Q: What are “Virtual Organizing Services?”


A: Experienced Professional Organizers and Productivity Coaches are able to help you create organizing plans of action virtually as well. This service is perfect if you want to implement the plan of action on your own and just need help with a strategy and planning the next action steps. Also, if you live in a remote area, have time constraints, or are looking to work with someone specific who is not otherwise available in your area.


Virtual organizing works best when you are motivated to deal with the sorting process yourself and just want expert guidance and accountability on setting up your own organizing systems. They can also help you source products which will save you a lot of your own time and money! Working with a Professional Organizer or Productivity Coach can help you virtually create personalized organizing systems that will work for you, your family, your business, and your team.





If you find yourself drowning in household clutter, overwhelmed by digital disorganization, or constantly battling against the clock at work, it’s time to reach out for help. There is no shame on either end when you hire a Productivity Coach or Professional Organizer!


Bringing in a Professional Organizer or Productivity Coach can be the key to regaining control of your life. They’ll offer you valuable assistance in creating a plan for getting organized, guide you to avoid costly mistakes, and manage your time for more peace of mind.


If you relate to any of the scenarios we’ve discussed – from major life changes to the never-ending battle with “stuff” – now is the perfect moment to take that important step! Remember, seeking professional guidance is a proactive choice to improve your life. Don’t wait until a crisis strikes; support your future-self today and invest in your own well-being. As soon as you make that call, you’re on the path to a more organized and stress-free life!






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8 Ways to Declutter on a Busy Schedule: Get Organized In One Hour Or Less


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Organizing Products I Don’t Buy

By Blog, Home Office Organization, Simple Living No Comments

It’s not always easy to learn how to pick functional products that last!


In the quest for a well-organized living space, we’ll often invest in and try out many different organizing products to keep things tidy. However, not all products are made with the same level of functionality. Some may even end up causing more harm than good!


As a Professional Organizer with over 20 years of experience, I have seen my fair share of products that don’t function well and can’t stand the test of time. A lot of the time clients will see a pretty bin or a uniquely-shaped turntable and just based on the look of it, they’ll buy it. Only to get home and realize it doesn’t fit in the desired space, may scratch the finishings, or not even work as intended!


Below, I’ll share some of the most commonly bought organization products I see and explain why I avoid them.


We’ll also go over some alternative options that are both highly functional and have a nice appearance, so you can get organized without wasting your time and money!



Organizing Products I Don’t Buy

Over-the-Door Blowdryer Organizer


These organizers may look and sound convenient at first. But in reality, they can cause damage to both the door and the items they hold. If the top piece is too thick the door will also not close.


Hot tools tend to slide around and poke through any gaps, too. And let’s be real – blow dryers, brushes, and curling irons often don’t get neatly wrapped up and put away after each use, a lot of people prefer to quickly put them away and adjust later, if desired.


Functional Alternative: For these reasons, I recommend just storing them in a larger space. Use a large container, bin, or basket that can be neatly tucked away in your cabinet. Or simply store them in a drawer if you have the space. There are many ways to keep these items organized without damaging your door or frame!


Acrylic Makeup Organizer with Small Sections


While these organizers look great initially, they are easy to scratch and not easy to clean. This leads them to get very grimy with makeup and dusty over time. To clean the acrylic, you will need a special acrylic cleaner or soap and water, but the latter runs the risk of it drying with streaks.


Functional Alternative: To avoid wasting money on replacements, opt for drawer organizers with fewer and larger sections made from materials that are easier to clean. Even better, look for models with the flexibility to move the dividers around yourself.


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Drawer Dividers for Clothes


Drawer dividers with fixed, unadjustable sections are just not functional and can cause daily friction in the long term. They won’t accommodate changing storage needs or different sizes of item groupings inside the drawer.


Functional Alternative: Use expanding drawer dividers instead. These will fit in most drawers around your home and can be moved around really easily. Or if you prefer a more contained look, try organizers that offer adjustable sections. The goal here is to ensure your clothes stay both organized and easily accessible.


Stacking T-Shirt Organizer


Stacking shirt organizers may look easy and appealing, but they are often just the opposite. They will slide all over the place and require a lot of effort to fold and fit back inside the organizer. This makes it challenging to keep the shirts inside neatly.


