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What is the Average Amount of Time We REALLY Spend at Home?

By Blog, Expert Articles, Photos, Time Management No Comments

Fall has sure come fast this year!


I swear just yesterday it was shorts season. And now I’m layering up more and more each day! ⛄ Brr!


As our last leaves dance their way down, I can’t help but think about when we’ll be seeing the first snowflakes. But don’t get me wrong – I am not looking forward to the piles and piles we’ll be shoveling again!


Aside from pushing around all that white stuff, I think I’ll be spending my time mostly indoors. Sure I love a good walk here and there during the winter, visiting friends around the city, and a few weekend getaway trips. However when it’s rainy and chilly outside, even these favourites make me want to stay indoors!


I would much rather cuddle up with a good book, a matcha tea latte, and positive energy than brave the chilly weather.


Take a moment to think about what you have been trying to do consistently or focus on improving in your life. This is a great way to figure out what your winter project may be and to set some goals in advance!

FREE Download: Fall Cleaning Checklist 🍂


Photo projects are a great winter task to tackle. As is pairing down on memorabilia, since they don’t require many supplies other than maybe a photo album if your photos are not digital!


I believe in you and I know you can do this! It’s not easy to start, but once you get through decluttering one shelf or check off a few To-Do’s, you get momentum.


With all of this extra time spent inside, it becomes so important that we love our spaces 🤍 I, for one, would not like to be cramped up in a cluttered home with little to no opportunity of regular daily escapes. I love having a vibrant, comfortable home to welcome me during the colder months.


Which is why I spend much of my leisure time improving systems around my home and doing regular clutter checks in hot spot areas I know can accumulate clutter easily.


For those of us who work from home, keeping up with clutter is vital. We normally spend (aside from the time spent sleeping) 62% of our time at home. That equals almost 10 hours each day! This leads me to believe that we need to curate our homes to maintain a healthy, productive atmosphere for ourselves, but more importantly, for our families.

In this time period we are also seeing more of what is called the Indoor Generation.” This title refers to the growing number of people who are spending the vast majority of their time indoors.


From one study, Canadians estimated we spent 68% of our time indoors*… but in reality, it is actually 90% spent indoorsoften without enough daylight or fresh air.

*Indoors referring not only to the home. This includes other buildings, enclosed methods of transportation, etc.


If that isn’t a scary enough statistic for you, listen to this: Children who spend this much time indoors will be more susceptible to asthma, allergies, and other breathing issues over time. A whopping 40% more likely than their outdoorsy counterparts.



This is exactly why it is of utter importance to be on top of cleaning and decluttering regularly 👍🏼 This doesn’t mean we need to be doing chores in every moment of free time, but rather choosing joy in the process of decluttering and organizing to make it enjoyable! Without this self-discipline we would actually be putting our health at a big risk. Since we are blessed to live somewhere in this world where we are able to keep our homes safe and clean, why would we neglect to do so?


Now that you know we will be spending much more time inside… would you like to know exactly how much more? 🤔 Here is the breakdown of the differences in activities for the winter months:



❄️ November

This first real month of winter (for most of us) is where we begin to see an increase for time spent inside. November coaxes us to watch TV and Netflix 6% more than the preceding 8 months. Our socializing is also down -2% as we adjust to spending more time indoors.


🤍 December

Did you know December is the runner-up to July for spending the most time with family and friends? This makes sense with the various holidays landing in these 31 days… but would you have guessed it’s up by 15%?? It also takes the number one spot as the month we spend the most time cooking; an additional 8%!


📺 January

January takes the prize for the most time we spend watching TV and Netflixwith a shocking 13% increase. This is made possible because we cut down on social interactions by about -12%. And as the holiday buzz simmers down, our patience for cooking does as well. This drops to only a 1% step above the majority of a year’s months.

I hope these statistics shocked you into wanting to be organized and highly productive as they did for me!

Which stat wow-ed you the most? And what goals will you set for this winter season?? Comment below!






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7 Psychological Benefits of an Organized Home

How to Stay Motivated to Organize Anything

By Blog, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Are you growing tired of reorganizing your closet, kitchen, or desk drawers over and over again?

Or not sure where to begin with your closet purge?

Well here’s the truth…


You don’t actually need to be organizing every day of the week.


There, now quit the self guilt!

Organizing a room is the same as any other project you take on. Every project has a beginning and an end, with some scheduled steps in-between. It’s that easy.

One of the most asked questions I hear from friends and clients is “how can I motivate myself to organize the house?” The runner-ups are how to stay motivated, avoid procrastinating, and stop feeling guilty when “stuff” keeps piling up.

Well, we’re all busy these days and being pulled in many directions! Sometimes it’s our own fault for saying yes when we really want to say no, and the result of this is too much to do and not enough time to get it done. Which can make us feel resentful, frustrated, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.

Enough Already

If the piles of clutter are driving you crazy and you’re drained from looking at the mess, it’s a sign that you’re causing yourself a lot of unnecessary stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. The physical clutter is also keeping your mind cluttered.

When you keep your whole to-do list and all of your dreams, goals, and projects in your head, you will begin to feel overwhelmed and therefore unmotivated. And worse yet – you won’t be able to see the steps you’ve taken toward your organizing project!

Measuring your progress is critical to your organizing success and motivation!

