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3 Tips for an Efficient Work Schedule

By Blog, Business Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

While having an organized office is essential for keeping things running smoothly, making sure you spend your time well is also vital to a successful work day.


Here are 3 tips for an efficient work schedule to help you make sure that your time is spent wisely:

Tip # 1: Start Your Day with a Plan

One of the biggest time wasters for most people is figuring out what to do, and when, during the day. Minutes are often wasted trying to determine the difference between what is more important and what can be shelved for a later time. Why not take a few minutes at the beginning of your day and write out a loose schedule or “to-do” list? By setting a schedule, you’ll be able to quickly see what is important, what can be delegated, and if you have the ability to deal with “surprises” that will undoubtedly come up during the day.

Tip # 2: Designate Time for Email and Phone

One of the biggest setbacks for time efficiency when running a home office is multi-tasking. Taking a break every few moments to check emails or phone messages often eats up valuable time that could be spent perfecting your next service or project. Instead of jumping at every notification bell or dashing off to make that phone call to a client, designate specific times during your work day to communicate with the outside world. Not only will you get more accomplished by focusing on communication for those 15 minutes or so, but your clients will note that you took the time to respond to them, and that you made sure that there was enough time to address their needs.

Tip # 3: Take Breaks

Despite what you may have thought, working a straight eight hours without a break doesn’t make you more dedicated, more productive, or a better business owner. The only thing that working without a break accomplishes is making you tired, irritable, and actually less productive. So in your daily schedule make sure you schedule a few moments to get up, walk around, stretch, and take a break. It only has to be a few minutes at a time, and you’ll be surprised at the effect it has on your day!

Tip #4: Break the Project Down

If you’re working on a big project for a client, it is often better to break it down into a number of mini-projects that lead to the overall goal. Not only does this make it easier to handle, but it helps to keep you on track when distractions come your way. Think of it this way – you wouldn’t try to make a four-course meal all at the same time, would you? No, you’d concentrate on each individual part, and then bring them together at the time of serving. Use the same idea when you’re tackling that project.


What do you struggle with most when it comes to keeping productive on a workday? Comment below!




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Organizing Your Action Files

By Announcements, Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, IABO Weekly News, Organizing Paper Files, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources, Videos No Comments

action filesSometimes paper piles up all over the kitchen counters and the top of the desk.  Have you every found yourself in a panic searching for your hotel or flight information at the last minute?  You know it is there somewhere in the piles of paper but where is it?

Or maybe you have an invitation to one of your kids birthday parties or tickets to a concert.  Where did you put it?

Having one place to keep important information or quick reference is key, whether you have a business or not.  Take a few minutes to watch this video I prepared for you and then let’s get your Action Files set up today!

The simple organizing solution this week will clean the papers off the top of your desk and kitchen counters! Today’s S.O.S. e-Tip organizing strategy that I have for you is how to Organize Your Action Files so important papers are at your fingertips.


Take a before and after picture and post it to our Facebook page.  If you have any questions, leave a comment on Facebook and I am happy to answer!

To your success and organized Action files!

Simple Organizing Tips – Create a Year End Tax Checklist

By Blog, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments


Create a Checklist!

Every year you gather the same papers to get ready for preparation of your tax return.  Simplify your life and dramatically reduce stress by creating a simple checklist of the papers you need to gather together and any info that you need to have at your fingertips.  Type it in a Word document, print it and file in a file called “Year End Tax Checklist.”  You’ll use this year after year!


Do you have a tax checklist?