Functional Alternative: Instead, consider folding and stacking your t-shirts vertically on a shelf. If you want to keep them in containers, file fold them in a drawer or large bins inside a drawer or on a shelf. Another great idea to keep them from falling over if you’ve got a large collection is to use sweater dividers. This method allows for clear visibility of your collection and makes it more approachable to put away freshly done laundry. For kids’ t-shirts, I recommend file folding them in a drawer or large container. This is easier for them to see what they have and put them back on their own, even if not perfectly folded. 


T-Shirt Folder


If you really want to have every shirt perfectly folded and have the time to do this, then by all means, go for it! But let me tell you about most households that I’ve organized over the past two decades… Laundry is often piled up to be done and more is waiting to get folded and put away. Good intentions just don’t cut it in reality! I’m all about simplifying life, making things functional, and having a “good enough” attitude vs. trying to attain a perfect standard.


Functional Alternative: If you really want to use a folding device, get a larger one with more flaps for folding. This way you can use it for all clothing items and not just tops. It could also be a fun way to get the kids to help out with laundry! Test it and let me know 6 months later how it’s going 😉


Office Drawer Organizer


White or light-colored drawer organizers may look sleek, but they tend to get dirty quickly and are challenging to clean. Additionally, organizers with large and non-customizable sections may not suit your specific storage needs. To make a functional purchase, declutter the drawer first, plan where items will go, take measurements, and then invest in drawer organizers of various sizes that can fit well together.


I’m all for drawer organizers, but they need to be highly functional and easy to clean! White or light-colored drawer organizers may look sleek, but they tend to get marked up quickly. The sections in a lot of these organizers are often too large to sort items into groups and are not customizable.


Functional Alternative: Before you go shopping, save yourself the hassle of returns by decluttering the drawer first. Then lay out where you want the remaining items to go, measure the drawer, and take a photo. Once you’ve done that, you can go shopping! Look for drawer organizers of different sizes so you can make a square or rectangle with them in the drawer. They won’t slide around when they fit comfortably in a grid. Choose organizers with small sections.




Investing in functional organizing products can be a game-changer in maintaining an organized home or office!


However, it’s crucial to avoid products that don’t function well or stand up to the test of time. By steering clear of products that won’t perfectly serve their desired purpose, you can save both time and money.


Consider swapping for these functional alternatives and you’ll achieve a clutter-free, beautiful, and calm environment. Enhance your overall organization and productivity today. Enjoy!






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Get Organized at Home Without Plastic!



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Get Organized at Home Without Plastic!

By Blog, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing 4 Comments


Is it possible to get organized without plastic?


It’s not just possible, but actually easy to get organized at home without plastic!


Today it’s easier than ever to find sustainable, eco-friendly organizing products. With more and more people seeking alternative materials, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find something that fits your style!


Why is plastic bad for the environment?


I’m going to be honest… being able to see through clear, plastic containers can make it easier to find items. We still install plastic products at a client’s request because they do function well and last for many years.


However, there are a lot of newer products on the market that weren’t available just a few years back! We are definitely hearing more and more from clients that they would prefer having a plastic-free home. So we are using a lot of natural wood products that are just as functional and last for many years, too. These are perfect for giving your home or office a touch of natural elements with the warm and welcoming feel many are looking for!


A couple of things to keep in mind are that solid wood can be heavy and lighter, softer woods tend to dent easier. So we like to use a mix of natural products to suit our client’s needs and preferences.


To combat the over-consumption of plastic, I’ve spent a lot of time sourcing eco-friendly products for on-site clients. I always do my best to find equally functional, stylish, and sustainable options!


Below, I’m sharing some of my favorite storage solutions so you can get organized without plastic. Let’s get right into it!




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Get Organized at Home Without Plastic


Remember, the most sustainable option is to shop your home first!


Make sure you actually need more containers before grabbing any of the ones listed below. Organize with what you have for now, then measure your space and purchase anything you still need. Then you can get organized without plastic using all these pretty, sustainable products to fill in the gaps!



1. YAMAZAKI Home Storage Basket with Dual Handle

Use this simple yet stylish basket to organize almost anything! Yamazaki’s triple powder-coated steel is matte and water-repellant. The bamboo handles warmly complement any room and allow for easy carrying. Use it to store pantry snacks, bedside slippers, or even larger office supplies. Cleans easily with light soap and a damp cloth, making this basket a great option to get organized without plastic.