The key to getting and staying motivated with your organizing project is to not skip the first step in the organizing process. You need to see the progress as it happens. There have been times when I’ve glazed over this step and have not written it down on paper. And consequently, I have lost all interest and moved onto the next exciting idea because it just sounds much better. Don’t fall into the trap of the bright, shiny object syndrome or starting lots of different organizing projects at once.

First Step to Organizing Anything

The first step to getting organized is creating a visual of what you want your newly organized space to look like. You need to get it out of your head and onto real paper. Print a photo or cut out a magazine image of what you want the space to look like and write out a few words that describe how you want your space to look, smell, or feel. (Need some inspo? Check out our Pinterest!) For example,

“My bedroom is my sanctuary.”

“The family room is clutter-free and it is pleasant to have guests over.”

“Preparing meals is a breeze.”

“I love walking into my office to a clean desk every morning.”

“I can quickly find any papers when I need them.”

“My computer files are fast to retrieve.”

Using an image makes the project even more motivating because you can see it throughout the whole process and it also helps your brain to stay focused on the goal.

If you’re someone who thinks everything needs to be stored inside your brain or computer – give your mind a break, go get out your colored felt pens and a piece of paper and just be creative for 10 minutes. Most of us are visual and love pen-to-paper time. So go for it and draw or write down what your organizing goal is. Now!

Next, post the visual organizing goal on a wall, fridge, or somewhere you will see it every day. Every time you look at your organizing goal, you’ll be inspired and motivated to take the next action step!

Download "Brain Dump" Exercise

Chunking Down Your Projects

The next step is writing down all the action steps that you or someone else needs to do to get your organizing project complete. Type it out or write on paper, either way is ok. Just get it out of your head so organizing your chosen space isn’t going to be overwhelming.

To increase your motivation and really get inspired, estimate how long you think each action step will take; 10 minutes, 20, 45, 60, etc. Chunking your project down into bite-sized action steps increases your success rate and will keep you motivated because you will actually see the progress as your list gets crossed off!

Next, schedule three action steps in your calendar and make sure you hold yourself to these appointments. Don’t be afraid to enlist a friend to hold you accountable if you need a little extra push!

If something more interesting comes up and you’re about to ditch your 20 minute organizing session, look at your visual organizing goal and ask yourself if it’s worth procrastinating and putting it off. If the answer is yes, reschedule your 20 minute session. And if you’re too tired to stick to your schedule, decide to take 10 minutes now and do it anyways! You’ll feel less guilty (and actually more motivated!) because you’ve done something to move your organizing project forward.

Getting Organized Does Not = Perfection

Let go of all thoughts perfectionism. Organizing isn’t about having everything perfect all the time! Start by aiming for easy to access and easy to put away.

No Cookie Cutter Solutions

And one last piece of wisdom for staying motivated with your organizing projects: “There is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting organized, and no cookie cutter solutions here at Simply Productive. Because one size does not fit all. There are key foundational organizing principles you need to know, yes, but then organizing systems and processes are personalized so they work for you!”

My intention is to inspire, educate, and teach you about creating organizing systems and processes that work for your home and workspace. So you have less stress and more free time for what’s important to you!

Now go and create your organizing goals right away, and post them in the comments section below!





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3 Tips for an Efficient Work Schedule

By Blog, Business Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips, Time Management No Comments

While having an organized office is essential for keeping things running smoothly, making sure you spend your time well is also vital to a successful work day.


Here are 3 tips for an efficient work schedule to help you make sure that your time is spent wisely:

Tip # 1: Start Your Day with a Plan

One of the biggest time wasters for most people is figuring out what to do, and when, during the day. Minutes are often wasted trying to determine the difference between what is more important and what can be shelved for a later time. Why not take a few minutes at the beginning of your day and write out a loose schedule or “to-do” list? By setting a schedule, you’ll be able to quickly see what is important, what can be delegated, and if you have the ability to deal with “surprises” that will undoubtedly come up during the day.

Tip # 2: Designate Time for Email and Phone

One of the biggest setbacks for time efficiency when running a home office is multi-tasking. Taking a break every few moments to check emails or phone messages often eats up valuable time that could be spent perfecting your next service or project. Instead of jumping at every notification bell or dashing off to make that phone call to a client, designate specific times during your work day to communicate with the outside world. Not only will you get more accomplished by focusing on communication for those 15 minutes or so, but your clients will note that you took the time to respond to them, and that you made sure that there was enough time to address their needs.

Tip # 3: Take Breaks

Despite what you may have thought, working a straight eight hours without a break doesn’t make you more dedicated, more productive, or a better business owner. The only thing that working without a break accomplishes is making you tired, irritable, and actually less productive. So in your daily schedule make sure you schedule a few moments to get up, walk around, stretch, and take a break. It only has to be a few minutes at a time, and you’ll be surprised at the effect it has on your day!

Tip #4: Break the Project Down

If you’re working on a big project for a client, it is often better to break it down into a number of mini-projects that lead to the overall goal. Not only does this make it easier to handle, but it helps to keep you on track when distractions come your way. Think of it this way – you wouldn’t try to make a four-course meal all at the same time, would you? No, you’d concentrate on each individual part, and then bring them together at the time of serving. Use the same idea when you’re tackling that project.


What do you struggle with most when it comes to keeping productive on a workday? Comment below!




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