2. Cotton Rope Basket with Handle

This woven rope storage basket is made entirely of cotton. This ensures it is soft with no sharp edges – a great choice for kids and babies! This bin is perfect for all things baby; toys, diapers, clothes, wipes, bibs, soiled laundry, changing pads, burp cloths, and more. These baskets are made of good material, so you can throw them in the washing machine!


3. Bamboo Adjustable Drawer Dividers

This is my favorite kitchen product for getting organized without any plastic. You can use these bamboo dividers to create sections in the drawers of your kitchen, bathroom, dresser, and even office. Spring tension holds each drawer divider into place. Easily adjust or remove them to change up the space. Both ends have protective pads so they won’t scratch the insides of your drawers either.


4. 2-Tier Cabinet Organizer

These smooth-running drawers work well in any irregularly shaped under-the-sink space. No need to worry about scratching or marking any part of them as they are metal and items also won’t fall through the small mesh. Use these sliding baskets in any place you want to store bulkier things like in kitchens, offices, bathrooms, garages, etc.


5. Wood Cutlery Drawer Insert

Organize your kitchen drawers with my secret weapon for creating an IG-worthy kitchen… the wooden cutlery organizer! This clutter solution requires a simple drop-in installation and may be trimmed to fit various drawer sizes. It’s made with one of three classic hardwoods and has a UV-cured, clear finish. I recommend this over those extendable bamboo ones. They tend to dry out and crack with time. So to get organized without plastic, solid wood is a great option.


6. Anchor Hocking Montana Jars

The large mouth openings on these Acacia-lidded jars allow for easy scooping, making them an ideal place to store bulk ingredients! I love these jars’ tight fit around the lid for air-tight storage and less food waste. They are also dishwasher safe. The chic design makes it hard to keep these jars away in a pantry – I often use them for display on counters, too!


7. Betrome 48pc Square Glass Spice Jars

Uniform spice jars always upgrade the look of a kitchen. These lead-free, square glass jars are easy to grip. They also come with silver metal lids and customizable waterproof labels. The metal caps help your herbs stay fresher for longer!


8. Kitchen Wire Baskets

If you like to see the contents of your bins, these steel wire baskets are the right selection for you! They have a durable rust-resistant finish and built-in side handles. This makes it convenient to pull the basket down from a shelf, out of cabinets, or wherever you choose to store it. To clean them, simply just wipe them with a damp cloth.


9. IKEA KVISSLE Letter In-Tray

This steel letter tray uses the power of vertical storage to save space on your desk. The pull-out compartments give easy access to papers and have a non-slip cork lining to keep everything stationary as they’re being pulled out. I personally love the clean look of white metal and cork. This can fit just as well in the office as it can at home when you are trying to get organized without plastic.


10. Linen File Box

These versatile, stylish file boxes fit both letter and legal-size files. I use these file boxes frequently when working on-site with clients to organize their home offices. They’re a great alternative to plastic and chunky metal filing cabinets. I love the built-in handles that make it easy to carry and one other big bonus – it even collapses down for easier storage when not in use!


11. Desktop Storage Baskets, Set of 2

Next up we have these high-quality, delicately handmade wooden storage baskets. Made of eco-friendly, sturdy wooden chips, these gorgeous baskets are featherlight and easy to carry. These are more delicate than some of the other options above, so I recommend using them for gentler items like books, toys, or pantry items. They also work great for adding a touch of natural elements to your home’s decor!


12. Graf Lantz Modern Desk Pad Felt

Use this soft wool felt desk pad to get organized without plastic and protect the surface of your desk. Merino sheep are prized for their wool’s strength, flexibility, and moisture-wicking capability! These pads are very low maintenance. Hand wash or dry clean them, and flat iron if necessary. This product is built to last!



These are just a few great alternatives to get organized without plastic in your home! By opting for non-plastic organizing products, we can collectively make a huge impact on our planet.


Getting organized at home without plastic is incredibly important for the health of our planet. So, let’s make a conscious choice together to embrace stylish and sustainable options, and create a greener future for the next generation!


Which room in your home will you start swapping for sustainable products in? Comment below!






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Ultimate Guide: My Kitchen Organizing Process





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